-- retry(0, jid, queue, worker, now, [delay]) -- ------------------------------------------ -- This script accepts jid, queue, worker and delay for -- retrying a job. This is similar in functionality to -- `put`, except that this counts against the retries -- a job has for a stage. -- -- If the worker is not the worker with a lock on the job, -- then it returns false. If the job is not actually running, -- then it returns false. Otherwise, it returns the number -- of retries remaining. If the allowed retries have been -- exhausted, then it is automatically failed, and a negative -- number is returned. if #KEYS ~= 0 then error('Retry(): Got ' .. #KEYS .. ', expected 0') end local jid = assert(ARGV[1] , 'Retry(): Arg "jid" missing') local queue = assert(ARGV[2] , 'Retry(): Arg "queue" missing') local worker = assert(ARGV[3] , 'Retry(): Arg "worker" missing') local now = assert(tonumber(ARGV[4]) , 'Retry(): Arg "now" missing') local delay = assert(tonumber(ARGV[5] or 0), 'Retry(): Arg "delay" not a number: ' .. tostring(ARGV[5])) -- Let's see what the old priority, history and tags were local oldqueue, state, retries, oldworker, priority = unpack(redis.call('hmget', 'ql:j:' .. jid, 'queue', 'state', 'retries', 'worker', 'priority')) -- If this isn't the worker that owns if oldworker ~= worker or (state ~= 'running') then return false end -- Remove it from the locks key of the old queue redis.call('zrem', 'ql:q:' .. oldqueue .. '-locks', jid) local remaining = redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:j:' .. jid, 'remaining', -1) -- Remove this job from the worker that was previously working it redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', jid) if remaining < 0 then -- Now remove the instance from the schedule, and work queues for the queue it's in local group = 'failed-retries-' .. queue -- First things first, we should get the history local history = redis.call('hget', 'ql:j:' .. jid, 'history') -- Now, take the element of the history for which our provided worker is the worker, and update 'failed' history = cjson.decode(history or '[]') history[#history]['failed'] = now redis.call('hmset', 'ql:j:' .. jid, 'state', 'failed', 'worker', '', 'expires', '', 'history', cjson.encode(history), 'failure', cjson.encode({ ['group'] = group, ['message'] = 'Job exhausted retries in queue "' .. queue .. '"', ['when'] = now, ['worker'] = worker })) -- Add this type of failure to the list of failures redis.call('sadd', 'ql:failures', group) -- And add this particular instance to the failed types redis.call('lpush', 'ql:f:' .. group, jid) else -- Put it in the queue again with a delay. Like put() if delay > 0 then redis.call('zadd', 'ql:q:' .. queue .. '-scheduled', now + delay, jid) redis.call('hset', 'ql:j:' .. jid, 'state', 'scheduled') else redis.call('zadd', 'ql:q:' .. queue .. '-work', priority - (now / 10000000000), jid) redis.call('hset', 'ql:j:' .. jid, 'state', 'waiting') end end return remaining