// Extending Fancytree
// ===================
// See also the [live demo](http://wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/demo/sample-ext-childcounter.html) of this code.
// Every extension should have a comment header containing some information
// about the author, copyright and licensing. Also a pointer to the latest
// source code.
// Prefix with `/*!` so the comment is not removed by the minifier.
* jquery.fancytree.childcounter.js
* Add a child counter bubble to tree nodes.
* (Extension module for jquery.fancytree.js: https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/)
* Copyright (c) 2014, Martin Wendt (http://wwWendt.de)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/wiki/LicenseInfo
* @version 2.1.0
* @date 2014-05-29T16:44
// To keep the global namespace clean, we wrap everything in a closure
;(function($, undefined) {
// Consider to use [strict mode](http://ejohn.org/blog/ecmascript-5-strict-mode-json-and-more/)
"use strict";
// The [coding guidelines](http://contribute.jquery.org/style-guide/js/)
// require jshint compliance.
// But for this sample, we want to allow unused variables for demonstration purpose.
/*jshint unused:false */
// Adding methods
// --------------
// New member functions can be added to the `Fancytree` class.
// This function will be available for every tree instance.
// var tree = $("#tree").fancytree("getTree");
// tree.countSelected(false);
$.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.countSelected = function(topOnly){
var tree = this,
treeOptions = tree.options;
return tree.getSelectedNodes(topOnly).length;
// The `FancytreeNode` class can also be easily extended. This would be called
// like
// node.toUpper();
$.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.toUpper = function(){
var node = this;
return node.setTitle(node.title.toUpperCase());
// Finally, we can extend the widget API and create functions that are called
// like so:
// $("#tree").fancytree("widgetMethod1", "abc");
$.ui.fancytree.prototype.widgetMethod1 = function(arg1){
var tree = this.tree;
return arg1;
// Register a Fancytree extension
// ------------------------------
// A full blown extension, extension is available for all trees and can be
// enabled like so (see also the [live demo](http://wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/demo/sample-ext-childcounter.html)):
// ...
// $("#tree").fancytree({
// extensions: ["childcounter"],
// childcounter: {
// hideExpanded: true
// },
// ...
// });
/* 'childcounter' extension */
// Every extension must be registered by a unique name.
name: "childcounter",
// Version information should be compliant with [semver](http://semver.org)
version: "1.0.0",
// Extension specific options and their defaults.
// This options will be available as `tree.options.childcounter.hideExpanded`
options: {
deep: true,
hideZeros: true,
hideExpanded: false
// Attributes other than `options` (or functions) can be defined here, and
// will be added to the tree.ext.EXTNAME namespace, in this case `tree.ext.childcounter.foo`.
// They can also be accessed as `this._local.foo` from within the extension
// methods.
foo: 42,
// Local functions are prefixed with an underscore '_'.
// Callable as `this._local._appendCounter()`.
_appendCounter: function(bar){
var tree = this;
// **Override virtual methods for this extension.**
// Fancytree implements a number of 'hook methods', prefixed by 'node...' or 'tree...'.
// with a `ctx` argument (see [EventData](http://www.wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/doc/jsdoc/global.html#EventData)
// for details) and an extended calling context:
// `this` : the Fancytree instance
// `this._local`: the namespace that contains extension attributes and private methods (same as this.ext.EXTNAME)
// `this._super`: the virtual function that was overridden (member of previous extension or Fancytree)
// See also the [complete list of available hook functions](http://www.wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/doc/jsdoc/Fancytree_Hooks.html).
/* Init */
// `treeInit` is triggered when a tree is initalized. We can set up classes or
// bind event handlers here...
treeInit: function(ctx){
var tree = this, // same as ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
extOpts = ctx.options.childcounter;
// Optionally check for dependencies with other extensions
/* this._requireExtension("glyph", false, false); */
// Call the base implementation
// Add a class to the tree container
// Destroy this tree instance (we only call the default implementation, so
// this method could as well be omitted).
treeDestroy: function(ctx){
// Overload the `renderTitle` hook, to append a counter badge
nodeRenderTitle: function(ctx, title) {
var node = ctx.node,
extOpts = ctx.options.childcounter,
count = (node.data.childCounter == null) ? node.countChildren(extOpts.deep) : +node.data.childCounter;
// Let the base implementation render the title
this._super(ctx, title);
// Append a counter badge
if( (count || ! extOpts.hideZeros) && (!node.isExpanded() || !extOpts.hideExpanded) ){
$("span.fancytree-icon", node.span).append($("").text(count));
// Overload the `setExpanded` hook, so the counters are updated
nodeSetExpanded: function(ctx, flag, opts) {
var tree = ctx.tree,
node = ctx.node;
// Let the base implementation expand/collapse the node, then redraw the title
// after the animation has finished
return this._super(ctx, flag, opts).always(function(){
// End of extension definition
// End of namespace closure