define 'aura/extensions/states', ['application/states'], (states) -> 'use strict' (application) -> core = application.core logger = application.logger mediator = core.mediator _ = core.util._ state = current: 'default' list: [] previous: null change: (transition) -> if state.current != from = core.state to = if == 'previous' then state.previous else state.previous = state.current state.current = to mediator.emit 'state.changed', to: to, from: from else mediator.emit 'state.errored', to:, message: 'Application already in this state!' changed: (transition) -> core.dom.find('html').addClass( # Set default intial state core.dom.find('html').addClass state.current # Application flow control flow = changed: (transition) -> widget_configurations = states[] if widget_configurations widgets = [] for name, options of widget_configurations widgets.push name: || name options: options delete # TODO update aura and use native start method core.inject(widgets).fail flow.failed delete states[] failed: (exception) -> logger.error "states.flow.failed: Failed autostarting widget #{@} \n Message: #{exception.message}", exception version: '0.2.0' initialize: (application) -> mediator.on 'state.change' , state.change mediator.on 'state.changed', state.changed # TODO load widgets before state.changed, load on state.change mediator.on 'state.changed', flow.changed # TODO store meta information about application states # application.states = Object.keys states Object.defineProperty core, 'state', set: (to) -> console.warn 'Changing state through the core object is no longer supported. Use application.state = \"other_state\" instead.' state.change to: to get: -> console.warn 'Getting state through the core object is no longer supported. Use application.state instead.' state.current Object.defineProperty application, 'state', set: (to) -> state.change to: to get: -> state.current