// ======================================================================== // View metrics Unit Tests // ======================================================================== /*globals module test ok isObj equals expects */ /** These tests verify that all view metrics -- frame, clippingFrame, isVisibleInWindow, etc. are correct. */ // .......................................................... // BASE TESTS // // These tests exercise the API. See below for tests that cover edge // conditions. If you find a bug, we recommend that you add a test in the // edge case section. var FRAME = { x: 10, y: 10, width: 30, height: 30 } ; var pane, view ; // test globals module("isVisibleInWindow", { setup: function() { pane = SC.MainPane.create() ; pane.append() ; view = SC.View.create() ; }, teardown: function() { view = null ; pane.remove().destroy() ; pane = null ; } }); test("a new view should not be visible initially", function() { ok(!view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "view.get('isVisibleInWindow') === NO") ; }); test("adding a new view to a visible pane should make it visible", function() { ok(!view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "view.get('isVisibleInWindow') === NO") ; ok(pane.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "pane.get('isVisibleInWindow') === YES") ; pane.appendChild(view) ; ok(view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "after pane.appendChild(view), view.get('isVisibleInWindow') === YES") ; }); test("removing a view from a visible pane should make it invisible again", function() { ok(!view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "view.get('isVisibleInWindow') === NO") ; ok(pane.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "pane.get('isVisibleInWindow') === YES") ; pane.appendChild(view) ; ok(view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "after pane.appendChild(view), view.get('isVisibleInWindow') === YES") ; view.removeFromParent() ; ok(!view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), "after view.removeFromParent(), view.get('isVisibleInWindow') === NO") ; }); // ....................................................... // integration with updateLayer and layoutChildViews // test("updateLayer should not be invoked even if layer becomes dirty until isVisibleInWindow changes, then it should invoke", function() { var callCount = 0 ; view.createLayer = function() { SC.View.prototype.createLayer.apply(this, arguments); callCount++; }; ok(!view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), 'precond - view should not be visible to start'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.displayDidChange(); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callCount, 0, 'createLayer should not run b/c its not visible'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane.appendChild(view); // make visible in window... ok(view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), 'view should now be visible in window'); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callCount, 1, 'createLayer should exec now b/c isVisibleInWindow is YES'); }); test("layoutChildViewsIfNeeded should not be invoked even if layer needs layout until isVisibleInWindow changes, then it should invoke", function() { var child = SC.View.create(); view.appendChild(child); var callCount = 0 ; view.layoutChildViews = function() { callCount++; }; ok(!view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), 'precond - view should not be visible to start'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.layoutDidChangeFor(child); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callCount, 0, 'layoutChildViews should not run b/c its not visible'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane.appendChild(view); // make visible in window... ok(view.get('isVisibleInWindow'), 'view should now be visible in window'); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callCount, 1, 'layoutChildViews should exec now b/c isVisibleInWindow is YES'); }); test("setting isVisible to NO should trigger a layer update to hide the view", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane.appendChild(view); SC.RunLoop.end(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('isVisible', NO); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.renderContext(view.get('layer')).classNames().indexOf('hidden') >= 0, "layer should have the 'hidden' class"); });