module Generators module Hobo module Migration class HabtmModelShim <, :foreign_keys, :connection) def self.from_reflection(refl) result = result.join_table = refl.options[:join_table].to_s result.foreign_keys = [refl.primary_key_name.to_s, refl.association_foreign_key.to_s].sort # this may fail in weird ways if HABTM is running across two DB connections (assuming that's even supported) # figure that anybody who sets THAT up can deal with their own migrations... result.connection = refl.active_record.connection result end def table_name self.join_table end def table_exists? ActiveRecord::Migration.table_exists? table_name end def field_specs i = 0 foreign_keys.inject({}) do |h, v| # some trickery to avoid an infinite loop when FieldSpec#initialize tries to call model.field_specs h[v] =, v, :integer, :position => i) i += 1 h end end def primary_key false end def index_specs [] end end class Migrator class Error < RuntimeError; end @ignore_models = [] @ignore_tables = [] class << self attr_accessor :ignore_models, :ignore_tables, :disable_indexing end def{}) g = g.renames = renames g.generate end def self.default_migration_name existing = Dir["#{Rails.root}/db/migrate/*hobo_migration*"] max = existing.grep(/([0-9]+)\.rb$/) { $1.to_i }.max n = max ? max + 1 : 1 "hobo_migration_#{n}" end def initialize(ambiguity_resolver={}) @ambiguity_resolver = ambiguity_resolver @drops = [] @renames = nil end attr_accessor :renames def load_rails_models if defined? Rails.root Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/models/**/[a-z0-9_]*.rb"].each do |f| _, filename = *f.match(%r{/app/models/([_a-z0-9/]*).rb$}) filename.camelize.constantize end end end # Returns an array of model classes that *directly* extend # ActiveRecord::Base, excluding anything in the CGI module def table_model_classes load_rails_models ActiveRecord::Base.send(:descendants).reject {|c| (c.base_class != c) ||"CGI::") } end def self.connection ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def connection; self.class.connection; end def self.fix_native_types(types) case when /mysql/i types[:integer][:limit] ||= 11 end types end def self.native_types @native_types ||= fix_native_types connection.native_database_types end def native_types; self.class.native_types; end # list habtm join tables def habtm_tables reflections = { |h, k| h[k] = } ActiveRecord::Base.send(:descendants).map do |c| c.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_and_belongs_to_many).each do |a| reflections[a.options[:join_table].to_s] << a end end reflections end # Returns an array of model classes and an array of table names # that generation needs to take into account def models_and_tables ignore_model_names = Migrator.ignore_models.*.to_s.*.underscore all_models = table_model_classes hobo_models = { |m| m.try.include_in_migration && } non_hobo_models = all_models - hobo_models db_tables = connection.tables - Migrator.ignore_tables.*.to_s - non_hobo_models.reject { |t| t.try.hobo_shim? }.*.table_name [hobo_models, db_tables] end # return a hash of table renames and modifies the passed arrays so # that renamed tables are no longer listed as to_create or to_drop def extract_table_renames!(to_create, to_drop) if renames # A hash of table renames has been provided to_rename = {} renames.each_pair do |old_name, new_name| new_name = new_name[:table_name] if new_name.is_a?(Hash) next unless new_name if to_create.delete(new_name.to_s) && to_drop.delete(old_name.to_s) to_rename[old_name.to_s] = new_name.to_s else raise Error, "Invalid table rename specified: #{old_name} => #{new_name}" end end to_rename elsif @ambiguity_resolver, to_drop, "table", nil) else raise Error, "Unable to resolve migration ambiguities" end end def extract_column_renames!(to_add, to_remove, table_name) if renames to_rename = {} column_renames = renames._?[table_name.to_sym] if column_renames # A hash of table renames has been provided column_renames.each_pair do |old_name, new_name| if to_add.delete(new_name.to_s) && to_remove.delete(old_name.to_s) to_rename[old_name.to_s] = new_name.to_s else raise Error, "Invalid rename specified: #{old_name} => #{new_name}" end end end to_rename elsif @ambiguity_resolver, to_remove, "column", "#{table_name}.") else raise Error, "Unable to resolve migration ambiguities in table #{table_name}" end end def always_ignore_tables # TODO: figure out how to do this in a sane way and be compatible with 2.2 and 2.3 - class has moved sessions_table = CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session.table_name if defined?(CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session) && defined?(ActionController::Base) && ActionController::Base.session_store == CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore ['schema_info', 'schema_migrations', sessions_table].compact end def generate models, db_tables = models_and_tables models_by_table_name = {} models.each do |m| if !models_by_table_name.has_key?(m.table_name) models_by_table_name[m.table_name] = m elsif m.superclass==models_by_table_name[m.table_name].superclass.superclass # we need to ensure that models_by_table_name contains the # base class in an STI hierarchy models_by_table_name[m.table_name] = m end end # generate shims for HABTM models habtm_tables.each do |name, refls| models_by_table_name[name] = HabtmModelShim.from_reflection(refls.first) end model_table_names = models_by_table_name.keys to_create = model_table_names - db_tables to_drop = db_tables - model_table_names - always_ignore_tables to_change = model_table_names to_rename = extract_table_renames!(to_create, to_drop) renames = do |old_name, new_name| "rename_table :#{old_name}, :#{new_name}" end * "\n" undo_renames = do |old_name, new_name| "rename_table :#{new_name}, :#{old_name}" end * "\n" drops = do |t| "drop_table :#{t}" end * "\n" undo_drops = do |t| revert_table(t) end * "\n\n" creates = do |t| create_table(models_by_table_name[t]) end * "\n\n" undo_creates = do |t| "drop_table :#{t}" end * "\n" changes = [] undo_changes = [] index_changes = [] undo_index_changes = [] to_change.each do |t| model = models_by_table_name[t] table = to_rename.key(t) || model.table_name if change, undo, index_change, undo_index = change_table(model, table) changes << change undo_changes << undo index_changes << index_change undo_index_changes << undo_index end end up = [renames, drops, creates, changes, index_changes].flatten.reject(&:blank?) * "\n\n" down = [undo_changes, undo_renames, undo_drops, undo_creates, undo_index_changes].flatten.reject(&:blank?) * "\n\n" [up, down] end def create_table(model) longest_field_name = { |f| f.sql_type.to_s.length }.max if model.primary_key != "id" if model.primary_key primary_key_option = ", :primary_key => :#{model.primary_key}" else primary_key_option = ", :id => false" end end (["create_table :#{model.table_name}#{primary_key_option} do |t|"] + model.field_specs.values.sort_by{|f| f.position}.map {|f| create_field(f, longest_field_name)} + ["end"] + (Migrator.disable_indexing ? [] : create_indexes(model))) * "\n" end def create_indexes(model) { |i| i.to_add_statement(model.table_name) } end def create_field(field_spec, field_name_width) args = [] + format_options(field_spec.options, field_spec.sql_type) " t.%-*s %s" % [field_name_width, field_spec.sql_type, args.join(', ')] end def change_table(model, current_table_name) new_table_name = model.table_name db_columns = model.connection.columns(current_table_name).index_by{|c|} key_missing = db_columns[model.primary_key].nil? && model.primary_key db_columns -= [model.primary_key] model_column_names = model.field_specs.keys.*.to_s db_column_names = db_columns.keys.*.to_s to_add = model_column_names - db_column_names to_add += [model.primary_key] if key_missing && model.primary_key to_remove = db_column_names - model_column_names to_remove = to_remove - [model.primary_key.to_sym] if model.primary_key to_rename = extract_column_renames!(to_add, to_remove, new_table_name) db_column_names -= to_rename.keys db_column_names |= to_rename.values to_change = db_column_names & model_column_names renames = do |old_name, new_name| "rename_column :#{new_table_name}, :#{old_name}, :#{new_name}" end undo_renames = do |old_name, new_name| "rename_column :#{new_table_name}, :#{new_name}, :#{old_name}" end to_add = to_add.sort_by {|c| model.field_specs[c].position } adds = do |c| spec = model.field_specs[c] args = [":#{spec.sql_type}"] + format_options(spec.options, spec.sql_type) "add_column :#{new_table_name}, :#{c}, #{args * ', '}" end undo_adds = do |c| "remove_column :#{new_table_name}, :#{c}" end removes = do |c| "remove_column :#{new_table_name}, :#{c}" end undo_removes = do |c| revert_column(current_table_name, c) end old_names = to_rename.invert changes = [] undo_changes = [] to_change.each do |c| col_name = old_names[c] || c col = db_columns[col_name] spec = model.field_specs[c] if spec.different_to?(col) change_spec = {} change_spec[:limit] = spec.limit unless spec.limit.nil? && col.limit.nil? change_spec[:precision] = spec.precision unless spec.precision.nil? change_spec[:scale] = spec.scale unless spec.scale.nil? change_spec[:null] = spec.null unless spec.null && col.null change_spec[:default] = spec.default unless spec.default.nil? && col.default.nil? change_spec[:comment] = spec.comment unless spec.comment.nil? && col.try.comment.nil? changes << "change_column :#{new_table_name}, :#{c}, " + ([":#{spec.sql_type}"] + format_options(change_spec, spec.sql_type, true)).join(", ") back = change_column_back(current_table_name, col_name) undo_changes << back unless back.blank? else nil end end.compact index_changes, undo_index_changes = change_indexes(model, current_table_name) [(renames + adds + removes + changes) * "\n", (undo_renames + undo_adds + undo_removes + undo_changes) * "\n", index_changes * "\n", undo_index_changes * "\n"] end def change_indexes(model, old_table_name) return [[],[]] if Migrator.disable_indexing || model.is_a?(HabtmModelShim) new_table_name = model.table_name existing_indexes = HoboFields::Model::IndexSpec.for_model(model, old_table_name) model_indexes = model.index_specs add_indexes = model_indexes - existing_indexes drop_indexes = existing_indexes - model_indexes undo_add_indexes = [] undo_drop_indexes = []! do |i| undo_add_indexes << drop_index(old_table_name, i.to_add_statement(new_table_name) end! do |i| undo_drop_indexes << i.to_add_statement(old_table_name) drop_index(new_table_name, end # the order is important here - adding a :unique, for instance needs to remove then add [drop_indexes + add_indexes, undo_add_indexes + undo_drop_indexes] end def drop_index(table, name) # see # for why the rescue exists max_length = connection.index_name_length name = name[0,max_length] if name.length > max_length "remove_index :#{table}, :name => :#{name} rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid" end def format_options(options, type, changing=false) do |k, v| unless changing next if k == :limit && (type == :decimal || v == native_types[type][:limit]) next if k == :null && v == true end "#{k.inspect} => #{v.inspect}" end.compact end def revert_table(table) res = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.send(:new, ActiveRecord::Base.connection).send(:table, table, res) res.string.strip.gsub("\n ", "\n") end def column_options_from_reverted_table(table, column) revert = revert_table(table) if (md = revert.match(/\s*t\.column\s+"#{column}",\s+(:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?:,\s+(.*?)$)?/m)) # Ugly migration _, type, options = *md elsif (md = revert.match(/\s*t\.([a-z_]+)\s+"#{column}"(?:,\s+(.*?)$)?/m)) # Sexy migration _, type, options = *md type = ":#{type}" end [type, options] end def change_column_back(table, column) type, options = column_options_from_reverted_table(table, column) "change_column :#{table}, :#{column}, #{type}#{', ' + options.strip if options}" end def revert_column(table, column) type, options = column_options_from_reverted_table(table, column) "add_column :#{table}, :#{column}, #{type}#{', ' + options.strip if options}" end end end end end