require 'thor' require 'abbrev' module ShopifyAPI class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions class ConfigFileError < StandardError end desc "list", "list available connections" def list available_connections.each do |c| prefix = default?(c) ? " * " : " " puts prefix + c end end desc "add CONNECTION", "create a config file for a connection named CONNECTION" def add(connection) file = config_file(connection) if File.exist?(file) raise ConfigFileError, "There is already a config file at #{file}" else config = {'protocol' => 'https'} config['domain'] = ask("Domain? (leave blank for #{connection}") config['domain'] = "#{connection}" if config['domain'].blank? puts "\nopen https://#{config['domain']}/admin/api in your browser to get API credentials\n" config['api_key'] = ask("API key?") config['password'] = ask("Password?") create_file(file, config.to_yaml) end if default(connection) end end desc "remove CONNECTION", "remove the config file for CONNECTION" def remove(connection) file = config_file(connection) if File.exist?(file) remove_file(default_symlink) if default?(connection) remove_file(file) else no_config_file_error(file) end end desc "edit [CONNECTION]", "open the config file for CONNECTION with your default editor" def edit(connection=nil) file = config_file(connection) if File.exist?(file) if ENV['EDITOR'].present? system(ENV['EDITOR'], file) else puts "Please set an editor in the EDITOR environment variable" end else no_config_file_error(file) end end desc "show [CONNECTION]", "output the location and contents of the CONNECTION's config file" def show(connection=nil) connection ||= default_connection file = config_file(connection) if File.exist?(file) puts file puts `cat #{file}` else no_config_file_error(file) end end desc "default [CONNECTION]", "show the default connection, or make CONNECTION the default" def default(connection=nil) if connection target = config_file(connection) if File.exist?(target) remove_file(default_symlink) `ln -s #{target} #{default_symlink}` else no_config_file_error(target) end end if File.exist?(default_symlink) puts "Default connection is #{default_connection}" else puts "There is no default connection set" end end desc "console [CONNECTION]", "start an API console for CONNECTION" def console(connection=nil) file = config_file(connection) config = YAML.load( puts "using #{config['domain']}" = site_from_config(config) require 'irb' require 'irb/completion' ARGV.clear IRB.start end tasks.keys.abbrev.each do |shortcut, command| map shortcut => command.to_sym end private def shop_config_dir @shop_config_dir ||= File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.shopify', 'shops') end def default_symlink @default_symlink ||= File.join(shop_config_dir, 'default') end def config_file(connection) if connection File.join(shop_config_dir, "#{connection}.yml") else default_symlink end end def site_from_config(config) protocol = config['protocol'] || 'https' api_key = config['api_key'] password = config['password'] domain = config['domain'] = "#{protocol}://#{api_key}:#{password}@#{domain}/admin" end def available_connections @available_connections ||= begin pattern = File.join(shop_config_dir, "*.yml") Dir.glob(pattern).map { |f| File.basename(f, ".yml") } end end def default_connection_target @default_connection_target ||= File.readlink(default_symlink) end def default_connection @default_connection ||= File.basename(default_connection_target, ".yml") end def default?(connection) default_connection == connection end def no_config_file_error(filename) raise ConfigFileError, "There is no config file at #{filename}" end end end