{I" class:ETI"ProcessedAsset;FI"logical_path;TI""libs/ui/gumby.toggleswitch.js;FI" pathname;TI"~/Users/eduardodeoliveirazaghi/Projects/loldesign/loldesign_publisher/app/assets/javascripts/libs/ui/gumby.toggleswitch.js;FI"content_type;TI"application/javascript;TI" mtime;Tl+DZûSI" length;TiI" digest;TI"%907ceb4f66b45bbbaa87dc4960609779;FI" source;TI"/** * Gumby Toggles/Switches */ !function($) { 'use strict'; // Toggle constructor function Toggle($el) { this.$el = $($el); this.targets = []; this.on = ''; this.className = ''; this.self = false; if(this.$el.length) { Gumby.debug('Initializing Toggle', $el); this.init(); } } // Switch constructor function Switch($el) { this.$el = $($el); this.targets = []; this.on = ''; this.className = ''; this.self = false; if(this.$el.length) { Gumby.debug('Initializing Switch', $el); this.init(); } } // intialise toggles, switches will inherit method Toggle.prototype.init = function() { var scope = this; // set up module based on attributes this.setup(); // bind to specified event and trigger this.$el.on(this.on, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); scope.trigger(scope.triggered); // listen for gumby.trigger to dynamically trigger toggle/switch }).on('gumby.trigger', function() { Gumby.debug('Trigger event triggered', scope.$el); scope.trigger(scope.triggered); // re-initialize module }).on('gumby.initialize', function() { Gumby.debug('Re-initializing '+scope.constructor, $el); scope.setup(); }); }; // set up module based on attributes Toggle.prototype.setup = function() { this.targets = this.parseTargets(); this.on = Gumby.selectAttr.apply(this.$el, ['on']) || Gumby.click; this.className = Gumby.selectAttr.apply(this.$el, ['classname']) || 'active'; this.self = Gumby.selectAttr.apply(this.$el, ['self']) === 'false'; }; // parse data-for attribute, switches will inherit method Toggle.prototype.parseTargets = function() { var targetStr = Gumby.selectAttr.apply(this.$el, ['trigger']), secondaryTargets = 0, targets = []; // no targets so return false if(!targetStr) { return false; } secondaryTargets = targetStr.indexOf('|'); // no secondary targets specified so return single target if(secondaryTargets === -1) { if(!this.checkTargets([targetStr])) { return false; } return [$(targetStr)]; } // return array of both targets, split and return 0, 1 targets = targetStr.split('|'); if(!this.checkTargets(targets)) { return false; } return targets.length > 1 ? [$(targets[0]), $(targets[1])] : [$(targets[0])]; }; Toggle.prototype.checkTargets = function(targets) { var i = 0; for(i; i < targets.length; i++) { if(targets[i] && !$(targets[i]).length) { Gumby.error('Cannot find '+this.constructor.name+' target: '+targets[i]); return false; } } return true; }; // call triggered event and pass target data Toggle.prototype.triggered = function() { // trigger gumby.onTrigger event and pass array of target status data Gumby.debug('Triggering onTrigger event', this.$el); this.$el.trigger('gumby.onTrigger', [this.$el.hasClass(this.className)]); }; // Switch object inherits from Toggle Switch.prototype = new Toggle(); Switch.prototype.constructor = Switch; // Toggle specific trigger method Toggle.prototype.trigger = function(cb) { Gumby.debug('Triggering Toggle', this.$el); var $target; // no targets just toggle active class on toggle if(!this.targets) { this.$el.toggleClass(this.className); // combine single target with toggle and toggle active class } else if(this.targets.length == 1) { this.$el.add(this.targets[0]).toggleClass(this.className); // if two targets check active state of first // always combine toggle and first target } else if(this.targets.length > 1) { if(this.targets[0].hasClass(this.className)) { $target = this.targets[0]; // add this element to it unless gumby-self set if(!this.self) { $target = $target.add(this.$el); } $target.removeClass(this.className); this.targets[1].addClass(this.className); } else { $target = this.targets[0]; // add this element to it unless gumby-self set if(!this.self) { $target = $target.add(this.$el); } $target.addClass(this.className); this.targets[1].removeClass(this.className); } } // call event handler here, applying scope of object Switch/Toggle if(cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb.apply(this); } }; // Switch specific trigger method Switch.prototype.trigger = function(cb) { Gumby.debug('Triggering Switch', this.$el); var $target; // no targets just add active class to switch if(!this.targets) { this.$el.addClass(this.className); // combine single target with switch and add active class } else if(this.targets.length == 1) { $target = this.targets[0]; // add this element to it unless gumby-self set if(!this.self) { $target = $target.add(this.$el); } $target.addClass(this.className); // if two targets check active state of first // always combine switch and first target } else if(this.targets.length > 1) { $target = this.targets[0]; // add this element to it unless gumby-self set if(!this.self) { $target = $target.add(this.$el); } $target.addClass(this.className); this.targets[1].removeClass(this.className); } // call event handler here, applying scope of object Switch/Toggle if(cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb.apply(this); } }; // add toggle initialisation Gumby.addInitalisation('toggles', function(all) { $('.toggle').each(function() { var $this = $(this); // this element has already been initialized // and we're only initializing new modules if($this.data('isToggle') && !all) { return true; // this element has already been initialized // and we need to reinitialize it } else if($this.data('isToggle') && all) { $this.trigger('gumby.initialize'); } // mark element as initialized $this.data('isToggle', true); new Toggle($this); }); }); // add switches initialisation Gumby.addInitalisation('switches', function(all) { $('.switch').each(function() { var $this = $(this); // this element has already been initialized // and we're only initializing new modules if($this.data('isSwitch') && !all) { return true; // this element has already been initialized // and we need to reinitialize it } else if($this.data('isSwitch') && all) { $this.trigger('gumby.initialize'); return true; } // mark element as initialized $this.data('isSwitch', true); new Switch($this); }); }); // register UI module Gumby.UIModule({ module: 'toggleswitch', events: ['initialize', 'trigger', 'onTrigger'], init: function() { // Run initialize methods Gumby.initialize('switches'); Gumby.initialize('toggles'); } }); }(jQuery); ;TI"dependency_digest;TI"%8ae3394e645cd928098311ad8f532842;FI"required_paths;T[I"~/Users/eduardodeoliveirazaghi/Projects/loldesign/loldesign_publisher/app/assets/javascripts/libs/ui/gumby.toggleswitch.js;FI"dependency_paths;T[{I" path;TI"~/Users/eduardodeoliveirazaghi/Projects/loldesign/loldesign_publisher/app/assets/javascripts/libs/ui/gumby.toggleswitch.js;FI" mtime;TI"2014-08-25T12:46:12-03:00;TI" digest;TI"%4a570b11a0ee74aa51c335f0a650e323;FI" _version;TI"%01511319732b44ed6445e68132ed559b;F