h1. [+*O p t i o n s f u l*+] Provide HTTP OPTIONS support for the Ruby on Rails framework. * Note for the impatient: installation instructions below. * Note for the dummies: change host names and paths properly. * Note for the unfaithful: run @rake routes@ to validate the results. ** *WARNING*: If your application is Rails 2.x please go to "optionsful2":http://github.com/kayaman/optionsful2 h1. "-No! No! No! *-Show me the code!*" h2. Playing HTTP OPTIONS via telnet:
$ telnet localhost 3000 
OPTIONS /posts HTTP/1.1
Host: http://localhost:3000

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Allow: GET, POST
Connection: close
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:20:27 GMT
Link: "; type=text/html; rel=help"

OPTIONS /posts/1 HTTP/1.1
Host: http://localhost:3000

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Connection: close
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 18:14:24 GMT
Link: "; type=text/html; rel=help"

OPTIONS /posts/1/comments HTTP/1.1
Host: http://localhost:3000

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Allow: GET, POST
Connection: close
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 18:12:43 GMT
Link: "; type=text/html; rel=help"

~*Note the empty line which is part of the HTTP protocol.*~ h3. I agree. Telnet is the geekest way.. ;-) For testing purposes you would like better using an HTTP client software. I use "HTTP Client":http://ditchnet.org/httpclient/ on my Mac OS X and "cURL":http://curl.haxx.se/ anywhere else. And on real life, you are free to create your own usage scenario. h1. INSTALLATION: # Change directory to your Ruby on Rails web application # Add gem dependency to @Gemfile@:
gem 'optionsful'
# Add it to the stack at @config/application.rb@:
class Application < Rails::Application
  config.middleware.use ::Baurets::Optionsful::Server
# To install it, run @bundle install@ or:
$ gem install optionsful
# Enjoy! And give feedback! :) h1. CONFIGURATION h2. Setting up the @Link@ header * To enable and setup the response's @Link@ header, install and edit the configuration file: ** run @rake optionsful:yml@ ** edit the 'optionsful.yml' file at your application's 'config' folder. * Example:
 link: true
 host: auto
 base_path: /api
 propagate: true
h2. Possible values and effects: (the underline values are the default ones) * @link@ ** [+false+]: Do not include the "Link" in the response headers. *** some other settings are then ignored ** true: Do include it! *** build the *URI* based on the *host*, *base_path*, and *propagate* values, explained below. * @host@ ** [+auto+]: Use the application's own address and port. ** custom URI: point it to another location *** Example: www.baurets.net *** *Note: do not include 'http://'* * @base_path@ ** the path to be appended to the host. *** Default is [+*/api*+]. *** To disable it, use @/@ *** Example: /my_company_private_area/our_big_project/resources/api * @propagate@ ** false: Do not append the request's path info to the URI. ** [+true+]: Do append it, as it is. * Generated Link example: (*link: true*, *host: auto*, *base_path: /api*, *propagate: true*)
Link: "; type=text/html; rel=help"
* *Note*: @Allow@ *and* @Link@ *are expected headers on a response to an HTTP OPTIONS request.* h2. KNOWN ISSUES * Rails route recognition still need some work * Platform: *Rails 3.0.0.rc* !!! h2. Development notes * To bleed on the edge, at your Rails 3 application's @Gemfile@:
gem 'optionsful', :path => "~/your_workspace/optionsful/"
h2. Get involved * Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/optionsful * Bug tracker : http://kayaman.lighthouseapp.com/projects/56438-optionsful/overview h2. CONTRIBUTORS * Me, myself and I, so far. * You are welcome, do it. ;-) Copyright (c) 2010 Marco Antonio Gonzalez Junior, kayaman@baurets.net, released under the MIT license.