# frozen_string_literal: true # :nocov: require "json" require "kramdown" module Primer module Static # :nodoc: module GenerateInfoArch SKIP_METHODS = %i[call before_render].freeze class << self def call components = Primer::Component.descendants.sort_by(&:name) - [Primer::BaseComponent] component_docs = components.each_with_object({}) do |component, memo| docs = registry.find(component) preview_data = previews.find do |preview| preview["component"] == docs.metadata[:title] && preview["status"] == component.status.to_s end arg_data = args.find do |component_args| component_args["component"] == docs.metadata[:title] && component_args["status"] == component.status.to_s end slot_docs = docs.slot_methods.map do |slot_method| param_tags = slot_method.tags(:param) { "name" => slot_method.name, # rubocop:disable Style/IfUnlessModifier "description" => if slot_method.base_docstring.to_s.present? render_erb_ignoring_markdown_code_fences(slot_method.base_docstring) end, # rubocop:enable Style/IfUnlessModifier "parameters" => serialize_params(param_tags, component) } end mtds = docs.non_slot_methods.select do |mtd| next false if mtd.base_docstring.to_s.blank? next false if SKIP_METHODS.include?(mtd.name) method_location, = mtd.files.first class_location, = docs.docs.files.first method_location == class_location end method_docs = mtds.map do |mtd| param_tags = mtd.tags(:param) { "name" => mtd.name, "description" => render_erb_ignoring_markdown_code_fences(mtd.base_docstring), "parameters" => serialize_params(param_tags, component) } end description = if component == Primer::BaseComponent docs.base_docstring else render_erb_ignoring_markdown_code_fences(docs.base_docstring) end memo[component] = { "fully_qualified_name" => component.name, "description" => description, "accessibility_docs" => docs.tags(:accessibility)&.first&.text, "is_form_component" => docs.manifest_entry.form_component?, "is_published" => docs.manifest_entry.published?, "requires_js" => docs.manifest_entry.requires_js?, **arg_data, "slots" => slot_docs, "methods" => method_docs, "previews" => (preview_data || {}).fetch("examples", []), "subcomponents" => [] } end statuses = Primer::Status::Dsl::STATUSES.keys.map(&:to_s).map(&:capitalize) Primer::Component.descendants.each do |component| fq_class = component.name.to_s.split("::") fq_class.shift # remove Primer:: status = fq_class.shift if statuses.include?(fq_class.first) # remove Status:: parent, *child = *fq_class next if child.empty? parent_class = Primer parent_class = parent_class.const_get(status) if status parent_class = parent_class.const_get(parent) parent_docs = component_docs[parent_class] next unless parent_docs if (child_docs = component_docs.delete(component)) parent_docs["subcomponents"] << child_docs end end component_docs.values + [system_args_docs] end private def system_args_docs docs = registry.find(Primer::BaseComponent) { component: "BaseComponent", fully_qualified_name: "Primer::BaseComponent", description_md: docs.base_docstring, args_md: render_erb_ignoring_markdown_code_fences(docs.constructor.base_docstring) } end def serialize_params(param_tags, component) param_tags.map do |tag| default_value = Primer::Yard::DocsHelper.pretty_default_value(tag, component) { "name" => tag.name, "type" => tag.types&.join(", ") || "", "default" => default_value, "description" => render_erb_ignoring_markdown_code_fences(tag.text.squish) } end end def previews @previews ||= JSON.parse(Static.read(:previews)) end def args @args ||= Primer::Static::GenerateArguments.call(view_context: view_context) end def view_context @view_context ||= ApplicationController.new.tap { |c| c.request = ActionDispatch::TestRequest.create }.view_context.tap do |vc| vc.singleton_class.include(Primer::Yard::InfoArchDocsHelper) vc.singleton_class.include(Primer::ViewHelper) end end # Renders ERB code to a string, ignoring markdown code fences. For example, consider the # following ERB code inside a markdown document: # # ### Heading # ```erb # <%= render(SomeComponent.new) %> # ``` # # <%= some_func(a, b) %> # # The ERB renderer does not understand that the fenced code, i.e. the part inside the triple # backticks, should not be rendered. It sees the ERB tags both inside and outside the fence # and renders them both. # # This method renders ERB tags in a markdown string, ignoring any fenced code blocks, so as # to prevent rendering fenced ERB code. # def render_erb_ignoring_markdown_code_fences(markdown_str) return view_context.render(inline: markdown_str) unless markdown_str.include?("```") # identify all fenced code blocks in markdown string code_ranges = find_fenced_code_ranges_in(markdown_str) # replace code fences with placeholders de_fenced_markdown_str = markdown_str.dup.tap do |memo| code_ranges.reverse_each.with_index do |code_range, idx| memo[code_range] = "" end end # Render ERB tags. The only ones left will explicitly exist _outside_ markdown code fences. rendered_str = view_context.render(inline: de_fenced_markdown_str) # replace placeholders with original code fences code_ranges.reverse_each.with_index do |code_range, idx| rendered_str.sub!("", markdown_str[code_range]) end rendered_str end def find_fenced_code_ranges_in(str) doc = Kramdown::Document.new(str) line_starts = find_line_starts_in(str) [].tap do |code_ranges| each_codespan_in(doc.root) do |node| options = node.options delimiter = options[:codespan_delimiter] next unless delimiter.start_with?("```") start_pos = line_starts[options[:location]] end_pos = start_pos + node.value.size + delimiter.size end_pos = str.index("```", end_pos) + 3 code_ranges << (start_pos...end_pos) end end end def find_line_starts_in(str) line_counter = 2 { 1 => 0 }.tap do |memo| str.scan(/\r?\n/) do memo[line_counter] = Regexp.last_match.end(0) line_counter += 1 end end end def each_codespan_in(node, &block) return unless node.respond_to?(:children) node.children.each do |child| yield child if child.type == :codespan each_codespan_in(child, &block) end end def registry @registry ||= Primer::Yard::Registry.make end end end end end