# Deploying Concourse on Google Compute Engine This guide describes how to deploy [Concourse](http://concourse.ci/) on [Google Compute Engine](https://cloud.google.com/) using BOSH. You will deploy a BOSH director as part of these instructions. ## Prerequisites * You must have the `terraform` CLI installed on your workstation. See [Download Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html) for more details. * You must have the `gcloud` CLI installed on your workstation. See [cloud.google.com/sdk](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/). ### Setup your workstation 1. Set your project ID: ``` export projectid=REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PROJECT_ID ``` 1. Export your preferred compute region and zone: ``` export region=us-east1 export zone=us-east1-c export zone2=us-east1-d ``` 1. Configure `gcloud` with a user who is an owner of the project: ``` gcloud auth login gcloud config set project ${projectid} gcloud config set compute/zone ${zone} gcloud config set compute/region ${region} ``` 1. Create a service account and key: ``` gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform-bosh gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /tmp/terraform-bosh.key.json \ --iam-account terraform-bosh@${projectid}.iam.gserviceaccount.com ``` 1. Grant the new service account editor access to your project: ``` gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${projectid} \ --member serviceAccount:terraform-bosh@${projectid}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --role roles/editor ``` 1. Make your service account's key available in an environment variable to be used by `terraform`: ``` export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat /tmp/terraform-bosh.key.json) ``` ### Create required infrastructure with Terraform 1. Download [main.tf](main.tf) and [concourse.tf](concourse.tf) from this repository. 1. In a terminal from the same directory where the 2 `.tf` files are located, view the Terraform execution plan to see the resources that will be created: ``` terraform plan -var projectid=${projectid} -var region=${region} -var zone-1=${zone} -var zone-2=${zone2} ``` 1. Create the resources: ``` terraform apply -var projectid=${projectid} -var region=${region} -var zone-1=${zone} -var zone-2=${zone2} ``` ### Deploy a BOSH Director 1. SSH to the bastion VM you created in the previous step. All SSH commands after this should be run from the VM: ``` gcloud compute ssh bosh-bastion-concourse ``` 1. Configure `gcloud` to use the correct zone, region, and project: ``` zone=$(curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/zone) export zone=${zone##*/} export region=${zone%-*} gcloud config set compute/zone ${zone} gcloud config set compute/region ${region} export project_id=`curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/project/project-id` ``` 1. Explicitly set your secondary zone: ``` export zone2=us-east1-d ``` 1. Create a **password-less** SSH key: ``` ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/bosh -C bosh ``` 1. Run this `export` command to set the full path of the SSH private key you created earlier: ``` export ssh_key_path=$HOME/.ssh/bosh ``` 1. Navigate to your [project's web console](https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/metadata/sshKeys) and add the new SSH public key by pasting the contents of ~/.ssh/bosh.pub: ![](../img/add-ssh.png) > **Important:** The username field should auto-populate the value `bosh` after you paste the public key. If it does not, be sure there are no newlines or carriage returns being pasted; the value you paste should be a single line. 1. Confirm that `bosh-init` is installed by querying its version: ``` bosh-init -v ``` 1. Create and `cd` to a directory: ``` mkdir google-bosh-director cd google-bosh-director ``` 1. Use `vim` or `nano` to create a BOSH Director deployment manifest named `manifest.yml.erb`: ``` --- <% ['region', 'project_id', 'zone', 'ssh_key_path'].each do |val| if ENV[val].nil? || ENV[val].empty? raise "Missing environment variable: #{val}" end end region = ENV['region'] project_id = ENV['project_id'] zone = ENV['zone'] ssh_key_path = ENV['ssh_key_path'] %> name: bosh releases: - name: bosh url: https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh?v=260.1 sha1: 7fb8e99e28b67df6604e97ef061c5425460518d3 - name: bosh-google-cpi url: https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/bosh-google-cpi-release?v=25.6.2 sha1: b4865397d867655fdcc112bc5a7f9a5025cdf311 resource_pools: - name: vms network: private stemcell: url: https://bosh.io/d/stemcells/bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent?v=3312.12 sha1: 3a2c407be6c1b3d04bb292ceb5007159100c85d7 cloud_properties: zone: <%=zone %> machine_type: n1-standard-4 root_disk_size_gb: 40 root_disk_type: pd-standard service_scopes: - compute - devstorage.full_control disk_pools: - name: disks disk_size: 32_768 cloud_properties: type: pd-standard networks: - name: vip type: vip - name: private type: manual subnets: - range: gateway: static: [] cloud_properties: network_name: concourse subnetwork_name: bosh-concourse-<%=region %> ephemeral_external_ip: true tags: - bosh-internal jobs: - name: bosh instances: 1 templates: - name: nats release: bosh - name: postgres release: bosh - name: powerdns release: bosh - name: blobstore release: bosh - name: director release: bosh - name: health_monitor release: bosh - name: google_cpi release: bosh-google-cpi resource_pool: vms persistent_disk_pool: disks networks: - name: private static_ips: [] default: - dns - gateway properties: nats: address: user: nats password: nats-password postgres: &db listen_address: host: user: postgres password: postgres-password database: bosh adapter: postgres dns: address: domain_name: microbosh db: *db recursor: blobstore: address: port: 25250 provider: dav director: user: director password: director-password agent: user: agent password: agent-password director: address: name: micro-google db: *db cpi_job: google_cpi user_management: provider: local local: users: - name: admin password: admin - name: hm password: hm-password hm: director_account: user: hm password: hm-password resurrector_enabled: true google: &google_properties project: <%=project_id %> agent: mbus: nats://nats:nats-password@ ntp: *ntp blobstore: options: endpoint: user: agent password: agent-password ntp: &ntp - cloud_provider: template: name: google_cpi release: bosh-google-cpi ssh_tunnel: host: port: 22 user: bosh private_key: <%=ssh_key_path %> mbus: https://mbus:mbus-password@ properties: google: *google_properties agent: {mbus: "https://mbus:mbus-password@"} blobstore: {provider: local, path: /var/vcap/micro_bosh/data/cache} ntp: *ntp ``` 1. Fill in the template values of the manifest with your environment variables: ``` erb manifest.yml.erb > manifest.yml ``` 1. Deploy the new manifest to create a BOSH Director: ``` bosh-init deploy manifest.yml ``` 1. Target your BOSH environment: ``` bosh target ``` Your username is `admin` and password is `admin`. ### Deploy Concourse Complete the following steps from your bastion instance. 1. Upload the required [Google BOSH Stemcell](http://bosh.io/docs/stemcell.html): ``` bosh upload stemcell https://bosh.io/d/stemcells/bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent?v=3263.8 ``` 1. Upload the required [BOSH Releases](http://bosh.io/docs/release.html): ``` bosh upload release https://bosh.io/d/github.com/concourse/concourse?v=2.5.0 bosh upload release https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/garden-runc-release?v=1.0.3 ``` 1. Download the [cloud-config.yml](cloud-config.yml) manifest file. 1. Download the [concourse.yml](concourse.yml) manifest file and set a few environment variables: ``` export external_ip=`gcloud compute addresses describe concourse | grep ^address: | cut -f2 -d' '` export director_uuid=`bosh status --uuid 2>/dev/null` ``` 1. Chose unique passwords for internal services and ATC and export them ``` export common_password= export atc_password= ``` 1. (Optional) Enable https support for concourse atc In `concourse.yml` under the atc properties block fill in the following fields: ``` tls_bind_port: 443 tls_cert: << SSL Cert for HTTPS >> tls_key: << SSL Private Key >> ``` 1. Upload the cloud config: ``` bosh update cloud-config cloud-config.yml ``` 1. Target the deployment file and deploy: ``` bosh deployment concourse.yml bosh deploy ```