o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1383740399.222992:@value"Z {I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; FI"%vendor/backbone.forms.default.js; TI" pathname; FI"`/Users/alezonez/Projetos/iugu-ux/vendor/assets/javascripts/vendor/backbone.forms.default.js; TI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI" mtime; FI"2013-01-15T15:36:24-02:00; FI"length; Fi I"digest; F"%fb9ceaa2b3077561fd2d4bbc09b25b45I"source; FI" /** * Include this file _after_ the main backbone-forms file to override the default templates. * You only need to include templates you want to override. * * Requirements when customising templates: * - Each template must have one 'parent' element tag. * - "data-type" attributes are required. * - The main placeholder tags such as the following are required: fieldsets, fields */ ;(function() { var Form = Backbone.Form; //DEFAULT TEMPLATES Form.setTemplates({ //HTML form: '\
\ ', fieldset: '\ \ ', noLabelField: '\