# Twee2 Command-line tool to compile Twee-style (.tw, .twine) interactive fiction source files to Twine 2-style (non-Tiddlywiki) output. Designed for those who preferred the Twee (for Twine 1) approach to source management, because the command-line is awesome, but who want to take advantage of the new features in Twine 2. Note that this is NOT a Twine 1 to Twine 2 converter, although parts of its functionality go some way to achieving this goal. ## Philosophy (Why does this exist? Where is it going?) I love the direction that Twine 2 has been going in, in regard to ditching the old Tiddlywiki backend and making it easier than ever for developers to integrate their own CSS and Javascript into their stories. However, as a fan of plain-old text editors and not of IDEs, I'm not so keen on the fact that it's now almost-impossible to develop a Twine adventure from the command-line only (there's no "Twee" equivalent for Twine 2). For my own benefit and enjoyment, I aim to fill that gap. If it helps you too, then that's just a bonus. Right now Twee2 doesn't even support the diversity of original Twee, and it's possible that it never will. As the need arises, though, I may add additional features that seemed to be 'missing' from Twee, to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the future of this gem. ## Installation Install using gem gem install twee2 ## Usage To compile a Twee file into a HTML file using the default format (Harlowe): twee2 build inputfile.twee outputfile.html To use a specific format, e.g. Snowman: twee2 build inputfile.twee outputfile.html --format=Snowman For additional features (e.g. listing known formats, watch-for-changes mode), run twee2 without any parameters. ## Special features Aside from the regular Twee features, Twee2 provides the following enhancements: ### HAML support You can declare your passages using [HAML markup](http://haml.info/docs/yardoc/file.REFERENCE.html) by applying a 'haml' tag to the passage, e.g.: ``` ::DarkCorridor [haml] %p The floorboards creak beneath your feet as you creep into the darkness of the corridor. ``` ### Coffeescript If you'd rather write your Javascript in [Coffeescript](http://coffeescript.org/) style, just use a HAML ':coffeescript' block or tag your 'script' block with 'coffee': ``` ::MyJavascripts [coffee script] $ -> alert 'Welcome to my game!' ``` ## Notes * This is not a Twee to Harlowe converter. You'll still need to change your macros as described at http://twine2.neocities.org/, and/or rewrite them as Javascript code. * Some special story segments (e.g. StorySubtitle) are ignored. You will be warned when this happens. * The HTML files that are produced by this can not be readily re-opened by Twine 2 (I think it's because of the missing passage coordinate data). * Seriously: this is very-much an experiment and you probably shouldn't use it. ## License This code is released under the GPL, version 2. It includes code (in the storyFormats directory) by other authors, including Leon Arnott: please read their licenses before redistributing.