require 'active_support/concern' module Mongoid module Symbolize extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Symbolize Mongoid attributes. Add: # symbolize :attr_name # to your model class, to make an attribute return symbols instead of # string values. Setting such an attribute will accept symbols as well # as strings. # # There's no need for 'field :attr_name', symbolize will do it. # # Example: # class User # include Mongoid::Document # symbolize :gender, :in => [:female, :male] # symbolize :so, :in => { # :linux => "Linux", # :mac => "Mac OS X" # } # symbolize :gui, , :in => [:gnome, :kde, :xfce], :allow_blank => true # symbolize :browser, :in => [:firefox, :opera], :i18n => false # end # # It will automattically lookup for i18n: # # models: # symbolizes: # user: # gender: # female: Girl # male: Boy # # You can skip i18n lookup with :i18n => false # symbolize :gender, :in => [:female, :male], :i18n => false # # Its possible to use boolean fields also. # symbolize :switch, :in => [true, false] # # ... # switch: # "true": On # "false": Off # "nil": Unknown # module ClassMethods # Specifies that values of the given attributes should be returned # as symbols. The table column should be created of type string. def symbolize *attr_names configuration = {} configuration.update(attr_names.extract_options!) enum = configuration[:in] || configuration[:within] i18n = configuration.delete(:i18n) i18n = (!enum.instance_of?(Hash) && enum) if i18n.nil? scopes = configuration.delete :scopes methods = configuration.delete :methods capitalize = configuration.delete :capitalize validation = configuration.delete(:validate) != false field_type = configuration.delete :type default_opt = configuration.delete :default enum = [true, false] if field_type == Boolean unless enum.nil? attr_names.each do |attr_name| # attr_name = attr_name.to_s # # Builds Mongoid 'field :name, type: type, :default' # const = "#{attr_name}_values" mongo_opts = ", :type => #{field_type || 'Symbol'}" mongo_opts += ", :default => :#{default_opt}" if default_opt class_eval("field :#{attr_name} #{mongo_opts}") if enum.is_a?(Hash) values = enum else values = {} do |val| key = val.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? val.to_sym : val values[key] = capitalize ? val.to_s.capitalize : val.to_s end end # Get the values of :in const_set const.upcase, values unless const_defined? const.upcase ev = if i18n # This one is a dropdown helper code = "#{const.upcase}.map { |k,v| [I18n.t(\"mongoid.symbolizes.\#{ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(self.model_name)}.#{attr_name}.\#{k}\"), k] }" #.to_sym rescue nila "def self.get_#{const}; #{code}; end;" else "def self.get_#{const}; #{const.upcase}.map(&:reverse); end" end class_eval(ev) class_eval "def self.#{attr_name}_enum; self.get_#{const}; end" if methods values.each do |k, v| define_method("#{k}?") do self.send(attr_name) == k end end end if scopes if scopes == :shallow values.each do |k, v| if k.respond_to?(:to_sym) scope k.to_sym, where({ attr_name => k }) end end else # scoped scopes scope attr_name, ->(enum) { where(attr_name => enum) } end end if validation v = "validates :#{attr_names.join(', :')}" + ",:inclusion => { :in => #{values.keys.inspect} }" v += ",:allow_nil => true" if configuration[:allow_nil] v += ",:allow_blank => true" if configuration[:allow_blank] class_eval v end end end # # Creates _text helper, human text for attribute. # attr_names.each do |attr_name| if i18n # memoize call to translate... good idea? define_method "#{attr_name}_text" do attr = read_attribute(attr_name) return nil if attr.nil? I18n.t("mongoid.symbolizes.#{self.class.model_name.underscore}.#{attr_name}.#{attr}") end elsif enum class_eval("def #{attr_name}_text; #{attr_name.to_s.upcase}_VALUES[#{attr_name}]; end") else class_eval("def #{attr_name}_text; #{attr_name}.to_s; end") end end end end # ClassMethods end # Symbolize end # Mongoid # Symbolize::Mongoid = Mongoid::Symbolize