module Pageflow # Options to be defined in the pageflow initializer of the main app. class Configuration # Default options for paperclip attachments which are supposed to use # s3 storage. attr_accessor :paperclip_s3_default_options # String to interpolate into paths of files generated by paperclip # preprocessors. This allows to refresh cdn caches after # reprocessing attachments. attr_accessor :paperclip_attachments_version # Root folder in S3 bucket to store files in. Can be used to # separate files of multiple development instances in a shared # development S3 bucket. # # @since 13.0 attr_accessor :paperclip_s3_root # Upload options provided to direct upload form. # Defaults to S3 storage options. # returns a hash with keys: # - url: The URL to use as the action of the form # - fields: A hash of fields that will be included in the direct upload form. # This hash should include the signed POST policy, the access key ID and # security token (if present), etc. # These fields will be included as input elements of type 'hidden' on the form # # # @since 14.0 attr_accessor :paperclip_direct_upload_options # Refer to the pageflow initializer template for a list of # supported options. attr_accessor :zencoder_options # Contains key and iv used to encrypt string # used by SymmetricEncryption attr_accessor :encryption_options # A constraint used by the pageflow engine to restrict access to # the editor related HTTP end points. This can be used to ensure # the editor is only accessable via a certain host when different # CNAMES are used to access the public end points of pageflow. attr_accessor :editor_route_constraint # The email address to use as from header in invitation mails to # new users attr_accessor :mailer_sender # Extend the configuration based on feature flags set for accounts # or entries. # # @example # # Make a widget type only available if a feature flag is set on the # entry or its account # # config.features.register('some_special_widget_type' do |config # config.widget_types.register(Pageflow::SomeSpecial.widget_type) # end # # @since 0.9 # @returns [Features} attr_reader :features # Subscribe to hooks in order to be notified of events. Any object # with a call method can be a subscriber # # Example: # # config.hooks.subscribe(:submit_file, -> { do_something }) # attr_reader :hooks # Limit the use of certain resources. Any object implementing the # interface of Pageflow::Quota can be registered. # # Example: # # config.quotas.register(:users, UserQuota) # attr_accessor :quotas # Additional themes can be registered to use custom css. # # Example: # # config.themes.register(:custom) # # @return [Themes] attr_reader :themes # Register new types of entries. # @return [EntryTypes] # @since 15.1 attr_reader :entry_types # List of {FileType} instances. # Can be registered globally or provided by page types. # @return [FileTypes] attr_reader :file_types # Used to register components whose current state must be # persisted as part of a revision. # @return [RevisionComponents] attr_reader :revision_components # Used to register new types of widgets to be displayed in entries. # @return [WidgetTypes] attr_reader :widget_types # Used to register new file importers, to be used for importing files # @return [fileImporters] attr_reader :file_importers # Used to add new sections to the help dialog displayed in the # editor. # # @exmaple # # config.help_entries.register('pageflow.rainbow.help_entries.colors', priority: 11) # config.help_entries.register('', # parent: 'pageflow.rainbow.help_entries.colors') # # @since 0.7 # @return [HelpEntries] attr_reader :help_entries # Paperclip style definitions of thumbnails used by Pageflow. # @return Hash attr_accessor :thumbnail_styles # Names of Paperclip styles that shall be rendered into entry # specific stylesheets. # @return Array attr_accessor :css_rendered_thumbnail_styles # Either a lambda or an object with a `match?` method, to restrict # access to the editor routes defined by Pageflow. # # This can be used if published entries shall be available under # different CNAMES but the admin and the editor shall only be # accessible via one official url. attr_accessor :editor_routing_constraint # Either a lambda or an object with a `call` method taking two # parameters: An `ActiveRecord` scope of {Pageflow::Theming} records # and an {ActionDispatch::Request} object. Has to return the scope # in which to find themings. # # Defaults to {CnameThemingRequestScope} which finds themings # based on the request subdomain. Can be used to alter the logic # of finding a theming whose home_url to redirect to when visiting # the public root path. # # Example: # # config.theming_request_scope = lambda do |themings, request| # themings.where(id: Pageflow::Account.find_by_name!(request.subdomain).default_theming_id) # end attr_accessor :theming_request_scope # Either a lambda or an object with a `call` method taking two # parameters: An `ActiveRecord` scope of `Pageflow::Entry` records # and an `ActionDispatch::Request` object. Has to return the scope # in which to find entries. # # Used by all public actions that display entries to restrict the # available entries by hostname or other request attributes. # # Use {#public_entry_url_options} to make sure urls of published # entries conform twith the restrictions. # # Example: # # # Only make entries of one account available under # config.public_entry_request_scope = lambda do |entries, request| # entries.includes(:account).where(pageflow_accounts: {name: request.subdomain}) # end attr_accessor :public_entry_request_scope # Either a lambda or an object with a `call` method taking an # {Entry} record and an {ActionDispatch::Request} object and # returning `nil` or a path to redirect to. Can be used in # conjuction with {PrimaryDomainEntryRedirect} to make sure # entries are accessed via their account's configured cname. # # @since 12.4 attr_accessor :public_entry_redirect # Either a lambda or an object with a `call` method taking a # {Theming} as paramater and returing a hash of options used to # construct the url of a published entry. # # Can be used to change the host of the url under which entries # are available. # # Example: # # config.public_entry_url_options = lambda do |theming| # {host: "#{}"} # end attr_accessor :public_entry_url_options # Either a lambda or an object with a `call` method taking a # {Theming} as paramater and returing a hash of options used to # construct the embed url of a published entry. attr_accessor :entry_embed_url_options # Submit video/audio encoding jobs only after the user has # explicitly confirmed in the editor. Defaults to false. attr_accessor :confirm_encoding_jobs # Used by Pageflow extensions to provide new tabs to be displayed # in the admin. # # @example # # config.admin_resource_tabs.register(:entry, Admin::CustomTab) # # @return [Admin::Tabs] attr_reader :admin_resource_tabs # Add custom form fields to admin forms. # # @example # # config.admin_form_inputs.register(:entry, :custom_field) do # # @since 0.9 # @return [Admin::FormInputs] attr_reader :admin_form_inputs # Insert additional rows into admin attributes tables. # # @example # # config.admin_attributes_table_rows.register(:entry, :custom) # config.admin_attributes_table_rows.register(:entry, :my_attribute, after: :title) # config.admin_attributes_table_rows.register(:entry, :some_attribute, before: :updated_at) # # @example Custom content # # config.admin_attributes_table_rows.register(:entry, :custom) do |entry| # span(entry.custom_attribute) # end # # @since 12.2 # @return [Admin::AttributesTableRows] attr_reader :admin_attributes_table_rows # Array of locales which can be chosen as interface language by a # user. Defaults to `[:en, :de]`. # @since 0.7 attr_accessor :available_locales # Array of locales which can be chosen as interface language for # an entry. Defaults to the locales supported by the # `pageflow-public-i18n` gem. # @since 0.10 attr_accessor :available_public_locales # Array of sharing providers which can be configured on theming level. # Defaults to `[:facebook, :twitter, :linked_in, :whats_app, :telegram, :email]`. # @since 14.1 attr_accessor :available_share_providers # How to handle https requests for URLs which will have assets in the page. # If you wish to serve all assets over http and prevent mixed-content warnings, # you can force a redirect to http. The inverse is also true: you can force # a redirect to https for all http requests. # # @example # # config.public_https_mode = :prevent (default) # => redirects https to http # config.public_https_mode = :enforce # => redirects http to https # config.public_https_mode = :ignore # => does nothing # @since 0.9 attr_accessor :public_https_mode # Meta tag defaults. # # These defaults will be included in the page unless overriden by the Entry. # If you set these to nil or "" the meta tag won't be included. # @since 0.10 attr_accessor :default_keywords_meta_tag attr_accessor :default_author_meta_tag attr_accessor :default_publisher_meta_tag # Share provider defaults. # # Default share providers for new themings. # Must be a subset or equal to `available_share_providers` # @since 14.1 attr_accessor :default_share_providers # Whether a user can be deleted. # # @example # # config.authorize_user_deletion = # lambda do |user_to_delete| # if user_to_delete.accounts.all? { |account| account.users.size > 1 } # true # else # 'Last user on account. Permission denied' # end # end # @since 0.11 attr_accessor :authorize_user_deletion # Array of values that the `kind` attribute on text tracks can # take. Defaults to `[:captions, :subtitles, :descriptions]`. attr_reader :available_text_track_kinds # Allow one user to be member of multiple accounts. Defaults to # true. # @since 12.1 attr_accessor :allow_multiaccount_users # Options hash for account admin menu. Options from config precede # defaults. # @since 12.1 attr_accessor :account_admin_menu_options # Sublayer for permissions related config. # @since 12.1 attr_reader :permissions # Defines the editor lock polling interval. # @return [number] # @since 12.1 attr_accessor :edit_lock_polling_interval # News collection to add items to. Can be used to integrate # Pageflow with Krant (see # @return [#item] # @since 12.2 attr_accessor :news def initialize(target_type_name = nil) @target_type_name = target_type_name @paperclip_attachments_version = 'v1' @paperclip_s3_root = 'main' @paperclip_s3_default_options = Defaults::PAPERCLIP_S3_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup @paperclip_direct_upload_options = lambda { |attachment| max_upload_size = 4_294_967_296 # max file size in bytes presigned_post_config = attachment.s3_bucket .presigned_post(key: attachment.path, success_action_status: '201', acl: 'public-read', content_length_range: 0..max_upload_size) { url: presigned_post_config.url, fields: presigned_post_config.fields } } @zencoder_options = {} @encryption_options = {} @mailer_sender = '' @features = @hooks = @quotas = @themes = @entry_types = @entry_type_configs = {} @entry_type_configure_blocks = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @file_types = @widget_types = @file_importers = @help_entries = @revision_components = @thumbnail_styles = Defaults::THUMBNAIL_STYLES.dup @css_rendered_thumbnail_styles = Defaults::CSS_RENDERED_THUMBNAIL_STYLES.dup @theming_request_scope = @public_entry_request_scope = lambda { |entries, request| entries } @public_entry_redirect = ->(_entry, _request) { nil } @public_entry_url_options = Pageflow::ThemingsHelper::DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ENTRY_OPTIONS @entry_embed_url_options = {protocol: 'https'} @confirm_encoding_jobs = false @admin_resource_tabs = @admin_form_inputs = @admin_attributes_table_rows = @available_locales = [:en, :de] @available_public_locales = PublicI18n.available_locales @available_share_providers = [:email, :facebook, :linked_in, :twitter, :telegram, :whats_app] @public_https_mode = :prevent @default_keywords_meta_tag = 'pageflow, multimedia, reportage' @default_author_meta_tag = 'Pageflow' @default_publisher_meta_tag = 'Pageflow' @default_share_providers = @available_share_providers @authorize_user_deletion = lambda { |_user| true } @available_text_track_kinds = [:captions, :subtitles, :descriptions] @allow_multiaccount_users = true @account_admin_menu_options = {} @permissions = @edit_lock_polling_interval = 15.seconds end # Activate a plugin. # # @param [Plugin] plugin # @since 0.7 def plugin(plugin) plugin.configure(self) end # Provide backwards compatibility as long as paged entry type has # not been extracted completely. Prefer accessing entry type # specific config via {#for_entry_type} for new code. # # @return {PageTypes} # @since 0.7 def page_types get_entry_type_config(PageflowPaged.entry_type).page_types end # @deprecated Use `config.page_types.register` instead. def register_page_type(page_type) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('Pageflow::Configuration#register_page_type is deprecated. Use config.page_types.register instead.', caller) page_types.register(page_type) end # @deprecated Pageflow now supports direct uploads to S3 via signed post requests. # Please change your forms accordingly. def paperclip_filesystem_root ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('Pageflow::Configuration#paperclip_filesystem_root is deprecated.', caller) end def paperclip_filesystem_root=(_val) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('Pageflow::Configuration#paperclip_filesystem_root is deprecated.', caller) end # Scope configuration to entries of a certain entry type or access # entry type specific configuration. When building a configuration # object for an entry, the passed block is only evaluated when # types match. When building `Pageflow.config`, all # `for_entry_type` blocks are evaluated. # # @param [EntryType] type # # @yieldparam [EntryTypeConfiguration] entry_type_config - # Instance of configuration class passed as `configuration` # option during registration of entry type. # # @since 15.1 def for_entry_type(type) return if @target_type_name && @target_type_name != yield get_entry_type_config(type) end # @api private def get_entry_type_config(type) @entry_type_configs[] ||=, type) end # @api private def lint! @features.lint! end # @api private def theming_url_options(theming) options = public_entry_url_options options.respond_to?(:call) ? : options end # @api private def enable_features(names) features.enable(names, end # @api private def enable_all_features features.enable_all( end # Restricts the configuration interface to those parts which can # be used from inside features. FeatureLevelConfiguration = do delegate :page_types, to: :config delegate :widget_types, to: :config delegate :help_entries, to: :config delegate :admin_form_inputs, to: :config delegate :admin_attributes_table_rows, to: :config delegate :themes, to: :config delegate :file_importers, to: :config delegate :for_entry_type, to: :config end # @api private class ConfigView def initialize(config, entry_type) @config = config @entry_type_config = config.get_entry_type_config(entry_type) end def method_missing(method, *args) if @config.respond_to?(method) @config.send(method, *args) elsif @entry_type_config.respond_to?(method) @entry_type_config.send(method, *args) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) @config.respond_to?(method_name) || @entry_type_config.respond_to?(method_name) || super end end end end