# I started writing tests... but I haven't finished quite yet. lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'open-uri' require 'plezi' require 'objspace' def report_before_filter(result= true) return true if $before_tested puts(" * Before filter test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[result]}") $before_tested = true true end def report_after_filter(result= true) return true if $after_tested puts(" * After filter test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[result]}") $after_tested = true true end class Nothing end class TestCtrl # this will be called before every request. def before report_before_filter end # this will be called after every request. def after report_after_filter end # shouldn't be available (return 404). def _hidden "do you see me?" end def index "test" end def headers "HTTP request: #{request[:method]} #{request[:query]} - version: #{request[:version]}\n" + (request.headers.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"} .join "\n") end # returns the url used to access this method def my_url dest = params.dup url_for dest end # should return a 500 internal server error message. def fail raise "Hell!" end # called when request is GET and params\[:id] == "new". def new "new" end # called when request is GET and params\[:id] exists (unless params\[:id] == "new"). def show "show #{params[:id]}" end # called when request is POST / PUT and params\[:id] exists and isn't 'new' def update "update #{params[:id]}" end def delete "delete #{params[:id]}" end # called when request is POST / PUT and params\[:id] is 'new' def save params[:data].to_s end def sleeper sleep 1 "slept" end # should return a 404 error. def get404 false end # path to test for chuncked encoding and response streaming. def streamer response.stream_async &method(:_stream_out) true end def _stream_out response << "streamed" true end def file_test if params[:file] send_data params[:file][:data], type: params[:file][:type], inline: true, filename: params[:file][:filename] return true end false end ############ ## WebSockets def fail_unicast unicast (params[:uuid] || (Plezi::Settings.uuid + SecureRandom.hex(12))), :psedo, "agrument1" "Sent a psedo unicast... It should fail." end # called once the websocket was connected def on_open response << "connected" end # called when new Websocket data is recieved # # data is a string that contains binary or UTF8 (message dependent) data. def on_message data case data when 'get uuid' response << "uuid: #{uuid}" when /to: ([^\s]*)/ # puts "unicasting to target: #{data.match(/to: ([^\s]*)/)[1]}" unicast data.match(/to: ([^\s]*)/)[1], :_push, "unicast" # broadcast :_push, "unicast" else broadcast :_push, data _push data end return true end # called when a disconnect packet has been recieved or the connection has been cut # (ISN'T called after a disconnect message has been sent). def on_close end def self.failed_unicast target, method, args puts "#{Process.pid}: Failed Unicast, on purpose, for target: #{target}, method: #{method} with: #{args}" end # a demo event method that recieves a broadcast from instance siblings. def _push data response << data.to_s end end class WSsizeTestCtrl # called when new Websocket data is recieved # # data is a string that contains binary or UTF8 (message dependent) data. def on_message data response << data end end class WSIdentity def index "identity api testing path\n#{params}" end def show if params[:message] if notify params[:id], :notification, params[:message] "Sent notification for #{params[:id]}: #{params[:message]}" else "The identity requested (#{params[:id]}) doesn't exist." end else %{

You are now #{params[:id]}

} end end def pre_connect params[:id] && true end def on_open @id_count = self.class.counter register_as params[:id], max_connections: 3, lifetime: 120 end def on_message data puts "websocket message (for identity #{@id_count}) : #{data}" end protected def notification message write message puts "Identity #{@id_count} Got: #{message}" end def self.counter @count ||= 0 @count += 1 end end module PleziTestTasks module_function RESULTS = {true => "\e[32mpassed\e[0m", :waiting => "\e[32mwaiting validation\e[0m", :failed => "\e[31mFAILED!\e[0m"} RESULTS.default = RESULTS[:failed] def run_tests (public_methods(false)).each {|m| method(m).call if m.to_s.match /^test_/} report_before_filter false report_after_filter false true end def test_sleep Plezi.run do begin puts " * Sleeper test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/sleeper").read == 'slept']}" puts " * ASync tasks test: #{RESULTS[true]}" rescue => e puts " **** Sleeper test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end end end def test_index begin puts " * Index test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/").read == 'test']}" rescue => e puts " **** Index test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end end # # Starting with Iodine, Plezi can listen only to one port at a time, either SSL or NOT. # def test_ssl # puts " * Connection to non-ssl and unique route test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/ssl").read == 'false']}" # uri = URI.parse("https://localhost:3030/ssl") # Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: (uri.scheme == "https"), verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) do |http| # puts " * Connection to ssl and unique ssl route test: #{RESULTS[ http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri)).body == 'true' ]}" # end # rescue => e # puts " **** SSL Tests FAILED to complete!!!" # puts e # end def test_new puts " * New RESTful path test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/new").read == 'new']}" rescue => e puts " **** New RESTful path test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def test_show puts " * Show RESTful path test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/3").read == 'show 3']}" rescue => e puts " **** Show RESTful path test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def test_update puts " * Update RESTful path test: #{RESULTS[Net::HTTP.post_form( URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/"), id: 3).body == 'update 3']}" rescue => e puts " **** Update RESTful path test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e.message end def test_delete puts " * Delete RESTful path test: #{RESULTS[Net::HTTP.post_form( URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/"), id: 3, _method: :delete).body == 'delete 3']}" rescue => e puts " **** Delete RESTful path test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def test_save puts " * Save RESTful path test: #{RESULTS[Net::HTTP.post_form( URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/new"), data: "passed").body == 'passed']}" rescue => e puts " **** Save RESTful path test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def test_streamed begin puts " * Streaming test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000/streamer").read == 'streamed']}" rescue => e puts " **** Streaming test FAILED TO RUN #{e.message}!!!" puts e end end def test_url_for test_url = "/some/path/test/my_url/ask/" puts " * simple #url_for test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000" + test_url).read == test_url]}" test_url = "/some/another_path/my_url/ask/" puts " * missing arguments #url_for test: #{RESULTS[URI.parse("http://localhost:3000" + test_url).read == test_url]}" rescue => e puts " **** #url_for test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def placebo_test puts " * Starting placebo tests..." ws = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("ws://localhost:3000/ws/placebo") {|ws| 'ME?'} ws << " * Placebo WS connected." sleep 2 ws.close rescue => e puts " **** Placebo test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def test_websocket connection_test = broadcast_test = echo_test = unicast_test = nil begin ws4 = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("ws://localhost:3000/") do |data| if data == "unicast" puts " * Websocket unicast testing: #{RESULTS[false]}" unicast_test = :failed end end ws2 = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("ws://localhost:3000/") do |data| next unless @is_connected || !( (@is_connected = true) ) if data == "unicast" puts " * Websocket unicast message test: #{RESULTS[false]}" unicast_test = :failed next else puts " * Websocket broadcast message test: #{RESULTS[broadcast_test = (data == 'echo test')]}" go_test = false end end ws3 = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("ws://localhost:3000/", on_open: -> { write 'get uuid' } ) do |data| if data.match /uuid: ([^s]*)/ ws2 << "to: #{data.match(/^uuid: ([^s]*)/)[1]}" puts " * Websocket UUID for unicast testing: #{data.match(/^uuid: ([^s]*)/)[1]}" elsif data == "unicast" puts " * Websocket unicast testing: #{RESULTS[:waiting]} (target received data)" unicast_test ||= true end end puts " * Websocket client test: #{RESULTS[ws2 && true]}" ws1 = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("ws://localhost:3000/") do |data| unless @connected puts " * Websocket connection message test: #{RESULTS[connection_test = (data == 'connected')]}" @connected = true write "echo test" next end if data == "unicast" puts " * Websocket unicast testing: #{RESULTS[false]}" unicast_test = :failed next end puts " * Websocket echo message test: #{RESULTS[echo_test = (data == 'echo test')]}" end rescue => e puts " **** Websocket tests FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e.message end remote = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("wss://echo.websocket.org/") {|data| puts " * Extra Websocket Remote test (SSL: echo.websocket.org): #{RESULTS[data == 'Hello websockets!']}"; close} if remote.closed? puts " * Extra Websocket Remote test (SSL: echo.websocket.org): #{RESULTS[false]}" else remote << "Hello websockets!" end Iodine.run_after(30) { [ws1, ws2, ws3, ws4, remote].each {|ws| ws.close} } PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket connection message test: #{RESULTS[connection_test]}" unless connection_test} PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket echo message test: #{RESULTS[echo_test]}" unless echo_test} PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket broadcast message test: #{RESULTS[broadcast_test]}" unless broadcast_test} PL.on_shutdown {puts " * Websocket unicast message test: #{RESULTS[unicast_test]}"} end def test_websocket_sizes should_disconnect = false ws = Iodine::Http::WebsocketClient.connect("ws://localhost:3000/ws/size") do |data| if should_disconnect puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[false]}" else puts " * Websocket message size test: got #{data.bytesize} bytes starting with #{data[0..10]}" end end ws.on_close do puts " * Websocket size disconnection test: #{RESULTS[should_disconnect]}" end str = 'a' time_now = Time.now 7.times {|i| str = str * 2**i;puts " * Websocket message size test: sending #{str.bytesize} bytes"; ws << str; } str.clear to_sleep = (Time.now - time_now)*2 + 1 puts "will now sleep for #{to_sleep} seconds, waiting allowing the server to respond" sleep to_sleep rescue true Plezi::Settings.ws_message_size_limit = 1024 should_disconnect = true ws << ('0123'*258) sleep 0.3 should_disconnect = false end def test_broadcast_stress PlaceboStressTestCtrl.create_listeners PlaceboStressTestCtrl.run_test PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast ($failed_uuid = Plezi::Settings.uuid + PlaceboStressTestCtrl.object_id.to_s(16) ), :review end def test_404 puts " * 404 not found and router continuity tests: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/get404" ).code == '404' ]}" rescue => e puts " **** 404 not found test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end def test_500 puts " * 500 internal error test: #{RESULTS[ Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse "http://localhost:3000/fail" ).code == '500' ]}" rescue => e puts " **** 500 internal error test FAILED TO RUN!!!" puts e end end class PlaceboTestCtrl # called when new Websocket data is recieved # # data is a string that contains binary or UTF8 (message dependent) data. def index false end def on_open puts " * Placebo multicasting to placebo test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[ multicast :send_back, uuid: uuid, test: true, type: 'multicast' ] }" end def on_message data puts data end def _get_uuid data puts " * Placebo send #{data[:type]} test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[data[:test]]}" unicast( data[:uuid], :send_back, {test: true, type: 'unicast'}) if data[:uuid] end end class PlaceboCtrl def send_back data puts " * Placebo recieve test for #{data[:type]}: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[data[:test]]}" if data[:uuid] unicast( data[:uuid], :_get_uuid, {test: true, uuid: uuid, type: 'unicast'}) else broadcast WSsizeTestCtrl, :_get_uuid, test: true, type: 'broadcast' multicast :_get_uuid, test: true, type: 'multicast' end end end class PlaceboStressTestCtrl def review start_time, fin = false, uni = false if fin time_now = Time.now average = (((time_now - start_time)*1.0/(LISTENERS*REPEATS))*1000.0).round(4) total = (time_now - start_time).round(3) puts " * Placebo stress test - Total of #{LISTENERS*REPEATS} events) finished in #{total} seconds" puts " * Placebo stress test - average: (#{average} seconds per event." PlaceboStressTestCtrl.run_unicast_test unless uni end end def self.failed_unicast target, method, data puts " * Unicasting failure callback testing: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[$failed_uuid == target]}" end def self.run_test puts "\n * Placebo Broadcast stress test starting - (#{LISTENERS} listening objects with #{REPEATS} messages." start_time = Time.now (REPEATS - 1).times {|i| PlaceboStressTestCtrl.broadcast :review, start_time} PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast @uuid, :review, start_time, true puts " * Placebo stress test - sending messages required: (#{Time.now - start_time} seconds." end def self.run_unicast_test puts "\n * Placebo Unicast stress test starting - (#{LISTENERS} listening objects with #{REPEATS} messages." start_time = Time.now (REPEATS - 1).times {|i| PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast @uuid, :review, start_time, false, true} PlaceboStressTestCtrl.unicast @uuid, :review, start_time, true, true puts " * Placebo stress test - sending messages required: (#{Time.now - start_time} seconds." end def self.create_listeners @uuid = nil LISTENERS.times { @uuid = Plezi::Placebo.new(PlaceboStressTestCtrl).uuid } sleep 0.5 puts " * Placebo creation test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[ Iodine.to_a.length >= LISTENERS ] }" end REPEATS = 1000 LISTENERS = 100 end host shared_route 'id/(:id)/(:message)', WSIdentity shared_route 'ws/no', Nothing shared_route 'ws/placebo', PlaceboTestCtrl shared_route 'ws/size', WSsizeTestCtrl shared_route '/some/:multi{path|another_path}/(:option){route|test}/(:id)/(:optional)', TestCtrl shared_route '/', TestCtrl mem_print_proc = Proc.new do h = GC.stat.merge ObjectSpace.count_objects_size ObjectSpace.each_object {|o| h[o.class] = h[o.class].to_i + 1} puts (h.to_a.map {|i| i.join ': '} .join "\n") h.clear GC.start end # puts ("\n\n*** GC.stat:\n" + ((GC.stat.merge ObjectSpace.count_objects_size).to_a.map {|i| i.join ': '} .join "\n")) # mem_print_proc.call # Plezi.run_every 30, &mem_print_proc # require 'redis' # ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] ||= ENV['REDIS_URL'] || ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL'] || ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'] || "redis://test:1234@pub-redis-11008.us-east-1-4.5.ec2.garantiadata.com:11008" # Plezi.processes = 3 Plezi.threads = 9 PL.logger = nil Plezi.run do puts " --- Plezi #{Plezi::VERSION} will start a server, performing some tests." puts " --- Starting tests" puts " --- Failed tests should read: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[false]}" PleziTestTasks.run_tests r = Plezi::Placebo.new PlaceboCtrl puts " * Create Placebo test: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[r && true]}" puts " * Placebo admists to being placebo: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[PlaceboCtrl.placebo?]}" puts " * Regular controller answers placebo: #{PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[!PlaceboTestCtrl.placebo?]}" PleziTestTasks.placebo_test shoutdown_test = false Plezi.on_shutdown { puts " * Shutdown test: #{ PleziTestTasks::RESULTS[shoutdown_test] }" } Plezi.on_shutdown { shoutdown_test = true } puts "Press ^C to exit." end