require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "completions for" do before_all { reset complete(:all_methods=>true) complete(:all_operator_methods=>true) M.load_file File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/bond/completion.rb' M.load_dir File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/bond' } it "Array#delete" do tab("[12,23,34,15].delete 1").should == %w{12 15} end describe "Hash" do before { @hash = %q{{:ab=>1,:bc=>1,:cd=>3,:ae=>2}} } it "#delete" do tab("#{@hash}.delete :a").sort.should == %w{:ab :ae} end it "#index" do tab("#{@hash}.index 2").should == %w{2} end it "#[]" do tab("#{@hash}['a").sort.should == %w{ab ae} end end describe "Kernel" do it "#raise" do tab("raise Errno::ETIME").should == %w{Errno::ETIMEDOUT Errno::ETIME} end it "#require" do mock_libs = ['net/http.rb', 'net/http/get.rb', 'abbrev.rb'].map {|e| $:[0] + "/#{e}" } Dir.stubs(:[]).returns(mock_libs) tab("require 'net/htt").should == %w{net/http.rb net/http/} end end describe "Object" do it "#instance_of?" do expectations = ['Hash'] expectations = ["Hash", "Hash::"] if Config::CONFIG["RUBY_SO_NAME"].to_s[/rubinius/i] tab("[].instance_of? Has").should == expectations end it "#is_a?" do tab("Module.is_a? Mod").should == ['Module'] end it "#send" do tab("Object.send :ne").should == [':new'] end it "#send and additional arguments" do tab('Bond.send :const_get, Ag').should == ['Agent'] end it "#send and invalid first argument" do tab('Bond.send :blah, ').should == [] end it "#instance_variable_get" do tab("Bond::M.instance_variable_get '@a").should == ['@agent'] end it "#method" do tab("Bond::M.method :ho").should == [':home'] end it "#[]" do ::ENV['ZZZ'] = ::ENV['ZZY'] = 'blah' tab("ENV['ZZ").should == %w{ZZY ZZZ} end end describe "Module" do it "#const_get" do tab("Bond.const_get M").sort.should == ['M', 'MethodMission', 'Mission'] end it "#instance_methods" do tab("Bond::Agent.instance_method :ca").should == [':call'] end it "#>" do tab("Object > Mod").should == %w{Module} end it "#> and :files search" do tab("Object > Bon").should == %w{Bond Bond::} end end end