module MCollective # Some basic utility helper methods useful to clients, agents, runner etc. module Util # Finds out if this MCollective has an agent by the name passed # # If the passed name starts with a / it's assumed to be regex # and will use regex to match def self.has_agent?(agent) agent ="\/", "")) if agent.match("^/") if agent.is_a?(Regexp) if Agents.agentlist.grep(agent).size > 0 return true else return false end else return Agents.agentlist.include?(agent) end false end # On windows ^c can't interrupt the VM if its blocking on # IO, so this sets up a dummy thread that sleeps and this # will have the end result of being interruptable at least # once a second. This is a common pattern found in Rails etc def self.setup_windows_sleeper { loop { sleep 1 } } if end # Checks if this node has a configuration management class by parsing the # a text file with just a list of classes, recipes, roles etc. This is # ala the classes.txt from puppet. # # If the passed name starts with a / it's assumed to be regex # and will use regex to match def self.has_cf_class?(klass) klass ="\/", "")) if klass.match("^/") cfile = Config.instance.classesfile Log.debug("Looking for configuration management classes in #{cfile}") begin File.readlines(cfile).each do |k| if klass.is_a?(Regexp) return true if k.chomp.match(klass) else return true if k.chomp == klass end end rescue Exception => e Log.warn("Parsing classes file '#{cfile}' failed: #{e.class}: #{e}") end false end # Gets the value of a specific fact, mostly just a duplicate of MCollective::Facts.get_fact # but it kind of goes with the other classes here def self.get_fact(fact) Facts.get_fact(fact) end # Compares fact == value, # # If the passed value starts with a / it's assumed to be regex # and will use regex to match def self.has_fact?(fact, value, operator) Log.debug("Comparing #{fact} #{operator} #{value}") Log.debug("where :fact = '#{fact}', :operator = '#{operator}', :value = '#{value}'") fact = Facts[fact] return false if fact.nil? fact = fact.clone case fact when Array return fact.any? { |element| test_fact_value(element, value, operator)} when Hash return fact.keys.any? { |element| test_fact_value(element, value, operator)} else return test_fact_value(fact, value, operator) end end def self.test_fact_value(fact, value, operator) if operator == '=~' # to maintain backward compat we send the value # as /.../ which is what 1.0.x needed. this strips # off the /'s which is what we need here if value =~ /^\/(.+)\/$/ value = $1 end return true if fact.match( elsif operator == "==" return true if fact == value elsif ['<=', '>=', '<', '>', '!='].include?(operator) # Yuk - need to type cast, but to_i and to_f are overzealous if value =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && fact =~ /^[0-9]+$/ fact = Integer(fact) value = Integer(value) elsif value =~ /^[0-9]+.[0-9]+$/ && fact =~ /^[0-9]+.[0-9]+$/ fact = Float(fact) value = Float(value) end return true if eval("fact #{operator} value") end false end private_class_method :test_fact_value # Checks if the configured identity matches the one supplied # # If the passed name starts with a / it's assumed to be regex # and will use regex to match def self.has_identity?(identity) identity ="\/", "")) if identity.match("^/") if identity.is_a?(Regexp) return Config.instance.identity.match(identity) else return true if Config.instance.identity == identity end false end # Checks if the passed in filter is an empty one def self.empty_filter?(filter) filter == empty_filter || filter == {} end # Creates an empty filter def self.empty_filter {"fact" => [], "cf_class" => [], "agent" => [], "identity" => [], "compound" => []} end # Returns the PuppetLabs mcollective path for windows def self.windows_prefix require 'win32/dir' prefix = File.join(Dir::COMMON_APPDATA, "PuppetLabs", "mcollective") end # Picks a config file defaults to ~/.mcollective # else /etc/mcollective/client.cfg def self.config_file_for_user # the set of acceptable config files config_paths = [] # user dotfile begin # File.expand_path will raise if HOME isn't set, catch it user_path = File.expand_path("~/.mcollective") config_paths << user_path rescue Exception end # standard locations if config_paths << File.join(self.windows_prefix, 'etc', 'client.cfg') else config_paths << '/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/client.cfg' config_paths << '/etc/mcollective/client.cfg' end # use the first readable config file, or if none are the first listed found = config_paths.find_index { |file| File.readable?(file) } || 0 return config_paths[found] end # Creates a standard options hash def self.default_options {:verbose => false, :disctimeout => nil, :timeout => 5, :config => config_file_for_user, :collective => nil, :discovery_method => nil, :discovery_options => Config.instance.default_discovery_options, :filter => empty_filter} end def self.make_subscriptions(agent, type, collective=nil) config = Config.instance raise("Unknown target type #{type}") unless [:broadcast, :directed, :reply].include?(type) if collective.nil? do |c| {:agent => agent, :type => type, :collective => c} end else raise("Unknown collective '#{collective}' known collectives are '#{config.collectives.join ', '}'") unless config.collectives.include?(collective) [{:agent => agent, :type => type, :collective => collective}] end end # Helper to subscribe to a topic on multiple collectives or just one def self.subscribe(targets) connection = PluginManager["connector_plugin"] targets = [targets].flatten targets.each do |target| connection.subscribe(target[:agent], target[:type], target[:collective]) end end # Helper to unsubscribe to a topic on multiple collectives or just one def self.unsubscribe(targets) connection = PluginManager["connector_plugin"] targets = [targets].flatten targets.each do |target| connection.unsubscribe(target[:agent], target[:type], target[:collective]) end end # Wrapper around PluginManager.loadclass def self.loadclass(klass) PluginManager.loadclass(klass) end # Parse a fact filter string like foo=bar into the tuple hash thats needed def self.parse_fact_string(fact) if fact =~ /^([^ ]+?)[ ]*=>[ ]*(.+)/ return {:fact => $1, :value => $2, :operator => '>=' } elsif fact =~ /^([^ ]+?)[ ]*=<[ ]*(.+)/ return {:fact => $1, :value => $2, :operator => '<=' } elsif fact =~ /^([^ ]+?)[ ]*(<=|>=|<|>|!=|==|=~)[ ]*(.+)/ return {:fact => $1, :value => $3, :operator => $2 } elsif fact =~ /^(.+?)[ ]*=[ ]*\/(.+)\/$/ return {:fact => $1, :value => "/#{$2}/", :operator => '=~' } elsif fact =~ /^([^= ]+?)[ ]*=[ ]*(.+)/ return {:fact => $1, :value => $2, :operator => '==' } else raise "Could not parse fact #{fact} it does not appear to be in a valid format" end end # Escapes a string so it's safe to use in system() or backticks # # Taken from Shellwords#shellescape since it's only in a few ruby versions def self.shellescape(str) return "''" if str.empty? str = str.dup # Process as a single byte sequence because not all shell # implementations are multibyte aware. str.gsub!(/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-.,:\/@\n])/n, "\\\\\\1") # A LF cannot be escaped with a backslash because a backslash + LF # combo is regarded as line continuation and simply ignored. str.gsub!(/\n/, "'\n'") return str end def !!(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|win32|dos|mingw|cygwin/i) end # Return color codes, if the config color= option is false # just return a empty string def self.color(code) colorize = Config.instance.color colors = {:red => "", :green => "", :yellow => "", :cyan => "", :bold => "", :reset => ""} if colorize return colors[code] || "" else return "" end end # Helper to return a string in specific color def self.colorize(code, msg) "%s%s%s" % [ color(code), msg, color(:reset) ] end # Returns the current ruby version as per RUBY_VERSION, mostly # doing this here to aid testing def self.ruby_version RUBY_VERSION end def self.mcollective_version MCollective::VERSION end # Returns an aligned_string of text relative to the size of the terminal # window. If a line in the string exceeds the width of the terminal window # the line will be chopped off at the whitespace chacter closest to the # end of the line and prepended to the next line, keeping all indentation. # # The terminal size is detected by default, but custom line widths can # passed. All strings will also be left aligned with 5 whitespace characters # by default. def self.align_text(text, console_cols = nil, preamble = 5) unless console_cols console_cols = terminal_dimensions[0] # if unknown size we default to the typical unix default console_cols = 80 if console_cols == 0 end console_cols -= preamble # Return unaligned text if console window is too small return text if console_cols <= 0 # If console is 0 this implies unknown so we assume the common # minimal unix configuration of 80 characters console_cols = 80 if console_cols <= 0 text = text.split("\n") piece = '' whitespace = 0 text.each_with_index do |line, i| whitespace = 0 while whitespace < line.length && line[whitespace].chr == ' ' whitespace += 1 end # If the current line is empty, indent it so that a snippet # from the previous line is aligned correctly. if line == "" line = (" " * whitespace) end # If text was snipped from the previous line, prepend it to the # current line after any current indentation. if piece != '' # Reset whitespaces to 0 if there are more whitespaces than there are # console columns whitespace = 0 if whitespace >= console_cols # If the current line is empty and being prepended to, create a new # empty line in the text so that formatting is preserved. if text[i + 1] && line == (" " * whitespace) text.insert(i + 1, "") end # Add the snipped text to the current line line.insert(whitespace, "#{piece} ") end piece = '' # Compare the line length to the allowed line length. # If it exceeds it, snip the offending text from the line # and store it so that it can be prepended to the next line. if line.length > (console_cols + preamble) reverse = console_cols while line[reverse].chr != ' ' reverse -= 1 end piece = line.slice!(reverse, (line.length - 1)).lstrip end # If a snippet exists when all the columns in the text have been # updated, create a new line and append the snippet to it, using # the same left alignment as the last line in the text. if piece != '' && text[i+1].nil? text[i+1] = "#{' ' * (whitespace)}#{piece}" piece = '' end # Add the preamble to the line and add it to the text line = ((' ' * preamble) + line) text[i] = line end text.join("\n") end # Figures out the columns and lines of the current tty # # Returns [0, 0] if it can't figure it out or if you're # not running on a tty def self.terminal_dimensions(stdout = STDOUT, environment = ENV) return [0, 0] unless stdout.tty? return [80, 40] if if environment["COLUMNS"] && environment["LINES"] return [environment["COLUMNS"].to_i, environment["LINES"].to_i] elsif environment["TERM"] && command_in_path?("tput") return [`tput cols`.to_i, `tput lines`.to_i] elsif command_in_path?('stty') return `stty size`.scan(/\d+/).map {|s| s.to_i } else return [0, 0] end rescue [0, 0] end # Checks in PATH returns true if the command is found def self.command_in_path?(command) found = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map do |p| File.exist?(File.join(p, command)) end found.include?(true) end # compare two software versions as commonly found in # package versions. # # returns 0 if a == b # returns -1 if a < b # returns 1 if a > b # # Code originally from Puppet def self.versioncmp(version_a, version_b) vre = /[-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+/ ax = version_a.scan(vre) bx = version_b.scan(vre) while (ax.length>0 && bx.length>0) a = ax.shift b = bx.shift if( a == b ) then next elsif (a == '-' && b == '-') then next elsif (a == '-') then return -1 elsif (b == '-') then return 1 elsif (a == '.' && b == '.') then next elsif (a == '.' ) then return -1 elsif (b == '.' ) then return 1 elsif (a =~ /^\d+$/ && b =~ /^\d+$/) then if( a =~ /^0/ or b =~ /^0/ ) then return a.to_s.upcase <=> b.to_s.upcase end return a.to_i <=> b.to_i else return a.upcase <=> b.upcase end end version_a <=> version_b; end # we should really use Pathname#absolute? but it's not in all the # ruby versions we support and it comes down to roughly this def self.absolute_path?(path, separator=File::SEPARATOR, alt_separator=File::ALT_SEPARATOR) if alt_separator path_matcher = /^([a-zA-Z]:){0,1}[#{Regexp.quote alt_separator}#{Regexp.quote separator}]/ else path_matcher = /^#{Regexp.quote separator}/ end !!path.match(path_matcher) end # Converts a string into a boolean value # Strings matching 1,y,yes,true or t will return TrueClass # Any other value will return FalseClass def self.str_to_bool(val) clean_val = val.to_s.strip if clean_val =~ /^(1|yes|true|y|t)$/i return true elsif clean_val =~ /^(0|no|false|n|f)$/i return false else raise("Cannot convert string value '#{clean_val}' into a boolean.") end end # Looks up the template directory and returns its full path def self.templatepath(template_file) config_dir = File.dirname(Config.instance.configfile) template_path = File.join(config_dir, template_file) return template_path if File.exists?(template_path) template_path = File.join("/etc/mcollective", template_file) return template_path end # subscribe to the direct addressing queue def self.subscribe_to_direct_addressing_queue subscribe(make_subscriptions("mcollective", :directed)) end # Get field size for printing def self.field_size(elements, min_size=40) max_length = elements.max_by { |e| e.length }.length max_length > min_size ? max_length : min_size end # Calculate number of fields for printing def self.field_number(field_size, max_size=90) number = (max_size/field_size).to_i (number == 0) ? 1 : number end def self.get_hidden_input_on_windows() require 'Win32API' # Hook into getch from crtdll. Keep reading all keys till return # or newline is hit. # If key is backspace or delete, then delete the character and update # the buffer. input = '' while char ="crtdll", "_getch", [ ], "I").Call do break if char == 10 || char == 13 # return or newline if char == 127 || char == 8 # backspace and delete if input.length > 0 input.slice!(-1, 1) end else input << char.chr end end char = '' input end def self.get_hidden_input_on_unix() unless $stdin.tty? raise 'Could not hook to stdin to hide input. If using SSH, try using -t flag while connecting to server.' end unless system 'stty -echo -icanon' raise 'Could not hide input using stty command.' end input = $stdin.gets ensure unless system 'stty echo icanon' raise 'Could not enable echoing of input. Try executing `stty echo icanon` to debug.' end input end def self.get_hidden_input(message='Please enter data: ') unless message.nil? print message end if versioncmp(ruby_version, '1.9.3') >= 0 require 'io/console' input = $stdin.noecho(&:gets) else # Use hacks to get hidden input on Ruby <1.9.3 if input = self.get_hidden_input_on_windows() else input = self.get_hidden_input_on_unix() end end input.chomp! if input input end end end