module Effective class OrdersController < ApplicationController include Effective::CrudController include Concerns::Purchase include Providers::Cheque include Providers::Etransfer include Providers::Free include Providers::MarkAsPaid include Providers::Moneris include Providers::MonerisCheckout include Providers::Paypal include Providers::Phone include Providers::Pretend include Providers::Refund include Providers::Stripe if (config = EffectiveOrders.layout) layout(config.kind_of?(Hash) ? (config[:orders] || config[:application]) : config) end before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:ccbill_postback, :free, :paypal_postback, :moneris_postback, :pretend] before_action :set_page_title, except: [:show] # If you want to use the Add to Cart -> Checkout flow # Add one or more items however you do. # redirect_to effective_orders.new_order_path, which is here. # This is the entry point for any Checkout button. # It displayes an order based on the cart # Always step1 def new @order ||= EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :new, @order) unless @order.valid? flash[:danger] = "Unable to proceed: #{flash_errors(@order)}. Please try again." redirect_to(effective_orders.cart_path) return end end # Confirms an order from the cart. def create @order ||= EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :create, @order) @order.assign_attributes(checkout_params) if (@order.confirm! rescue false) redirect_to(effective_orders.order_path(@order)) else[:danger] = "Unable to proceed: #{flash_errors(@order)}. Please try again." render :new end end # If you want to use the order =;! flow # Add one or more items to the order. # redirect_to effective_orders.order_path(order), which is here # This is the entry point for an existing order. # Might render step1 or step2 def show @order = Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) @page_title ||= view_context.order_page_title(@order) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :show, @order) end # Always step1 def edit @order ||= Effective::Order.was_not_purchased.find(params[:id]) @page_title ||= view_context.order_page_title(@order) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :edit, @order) end # Confirms the order from existing order def update @order ||= Effective::Order.was_not_purchased.find(params[:id]) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :update, @order) @order.assign_attributes(checkout_params) if (@order.confirm! rescue false) redirect_to(effective_orders.order_path(@order)) else[:danger] = "Unable to proceed: #{flash_errors(@order)}. Please try again." render :edit end end # Thank you for Purchasing this Order. This is where a successfully purchased order ends up def purchased # Thank You! @order = Effective::Order.purchased.find(params[:id]) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :show, @order) end def deferred @order = Effective::Order.deferred.find(params[:id]) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :show, @order) end def declined @order = Effective::Order.declined.find(params[:id]) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :show, @order) end # This is used by both the Admin and User def send_buyer_receipt @order = Effective::Order.purchased.find(params[:id]) EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :show, @order) if @order.send_order_receipt_to_buyer! flash[:success] = "A receipt has been sent to #{@order.emails_send_to}" else flash[:danger] = "Unable to send receipt." end redirect_back(fallback_location: effective_orders.order_path(@order)) end def bulk_send_buyer_receipt @orders = Effective::Order.purchased.where(id: params[:ids]) begin EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, :index, current_user)) @orders.each do |order| next unless EffectiveResources.authorized?(self, :show, order) order.send_order_receipt_to_buyer! end render json: { status: 200, message: "Successfully sent #{@orders.length} receipt emails"} rescue => e render json: { status: 500, message: "Bulk send buyer receipt error: #{e.message}" } end end private # StrongParameters def checkout_params params.require(:effective_order).permit(EffectiveOrders.permitted_params) end def set_page_title @page_title ||= case params[:action] when 'index' ; 'Order History' when 'purchased' ; 'Thank You' when 'declined' ; 'Payment Declined' when 'deferred' ; 'Thank You' else 'Checkout' end end end end