Workarea Basic Auth ================================================================================ A Workarea Commerce plugin that adds middleware to enable HTTP Basic Auth for the Workarea Commerce platform, preventing undesired traffic (like bots) on staging and QA environments. Getting Started -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add the gem to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby # ... gem 'workarea-basic_auth' # ... ``` Update your application's bundle. ```bash cd path/to/application bundle ``` Configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By default, `workarea-basic-auth` is disabled. To require basic authentication for routes in your application, set the following properties in `Workarea.config`: ```ruby Workarea.configure do |config| config.basic_auth.enabled = true config.basic_auth.user = 'my_username' config.basic_auth.pass = 'my_password' config.basic_auth.protect_routes.add('/products') config.basic_auth.protect_routes.add('/categories') config.basic_auth.protect_routes.add('/contact') config.basic_auth.exclude_routes.add('/api*') config.basic_auth.exclude_routes.add('/products/my-sweet-product') end ``` The configuration above will require HTTP basic auth for all routes and HTTP methods other than those that start with `/api` or `/products/my-sweet-product`. ### Excluding Assets Need to exclude assets from http basic auth? ```ruby Workarea.configure do |config| config.basic_auth.enabled = true config.basic_auth.user = 'my_username' config.basic_auth.pass = 'my_password' config.basic_auth.exclude_routes.add('/assets/*') end ``` ### Excluding routes based off HTTP method You can also specify protecting or excluding protection of routes for specific HTTP methods: ```ruby Workarea.configure do |config| config.basic_auth.enabled = true config.basic_auth.user = 'my_username' config.basic_auth.pass = 'my_password' config.basic_auth.protect_routes.add('/login', :post, :option) config.basic_auth.protect_routes.add('/contact', :put) end ``` The configuration above will require HTTP basic auth when sending a `POST` or `OPTION` request to `/login` or a `PUT` request to `/contact`. ### Excluding routes based off a Proc Sometimes you may run into a case where path/method just won't cut it. You can pass a protect or exclude route a proc that will be passed a Rack::Request object. Anytime the proc returns true, that path will match for either protection or exclusion. For example, in order to allow the AWS ElasticLoadBalancer the ability to check an instances health, we exclude basic auth protection from any request where the User Agent contains 'ELB-HealthChecker': ```ruby Workarea.configure do |config| config.basic_auth.enabled = true config.basic_auth.user = 'my_username' config.basic_auth.pass = 'my_password' config.basic_auth.exclude_routes.add('/*', ->(request) { request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].include?('ELB-HealthChecker') }) end ``` Workarea Commerce Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See []( for Workarea Commerce documentation. License -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workarea Basic Auth is released under the [Business Software License](LICENSE)