# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#click_link' do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end it 'should wait for asynchronous load', requires: [:js] do Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 2 @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') @session.click_link('Has been clicked') end it 'casts to string' do @session.click_link(:foo) expect(@session).to have_content('Another World') end it 'raises any errors caught inside the server', requires: [:server] do quietly { @session.visit('/error') } expect do @session.click_link('foo') end.to raise_error(TestApp::TestAppError) end context 'with id given' do it 'should take user to the linked page' do @session.click_link('foo') expect(@session).to have_content('Another World') end end context 'with text given' do it 'should take user to the linked page' do @session.click_link('labore') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should accept partial matches', :exact_false do @session.click_link('abo') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end end context 'with title given' do it 'should take user to the linked page' do @session.click_link('awesome title') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should accept partial matches', :exact_false do @session.click_link('some titl') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end end context 'with alternative text given to a contained image' do it 'should take user to the linked page' do @session.click_link('awesome image') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should accept partial matches', :exact_false do @session.click_link('some imag') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end end context "with a locator that doesn't exist" do it 'should raise an error' do msg = 'Unable to find link "does not exist"' expect do @session.click_link('does not exist') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound, msg) end end context 'with :href option given' do it 'should find links with valid href' do @session.click_link('labore', href: '/with_simple_html') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it "should raise error if link wasn't found" do expect { @session.click_link('labore', href: 'invalid_href') }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end end context 'with a regex :href option given' do it 'should find a link matching an all-matching regex pattern' do @session.click_link('labore', href: /.+/) expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should find a link matching an exact regex pattern' do @session.click_link('labore', href: %r{/with_simple_html}) expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should find a link matching a partial regex pattern' do @session.click_link('labore', href: %r{/with_simple}) expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it "should raise an error if no link's href matched the pattern" do expect { @session.click_link('labore', href: /invalid_pattern/) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) expect { @session.click_link('labore', href: /.+d+/) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end context 'href: nil' do it 'should not raise an error on links with no href attribute' do expect { @session.click_link('No Href', href: nil) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should raise an error if href attribute exists' do expect { @session.click_link('Blank Href', href: nil) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) expect { @session.click_link('Normal Anchor', href: nil) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end end end it 'should follow relative links' do @session.visit('/') @session.click_link('Relative') expect(@session).to have_content('This is a test') end it 'should follow protocol relative links' do @session.click_link('Protocol') expect(@session).to have_content('Another World') end it 'should follow redirects' do @session.click_link('Redirect') expect(@session).to have_content('You landed') end it 'should follow redirects back to itself' do @session.click_link('BackToMyself') expect(@session).to have_css('#referrer', text: %r{/with_html$}) expect(@session).to have_content('This is a test') end it 'should add query string to current URL with naked query string' do @session.click_link('Naked Query String') expect(@session).to have_content('Query String sent') end it 'should do nothing on anchor links' do @session.fill_in('test_field', with: 'blah') @session.click_link('Normal Anchor') expect(@session.find_field('test_field').value).to eq('blah') @session.click_link('Blank Anchor') expect(@session.find_field('test_field').value).to eq('blah') @session.click_link('Blank JS Anchor') expect(@session.find_field('test_field').value).to eq('blah') end it 'should do nothing on URL+anchor links for the same page' do @session.fill_in('test_field', with: 'blah') @session.click_link('Anchor on same page') expect(@session.find_field('test_field').value).to eq('blah') end it 'should follow link on URL+anchor links for a different page' do @session.click_link('Anchor on different page') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should follow link on anchor if the path has regex special characters' do @session.visit('/with.*html') @session.click_link('Anchor on different page') expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should raise an error with links with no href' do expect do @session.click_link('No Href') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end context 'with :exact option' do it 'should accept partial matches when false' do @session.click_link('abo', exact: false) expect(@session).to have_content('Bar') end it 'should not accept partial matches when true' do expect do @session.click_link('abo', exact: true) end.to raise_error(Capybara::ElementNotFound) end end context 'without locator' do it 'uses options' do @session.click_link(href: '/foo') expect(@session).to have_content('Another World') end end it 'should return element clicked' do el = @session.find(:link, 'Normal Anchor') expect(@session.click_link('Normal Anchor')).to eq el end it 'can download a file', requires: [:download] do # This requires the driver used for the test to be configured # to download documents with the mime type "text/csv" download_file = File.join(Capybara.save_path, 'download.csv') expect(File).not_to exist(download_file) @session.click_link('Download Me') sleep 2 expect(File).to exist(download_file) FileUtils.rm_rf download_file end end