=== 2.0.20 2020-10-05 * 1 major enhancements: * Add support for Beanie::Session object === 2.0.19 2020-05-28 * 2 major enhancements: * Add { opts } param for all nested methods, so you can include headers such as the Connected Octobat Account ID in subrequests * Add support for CreditNote#cancel endpoint === 2.0.18 2020-05-25 * 3 major enhancements: * Add support for multipart encoder (file upload) * Add support for File API endpoints * Add support for Reporting API endpoints === 2.0.17 2020-04-27 * 1 minor enhancement: * Update Order API endpoints === 2.0.16 2020-03-20 * 1 major enhancement: * Add TaxId resource === 2.0.15 2019-09-10 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add Setup Intent statuses support for Orders === 2.0.14 2019-07-24 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add Order === 2.0.13 2019-05-20 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add ProformaInvoices === 2.0.11 2018-04-10 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add CSV exports for payouts === 2.0.10 2018-03-08 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add Tax Evidences Requests for supplier & customer data === 2.0.9 2017-10-02 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add PDF exports for credit notes === 2.0.8 2017-06-08 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add CSV exports for transactions === 2.0.7 2017-05-30 * 1 minor enhancement: * Fixbug on credit notes items === 2.0.6 2017-05-29 * 1 minor enhancement: * Fixbug on List to single resource, add headers & params === 2.0.5 2017-05-29 * 1 minor enhancement: * Balance transactions belong to payouts === 2.0.4 2017-05-26 * 2 minor enhancement: * Manage different API versions * Add endpoint for payouts & balance transactions === 2.0.3 2017-04-12 * 1 minor enhancement: * Delete customers === 2.0.1 2017-02-13 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add confirmation date as an option for invoices & credit notes === 2.0.0 2017-01-23 * 1 major enhancement: * Bump to Octobat v2 API endpoint === 0.0.12 2016-04-13 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add pagination helpers === 0.0.9 2016-04-13 * 1 major enhancement * Can initialize Octobat Objects without persistence, and save them later with save method === 0.0.8 2016-02-04 * 3 minor enhancements: * Add the draft invoices feature, refactoring invoices#create to create only draft invoices * Add invoices#confirm to confirm draft invoices and insert them into the numbering sequence * Add invoice_items#create for creating invoice items === 0.0.6 2015-10-13 * 2 minor enhancements: * Add invoices#update for non already-sent invoices * Add invoices#send to make the email sending programmable === 0.0.5 2015-07-21 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add invoices#all customer filter and Customer.invoices method === 0.0.12 2016-04-13 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add pagination helpers === 0.0.9 2016-04-13 * 1 major enhancement * Can initialize Octobat Objects without persistence, and save them later with save method === 0.0.8 2016-02-04 * 3 minor enhancements: * Add the draft invoices feature, refactoring invoices#create to create only draft invoices * Add invoices#confirm to confirm draft invoices and insert them into the numbering sequence * Add invoice_items#create for creating invoice items === 0.0.6 2015-10-13 * 2 minor enhancements: * Add invoices#update for non already-sent invoices * Add invoices#send to make the email sending programmable === 0.0.5 2015-07-21 * 1 minor enhancement: * Add invoices#all customer filter and Customer.invoices method === 0.0.1 2015-02-06 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release