/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #ifndef INCLUDE_git_tree_h__ #define INCLUDE_git_tree_h__ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "oid.h" #include "object.h" /** * @file git2/tree.h * @brief Git tree parsing, loading routines * @defgroup git_tree Git tree parsing, loading routines * @ingroup Git * @{ */ GIT_BEGIN_DECL /** * Lookup a tree object from the repository. * * @param out Pointer to the looked up tree * @param repo The repo to use when locating the tree. * @param id Identity of the tree to locate. * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_lookup( git_tree **out, git_repository *repo, const git_oid *id); /** * Lookup a tree object from the repository, * given a prefix of its identifier (short id). * * @see git_object_lookup_prefix * * @param out pointer to the looked up tree * @param repo the repo to use when locating the tree. * @param id identity of the tree to locate. * @param len the length of the short identifier * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_lookup_prefix( git_tree **out, git_repository *repo, const git_oid *id, size_t len); /** * Close an open tree * * You can no longer use the git_tree pointer after this call. * * IMPORTANT: You MUST call this method when you stop using a tree to * release memory. Failure to do so will cause a memory leak. * * @param tree The tree to close */ GIT_EXTERN(void) git_tree_free(git_tree *tree); /** * Get the id of a tree. * * @param tree a previously loaded tree. * @return object identity for the tree. */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_oid *) git_tree_id(const git_tree *tree); /** * Get the repository that contains the tree. * * @param tree A previously loaded tree. * @return Repository that contains this tree. */ GIT_EXTERN(git_repository *) git_tree_owner(const git_tree *tree); /** * Get the number of entries listed in a tree * * @param tree a previously loaded tree. * @return the number of entries in the tree */ GIT_EXTERN(size_t) git_tree_entrycount(const git_tree *tree); /** * Lookup a tree entry by its filename * * This returns a git_tree_entry that is owned by the git_tree. You don't * have to free it, but you must not use it after the git_tree is released. * * @param tree a previously loaded tree. * @param filename the filename of the desired entry * @return the tree entry; NULL if not found */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_tree_entry *) git_tree_entry_byname( const git_tree *tree, const char *filename); /** * Lookup a tree entry by its position in the tree * * This returns a git_tree_entry that is owned by the git_tree. You don't * have to free it, but you must not use it after the git_tree is released. * * @param tree a previously loaded tree. * @param idx the position in the entry list * @return the tree entry; NULL if not found */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_tree_entry *) git_tree_entry_byindex( const git_tree *tree, size_t idx); /** * Lookup a tree entry by SHA value. * * This returns a git_tree_entry that is owned by the git_tree. You don't * have to free it, but you must not use it after the git_tree is released. * * Warning: this must examine every entry in the tree, so it is not fast. * * @param tree a previously loaded tree. * @param id the sha being looked for * @return the tree entry; NULL if not found */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_tree_entry *) git_tree_entry_byid( const git_tree *tree, const git_oid *id); /** * Retrieve a tree entry contained in a tree or in any of its subtrees, * given its relative path. * * Unlike the other lookup functions, the returned tree entry is owned by * the user and must be freed explicitly with `git_tree_entry_free()`. * * @param out Pointer where to store the tree entry * @param root Previously loaded tree which is the root of the relative path * @param path Path to the contained entry * @return 0 on success; GIT_ENOTFOUND if the path does not exist */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_entry_bypath( git_tree_entry **out, const git_tree *root, const char *path); /** * Duplicate a tree entry * * Create a copy of a tree entry. The returned copy is owned by the user, * and must be freed explicitly with `git_tree_entry_free()`. * * @param dest pointer where to store the copy * @param source tree entry to duplicate * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_entry_dup(git_tree_entry **dest, const git_tree_entry *source); /** * Free a user-owned tree entry * * IMPORTANT: This function is only needed for tree entries owned by the * user, such as the ones returned by `git_tree_entry_dup()` or * `git_tree_entry_bypath()`. * * @param entry The entry to free */ GIT_EXTERN(void) git_tree_entry_free(git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Get the filename of a tree entry * * @param entry a tree entry * @return the name of the file */ GIT_EXTERN(const char *) git_tree_entry_name(const git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Get the id of the object pointed by the entry * * @param entry a tree entry * @return the oid of the object */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_oid *) git_tree_entry_id(const git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Get the type of the object pointed by the entry * * @param entry a tree entry * @return the type of the pointed object */ GIT_EXTERN(git_object_t) git_tree_entry_type(const git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Get the UNIX file attributes of a tree entry * * @param entry a tree entry * @return filemode as an integer */ GIT_EXTERN(git_filemode_t) git_tree_entry_filemode(const git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Get the raw UNIX file attributes of a tree entry * * This function does not perform any normalization and is only useful * if you need to be able to recreate the original tree object. * * @param entry a tree entry * @return filemode as an integer */ GIT_EXTERN(git_filemode_t) git_tree_entry_filemode_raw(const git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Compare two tree entries * * @param e1 first tree entry * @param e2 second tree entry * @return <0 if e1 is before e2, 0 if e1 == e2, >0 if e1 is after e2 */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_entry_cmp(const git_tree_entry *e1, const git_tree_entry *e2); /** * Convert a tree entry to the git_object it points to. * * You must call `git_object_free()` on the object when you are done with it. * * @param object_out pointer to the converted object * @param repo repository where to lookup the pointed object * @param entry a tree entry * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_entry_to_object( git_object **object_out, git_repository *repo, const git_tree_entry *entry); /** * Create a new tree builder. * * The tree builder can be used to create or modify trees in memory and * write them as tree objects to the database. * * If the `source` parameter is not NULL, the tree builder will be * initialized with the entries of the given tree. * * If the `source` parameter is NULL, the tree builder will start with no * entries and will have to be filled manually. * * @param out Pointer where to store the tree builder * @param repo Repository in which to store the object * @param source Source tree to initialize the builder (optional) * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_new( git_treebuilder **out, git_repository *repo, const git_tree *source); /** * Clear all the entires in the builder * * @param bld Builder to clear * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_clear(git_treebuilder *bld); /** * Get the number of entries listed in a treebuilder * * @param bld a previously loaded treebuilder. * @return the number of entries in the treebuilder */ GIT_EXTERN(size_t) git_treebuilder_entrycount(git_treebuilder *bld); /** * Free a tree builder * * This will clear all the entries and free to builder. * Failing to free the builder after you're done using it * will result in a memory leak * * @param bld Builder to free */ GIT_EXTERN(void) git_treebuilder_free(git_treebuilder *bld); /** * Get an entry from the builder from its filename * * The returned entry is owned by the builder and should * not be freed manually. * * @param bld Tree builder * @param filename Name of the entry * @return pointer to the entry; NULL if not found */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_tree_entry *) git_treebuilder_get( git_treebuilder *bld, const char *filename); /** * Add or update an entry to the builder * * Insert a new entry for `filename` in the builder with the * given attributes. * * If an entry named `filename` already exists, its attributes * will be updated with the given ones. * * The optional pointer `out` can be used to retrieve a pointer to the * newly created/updated entry. Pass NULL if you do not need it. The * pointer may not be valid past the next operation in this * builder. Duplicate the entry if you want to keep it. * * By default the entry that you are inserting will be checked for * validity; that it exists in the object database and is of the * correct type. If you do not want this behavior, set the * `GIT_OPT_ENABLE_STRICT_OBJECT_CREATION` library option to false. * * @param out Pointer to store the entry (optional) * @param bld Tree builder * @param filename Filename of the entry * @param id SHA1 oid of the entry * @param filemode Folder attributes of the entry. This parameter must * be valued with one of the following entries: 0040000, 0100644, * 0100755, 0120000 or 0160000. * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_insert( const git_tree_entry **out, git_treebuilder *bld, const char *filename, const git_oid *id, git_filemode_t filemode); /** * Remove an entry from the builder by its filename * * @param bld Tree builder * @param filename Filename of the entry to remove * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_remove( git_treebuilder *bld, const char *filename); /** * Callback for git_treebuilder_filter * * The return value is treated as a boolean, with zero indicating that the * entry should be left alone and any non-zero value meaning that the * entry should be removed from the treebuilder list (i.e. filtered out). */ typedef int GIT_CALLBACK(git_treebuilder_filter_cb)( const git_tree_entry *entry, void *payload); /** * Selectively remove entries in the tree * * The `filter` callback will be called for each entry in the tree with a * pointer to the entry and the provided `payload`; if the callback returns * non-zero, the entry will be filtered (removed from the builder). * * @param bld Tree builder * @param filter Callback to filter entries * @param payload Extra data to pass to filter callback * @return 0 on success, non-zero callback return value, or error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_filter( git_treebuilder *bld, git_treebuilder_filter_cb filter, void *payload); /** * Write the contents of the tree builder as a tree object * * The tree builder will be written to the given `repo`, and its * identifying SHA1 hash will be stored in the `id` pointer. * * @param id Pointer to store the OID of the newly written tree * @param bld Tree builder to write * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_write( git_oid *id, git_treebuilder *bld); /** * Write the contents of the tree builder as a tree object * using a shared git_buf. * * @see git_treebuilder_write * * @param oid Pointer to store the OID of the newly written tree * @param bld Tree builder to write * @param tree Shared buffer for writing the tree. Will be grown as necessary. * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_treebuilder_write_with_buffer( git_oid *oid, git_treebuilder *bld, git_buf *tree); /** Callback for the tree traversal method */ typedef int GIT_CALLBACK(git_treewalk_cb)( const char *root, const git_tree_entry *entry, void *payload); /** Tree traversal modes */ typedef enum { GIT_TREEWALK_PRE = 0, /* Pre-order */ GIT_TREEWALK_POST = 1, /* Post-order */ } git_treewalk_mode; /** * Traverse the entries in a tree and its subtrees in post or pre order. * * The entries will be traversed in the specified order, children subtrees * will be automatically loaded as required, and the `callback` will be * called once per entry with the current (relative) root for the entry and * the entry data itself. * * If the callback returns a positive value, the passed entry will be * skipped on the traversal (in pre mode). A negative value stops the walk. * * @param tree The tree to walk * @param mode Traversal mode (pre or post-order) * @param callback Function to call on each tree entry * @param payload Opaque pointer to be passed on each callback * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_walk( const git_tree *tree, git_treewalk_mode mode, git_treewalk_cb callback, void *payload); /** * Create an in-memory copy of a tree. The copy must be explicitly * free'd or it will leak. * * @param out Pointer to store the copy of the tree * @param source Original tree to copy */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_dup(git_tree **out, git_tree *source); /** * The kind of update to perform */ typedef enum { /** Update or insert an entry at the specified path */ GIT_TREE_UPDATE_UPSERT, /** Remove an entry from the specified path */ GIT_TREE_UPDATE_REMOVE, } git_tree_update_t; /** * An action to perform during the update of a tree */ typedef struct { /** Update action. If it's an removal, only the path is looked at */ git_tree_update_t action; /** The entry's id */ git_oid id; /** The filemode/kind of object */ git_filemode_t filemode; /** The full path from the root tree */ const char *path; } git_tree_update; /** * Create a tree based on another one with the specified modifications * * Given the `baseline` perform the changes described in the list of * `updates` and create a new tree. * * This function is optimized for common file/directory addition, removal and * replacement in trees. It is much more efficient than reading the tree into a * `git_index` and modifying that, but in exchange it is not as flexible. * * Deleting and adding the same entry is undefined behaviour, changing * a tree to a blob or viceversa is not supported. * * @param out id of the new tree * @param repo the repository in which to create the tree, must be the * same as for `baseline` * @param baseline the tree to base these changes on * @param nupdates the number of elements in the update list * @param updates the list of updates to perform * @return 0 or an error code */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_tree_create_updated(git_oid *out, git_repository *repo, git_tree *baseline, size_t nupdates, const git_tree_update *updates); /** @} */ GIT_END_DECL #endif