module EffectiveLogging class EmailLogger def self.delivering_email(message) return if EffectiveLogging.supressed? return unless message.present? # collect a Hash of arguments used to invoke EffectiveLogger.success fields = { from: message.from.join(','), to:, subject: message.subject, cc:, bcc: message.bcc } # Add a log header to your mailer to pass some objects or additional things to EffectiveLogger # mail(to: '', subject: @post.title, log: { post: @post }) if message.header['log'].present? # This is a bit sketchy, but gives access to the object in Rails 4.2 anyway fields.merge!(message.header['log'].instance_variable_get(:@value) || {}) # Get rid of the extra header, as it should not be set in the real mail message. message.header['log'] = nil end # Pass a tenant to your mailer # mail(to: '', subject: @post.title, tenant: Tenant.current) tenant = if message.header['tenant'].present? value = message.header['tenant'].to_s.to_sym # OptionalField, not a String here message.header['tenant'] = nil value end || (Tenant.current if defined?(Tenant)) user_klass = "#{tenant.to_s.classify}::User".safe_constantize body = (message.body.try(:parts) || []).find { |part| part.content_type.to_s.downcase.include?('text/html') } body ||= message.body fields[:email] = "#{message.header}