require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::API, api: :dummy do subject { api } describe 'role_graph' do let(:roles){ [ 'acct:user:alice', 'acct:user:bob', 'acct:user:eve' ] } let(:options){ {} } let(:current_role){ 'some-role' } let(:graph){ [ [ 'acct:user:alice', 'acct:user:eve' ], [ 'acct:user:bob', 'acct:user:eve'] ] } let(:response){ { graph: graph }.to_json } let(:graph_edges){{|e| *e} } before do allow(api).to receive(:current_role).and_return current_role end subject{ api.role_graph roles, options } def role_graph_url_for roles, options, current_role qs = options.reverse_merge(ancestors: true, descendants: true) .merge(from_role: current_role, roles: roles).slice(:from_role, :ancestors, :descendants, :roles).to_query "{account}/roles?#{qs}" end def expect_request_with_params params={} expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute) .with(headers: credentials[:headers], method: :get, url: role_graph_url_for(roles, options, current_role)) .and_return(response) end it "gets /roles with the correct params" do expect_request_with_params ancestors: true, descendants: true, from_role: current_role subject end context "when options[:ancestors] and options[:descendants] are false" do let(:options){ { ancestors: false, descendants: false } } it "gets /roles with the correct params" do expect_request_with_params ancestors: false, descendants: false, from_role: current_role subject end end context "when given options[:as_role] = 'foo'" do it "sets the from_role param to 'foo'" do expect_request_with_params from_role: 'foo' subject end end describe "the result" do it "is a Conjur::Graph" do expect_request_with_params expect(subject).to be_kind_of(Conjur::Graph) end it "has the right edges" do expect_request_with_params expect(subject.edges.to_set).to eq(graph_edges.to_set) end end end describe '#role_name_from_username' do before { allow(api).to receive(:username) { username } } context "username is" do [ [ 'the-user', 'user:the-user' ], [ 'host/the-host', 'host:the-host' ], [ 'host/a/quite/long/host/name', 'host:a/quite/long/host/name' ], [ 'newkind/host/name', 'newkind:host/name' ], ].each do |p| context "'#{p[0]}'" do let(:username) { p[0] } describe '#role_name_from_username' do subject { super().role_name_from_username } it { eq(p[1]) } end end end end end end