module Locomotive module Steam module Decorators class PageDecorator < SimpleDelegator # Return the fullpath dasherized and with the "*" character # for the slug of templatized page. # # @return [ hash ] The safe full paths # def safe_fullpath if index_or_404? slug[current_locale] else base = parent.safe_fullpath _slug = if templatized? && !templatized_from_parent '*' else slug[current_locale] end (base == 'index' ? _slug : File.join(base, _slug)).dasherize end end def parent __getobj__.parent, current_locale ) ) end # Return the Liquid template based on the raw_template property # of the page. If the template is HAML or SLIM, then a pre-rendering to Liquid is done. # # @return [ String ] The liquid template or nil if not template has been provided # def source(locale) @source ||= self.template[locale].source end def to_liquid end end end end end