require 'chef_metal_vsphere/vsphere_driver' describe "canonicalize_url" do context "when config does not include the properties included in the url" do metal_config = { :driver_options => { :user => 'vmapi', :password => '' }, :machine_options => { :ssh => { :password => '', :paranoid => false }, :bootstrap_options => { :datacenter => 'QA1', :template_name => 'UBUNTU-12-64-TEMPLATE', :vm_folder => 'DLAB', :num_cpus => 2, :memory_mb => 4096, :resource_pool => 'CLSTR02/DLAB' } }, :log_level => :debug } let(:results) { ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url('vsphere://', metal_config) } it "populates the config with correct host from the driver url" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:host]).to eq('') end it "populates the config with correct port from the driver url" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:port]).to eq(999) end it "populates the config with correct path from the driver url" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:path]).to eq('/crazyapi') end it "populates the config with correct use_ssl setting from the driver url" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:use_ssl]).to eq(false) end it "populates the config with correct insecure setting from the driver url" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:insecure]).to eq(true) end end context "when config keys are stringified" do metal_config = { 'driver_options' => { 'user' => 'vmapi', 'password' => '' }, 'machine_options' => { 'ssh' => { 'password' => '' }, 'bootstrap_options' => { 'datacenter' => 'QA1' } } } let(:results) { ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url('vsphere://', metal_config) } it "will symbolize user" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:user]).to eq('vmapi') end it "will symbolize password" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:password]).to eq('') end it "will symbolize ssh password" do expect(results[1][:machine_options][:ssh][:password]).to eq('') end it "will symbolize ssh bootstrap options" do expect(results[1][:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:datacenter]).to eq('QA1') end end context "when no url is in the config" do metal_config = { :driver_options => { :user => 'vmapi', :password => '', :host => '', :port => 888, :path => '/yoda', :use_ssl => 'false', :insecure => 'true' }, :machine_options => { :ssh => { :password => '', :paranoid => false }, :bootstrap_options => { :datacenter => 'QA1', :template_name => 'UBUNTU-12-64-TEMPLATE', :vm_folder => 'DLAB', :num_cpus => 2, :memory_mb => 4096, :resource_pool => 'CLSTR02/DLAB' } }, :log_level => :debug } let(:results) { ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url(nil, metal_config) } it "creates the correct driver url from config settings" do expect(results[0]).to eq('vsphere://') end end context "when no url is in the config and config is missing defaulted values" do metal_config = { :driver_options => { :user => 'vmapi', :password => '', :host => '' }, :machine_options => { :bootstrap_options => { :datacenter => 'QA1', :template_name => 'UBUNTU-12-64-TEMPLATE', :vm_folder => 'DLAB', :num_cpus => 2, :memory_mb => 4096, :resource_pool => 'CLSTR02/DLAB', :ssh => { :password => '', :paranoid => false } } }, :log_level => :debug } let(:results) { ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url(nil, metal_config) } it "creates the correct driver url from default settings" do expect(results[0]).to eq('vsphere://') end it "populates the config with correct port from default settings" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:port]).to eq(443) end it "populates the config with correct path from default settings" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:path]).to eq('/sdk') end it "populates the config with correct use_ssl setting from default settings" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:use_ssl]).to eq(true) end it "populates the config with correct insecure setting from default settings" do expect(results[1][:driver_options][:connect_options][:insecure]).to eq(false) end it "populates the config with correct ssh port from default settings" do expect(results[1][:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:ssh][:port]).to eq(22) end end context "when missing host" do metal_config = { :driver_options => { :user => 'vmapi', :password => '', } } it "should raise an error" do expect{ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url(nil,metal_config)}.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "when missing user" do metal_config = { :driver_options => { :host => 'host', :password => '', } } it "should raise an error" do expect{ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url(nil,metal_config)}.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "when missing password" do metal_config = { :driver_options => { :host => 'host', :user => 'user', } } it "should raise an error" do expect{ChefMetalVsphere::VsphereDriver.canonicalize_url(nil,metal_config)}.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end