//= require js-routes //= require i18n //= require i18n/translations //= require jquery3 //= require jquery_ujs //= require popper //= require bootstrap //= require selectize //= require moment //= require moment/fr //= require bootstrap-material-datetimepicker //= require jquery.tagsinput-revisited.min //= require Chart.min //= require highcharts //= require chartkick //= require bootstrap-datepicker.min //= require bootstrap-datepicker.fr.min //= require sweetalert //= require cocoon //= require toastr //= require codemirror/codemirror //= require codemirror/lint/lint //= require codemirror/lint/jsonlint //= require codemirror/lint/json-lint //= require codemirror/mode/javascript //= require jquery.nestable //= require jquery.minicolors //= require turbolinks //= require slash_admin/custom //= require_tree . $(document).on("turbolinks:load", init); function init() { Turbolinks.clearCache(); $('.page-sidebar a[href$="#"]').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $(".tags").tagsInput({ placeholder: I18n.t("slash_admin.view.add_tag"), delimiter: [",", ";", " "] }); 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