require_relative "../spec_helper" require "pupu/pupu" describe Pupu::Pupu do before(:each) do # Pupu.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/root/pupu" end describe "[]" do it "should return Pupu::Pupu object" do Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter].should be_kind_of(Pupu::Pupu) end it "should return nil if pupu do not exists" do lambda { Pupu::Pupu[:non_existing_pupu] }.should raise_error(Pupu::PluginNotFoundError) end end describe ".root=" do it "should return Pupu::Pupu object" do Pupu.root.should eql(PROJECT_ROOT) end it "should return nil if pupu do not exists" do lambda { Pupu.root = "#{PROJECT_ROOT}/root/prefix/pupu" }.should raise_error(Pupu::PupuRootNotFound) end end describe "#initializers(type)" do before(:each) do @pupu = Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter] end it "should return pathname to pupu" do @pupu.initializer.should eql("#{PROJECT_ROOT}/root/pupu/autocompleter/initializer.js") # TODO: pole s 2 pathname end it "should return pathname to pupu" do @pupu.initializer(:script).should eql("#{PROJECT_ROOT}/root/pupu/autocompleter/initializer.js") end it "should return pathname to pupu" do @pupu.initializer(:stylesheet).should eql("#{PROJECT_ROOT}/root/pupu/autocompleter/initializer.css") end it "should return pathname to pupu" do lambda { @pupu.initializer(:nonexisting) }.should raise_error() end it "should return nil if image do not exists" do lambda { @pupu.image("missing.gif") }.should raise_error(AssetNotFound) # TODO end end # initializer.js will be copied into root/javascripts/initializers/[pupu-name].js describe "#copy_initializers" do before(:each) do @pupu = Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter] end it "should return pathname to pupu" do @pupu.initializer.should eql("#{PROJECT_ROOT}/root/pupu/autocompleter/initializer.js") end it "should return nil if image do not exists" do lambda { @pupu.image("missing.gif") }.should raise_error(AssetNotFound) # TODO end end describe "#uninstall" do before(:each) do #@pupu = Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter] end it "should return path to image" do @pupu.uninstall # TODO end it "should return nil if image do not exists" do lambda { @pupu.image("missing.gif") }.should raise_error(AssetNotFound) # TODO end end describe "#image" do before(:each) do @pupu = Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter] end it "should return path to image" do @pupu.image("spinner.gif").should eql("/pupu/autocompleter/images/spinner.gif") end it "should return nil if image do not exists" do lambda { @pupu.image("missing.gif") }.should raise_error(AssetNotFound) end end describe "#javascript" do before(:each) do @pupu = Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter] end it "should return path to javascript" do @pupu.javascript("autocompleter").should eql("/pupu/autocompleter/lib/autocompleter.js") end it "should return nil if javascript do not exists" do lambda { @pupu.javascript("missing") }.should raise_error(AssetNotFound) end end describe "#stylesheet" do before(:each) do @pupu = Pupu::Pupu[:autocompleter] end it "should return path to image" do @pupu.stylesheet("autocompleter").should eql("/pupu/autocompleter/autocompleter.css") end it "should return nil if stylesheet do not exists" do lambda { @pupu.stylesheet("missing") }.should raise_error(AssetNotFound) end end end