- @header_with_form = @form if @form.present? .view.full-page-intro{ style: "background-image: url('#{block.background.url}'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover;" } .mask.rgba-black-light.d-flex.justify-content-center.align-items-center .container .row.wow.fadeIn .col-md-6.mb-4.white-text.text-center.text-md-left %h1.display-4.font-weight-bold = @page&.title || @application.public_name %hr.hr-light %p - unless @page.present? %strong = @application.tagline %p.mb-4.d-none.d-md-block %strong = @page&.body || @application.short_description - forms = actual_forms(block.forms) - if forms.any? .col-md-6.col-xl-5.mb-4 - if params[:flash] == 'success_user_sign_up' = render 'tramway/landing/templates/alert', alert_type: :success do Sign up successful! - if params[:flash] == 'success_user_sign_in' = render 'tramway/landing/templates/alert', alert_type: :success do Sign In successful! - if params[:flash] == 'error_user_sign_up' = render 'tramway/landing/templates/alert', alert_type: :danger do There is some errors - if params[:flash] == 'error_user_sign_in' = render 'tramway/landing/templates/alert', alert_type: :danger do There is some errors .card .card-body - raise 'Initialize @header_with_form in a controller with something like that `@header_with_form = UserSignUpForm.new User.new`. `User` is your model which you want to Sign Up' unless defined?(@header_with_form) %h3.dark-grey-text.text-center - forms.each_with_index do |form, index| - unless index == 0 | = link_to '#', class: :form_activation_link, id: form.id do %strong = form.title %hr - forms.each do |form| - current_form = @header_with_form[form.form_name] = simple_form_for current_form, url: form.url, method: :post, input_html: { class: "form-vertical form_#{form.id} header_with_form" }, html: { class: "form_#{form.id} header_with_form" } do |f| = hidden_field_tag :model, @header_with_form[form.form_name].model.class.to_s = hidden_field_tag :success_redirect, request.path = hidden_field_tag :error_redirect, request.path - current_form.properties.each do |property| = render 'tramway/core/shared/input', property: property[0], object: :user, type: property[1], form: f, destination: :landing, record: current_form, value: (params[:record].present? ? params[:record][property[0]] : '') = f.button :submit, current_form.submit_message :javascript $(document).ready(function() { $("form.header_with_form").each(function(index) { if (index != 0) { $(this).hide(); } }); $('a.form_activation_link').click(function() { $("form.header_with_form").each(function() { $(this).hide(); }); $(`form.form_${$(this).first()[0].id}`).show(); }); });