require 'spec_helper' describe ::Nexmos::Base do let(:webmock_default_headers) do { :headers => { 'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'User-Agent'=> ::Nexmos.user_agent } } end before(:each) do ::Nexmos.reset! end context 'class' do subject { ::Nexmos::Base } let(:default_faraday_options) do { :url => '', :headers => { :accept => 'application/json', :user_agent => ::Nexmos.user_agent } } end its(:faraday_options) { should == default_faraday_options } its(:connection) { should be_kind_of(::Faraday::Connection) } context 'faraday_options' do it 'should have custom user agent' do ::Nexmos.setup do |c| c.user_agent = 'test user agent' end default_faraday_options[:headers][:user_agent] = 'test user agent' subject.faraday_options.should == default_faraday_options end end context 'define_api_calls' do it 'should call define_method' do ::Nexmos.apis[:account].keys.each do |k| subject.should_receive(:define_method).with(k) end subject.define_api_calls(:account) end it 'should define dynamic method and call make_api_call inside' do subject.define_api_calls(:account) instance ='test_key', 'test_secret') instance.should_receive(:make_api_call).with(::Nexmos.apis[:account][:get_balance], {}) instance.get_balance end end end context 'instance' do subject {'test_api', 'test_secret') } context 'new' do it 'should raise on empty api_key' do expect {'', 'test_secret')}.to raise_error('api_key should be set') end it 'should raise on empty api_secret' do expect {'test_key', '')}.to raise_error('api_secret should be set') end it 'should set default_params with values from ::Nexmos module' do ::Nexmos.setup do |c| c.api_key = 'default_key' c.api_secret = 'default_secret' end instance = instance.instance_variable_get('@default_params').should == {'api_key' => 'default_key', 'api_secret' => 'default_secret'} end it 'should set default_params with custom api key and secret' do instance ='test_key', 'test_secret') instance.instance_variable_get('@default_params').should == {'api_key' => 'test_key', 'api_secret' => 'test_secret'} end end its(:connection) { should be_kind_of(::Faraday::Connection) } context 'make_api_call' do before(:each) do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'User-Agent'=> ::Nexmos.user_agent}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {'key' => 'value'}, :headers => {}) end let(:api_params_without_required) do { :method => :get, :url => '/test/url' } end let(:api_params_with_required) do { :method => :get, :url => '/test/url', :required => %w(key1 key2) } end it 'should call check_required_params' do subject.should_receive(:check_required_params) subject.make_api_call(api_params_with_required) end it 'should raise if all required params missing' do expect{subject.make_api_call(api_params_with_required)}.to raise_error('key1,key2 params required') end it 'should raise if some required params missing' do expect{subject.make_api_call(api_params_with_required,{:key1 => 'val'})}.to raise_error('key2 params required') end it 'should call normalize_params' do subject.should_receive(:normalize_params).and_call_original subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required) end it 'should not call camelize_params' do stub_request(:get, ""). with(webmock_default_headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {}, :headers => {}) subject.should_not_receive(:camelize_params) subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required, {'test_call' => 'value'}) end it 'should call camelize_params' do stub_request(:get, ""). with(webmock_default_headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {}, :headers => {}) subject.should_receive(:camelize_params).and_call_original subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required.merge(:camelize => true), {'test_call' => 'value'}) end it 'should call get_response' do stub_request(:get, ""). with(webmock_default_headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {}, :headers => {}) subject.should_receive(:get_response).and_call_original subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required) end it 'should return hash' do subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required).should be_a_kind_of(::Hash) end it 'should return Hashie::Mash' do subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required).should be_a_kind_of(::Hashie::Mash) end it 'should respond to success? method in result' do subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required).should respond_to(:success?) end it 'should have success? key in hash' do subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required)[:success?].should be end it 'should have success? == true' do subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required)[:success?].should be_true end it 'should have success? == false on response with status != 200' do stub_request(:get, ""). with(webmock_default_headers). to_return(:status => 410, :body => {}, :headers => {}) res = subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required.merge(:camelize => true), {'test_call' => 'value'}) res[:success?].should be_false res[:failed?].should be_false res[:not_authorized?].should be_false end it 'should have not_authorized? == true' do stub_request(:get, ""). with(webmock_default_headers). to_return(:status => 401, :body => {}, :headers => {}) res = subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required.merge(:camelize => true), {'test_call' => 'value'}) res[:success?].should be_false res[:not_authorized?].should be_true res[:failed?].should be_false end it 'should have failed? == true' do stub_request(:get, ""). with(webmock_default_headers). to_return(:status => 420, :body => {}, :headers => {}) res = subject.make_api_call(api_params_without_required.merge(:camelize => true), {'test_call' => 'value'}) res[:success?].should be_false res[:not_authorized?].should be_false res[:failed?].should be_true end end end end