require 'terminal-table' require 'spaceship' require 'fastlane_core/provisioning_profile' require 'fastlane_core/print_table' require_relative 'module' require_relative 'storage' require_relative 'encryption' require 'tempfile' require 'base64' module Match # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class Nuke attr_accessor :params attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :safe_remove_certs attr_accessor :certs attr_accessor :profiles attr_accessor :files attr_accessor :storage attr_accessor :encryption def run(params, type: nil) self.params = params self.type = type update_optional_values_depending_on_storage_type(params) spaceship_login = Storage.for_mode(params[:storage_mode], { git_url: params[:git_url], shallow_clone: params[:shallow_clone], skip_docs: params[:skip_docs], git_branch: params[:git_branch], git_full_name: params[:git_full_name], git_user_email: params[:git_user_email], git_private_key: params[:git_private_key], git_basic_authorization: params[:git_basic_authorization], git_bearer_authorization: params[:git_bearer_authorization], clone_branch_directly: params[:clone_branch_directly], google_cloud_bucket_name: params[:google_cloud_bucket_name].to_s, google_cloud_keys_file: params[:google_cloud_keys_file].to_s, google_cloud_project_id: params[:google_cloud_project_id].to_s, s3_region: params[:s3_region].to_s, s3_access_key: params[:s3_access_key].to_s, s3_secret_access_key: params[:s3_secret_access_key].to_s, s3_bucket: params[:s3_bucket].to_s, s3_object_prefix: params[:s3_object_prefix].to_s, gitlab_project: params[:gitlab_project], team_id: params[:team_id] || Spaceship::ConnectAPI.client.portal_team_id }) # After the download was complete self.encryption = Encryption.for_storage_mode(params[:storage_mode], { git_url: params[:git_url], working_directory: storage.working_directory }) self.encryption.decrypt_files if self.encryption had_app_identifier = self.params.fetch(:app_identifier, ask: false) self.params[:app_identifier] = '' # we don't really need a value here FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: params, hide_keys: [:app_identifier], title: "Summary for match nuke #{Fastlane::VERSION}") self.safe_remove_certs = params[:safe_remove_certs] || false prepare_list filter_by_cert print_tables if params[:readonly] UI.user_error!("`fastlane match nuke` doesn't delete anything when running with --readonly enabled") end if (self.certs + self.profiles + self.files).count > 0 unless params[:skip_confirmation] UI.error("---") remove_or_revoke_message = self.safe_remove_certs ? "remove" : "revoke" UI.error("Are you sure you want to completely delete and #{remove_or_revoke_message} all the") UI.error("certificates and delete provisioning profiles listed above? (y/n)") UI.error("Warning: By nuking distribution, both App Store and Ad Hoc profiles will be deleted") if type == "distribution" UI.error("Warning: The :app_identifier value will be ignored - this will delete all profiles for all your apps!") if had_app_identifier UI.error("---") print_safe_remove_certs_hint end if params[:skip_confirmation] || UI.confirm("Do you really want to nuke everything listed above?") nuke_it_now! UI.success("Successfully cleaned your account ♻️") else UI.success("Cancelled nuking #thanks 🏠 👨 ‍👩 ‍👧") end else UI.success("No relevant certificates or provisioning profiles found, nothing to nuke here :)") end ensure if end # Be smart about optional values here # Depending on the storage mode, different values are required def update_optional_values_depending_on_storage_type(params) if params[:storage_mode] != "git" params.option_for_key(:git_url).optional = true end end def spaceship_login if (api_token = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Token.from(hash: params[:api_key], filepath: params[:api_key_path])) UI.message("Creating authorization token for App Store Connect API") Spaceship::ConnectAPI.token = api_token elsif !Spaceship::ConnectAPI.token.nil? UI.message("Using existing authorization token for App Store Connect API") else Spaceship::ConnectAPI.login(params[:username], use_portal: true, use_tunes: false, portal_team_id: params[:team_id], team_name: params[:team_name]) end if Spaceship::ConnectAPI.client.in_house? && (type == "distribution" || type == "enterprise") UI.error("---") UI.error("⚠️ Warning: This seems to be an Enterprise account!") unless self.safe_remove_certs UI.error("By nuking your account's distribution, all your apps deployed via ad-hoc will stop working!") if type == "distribution" UI.error("By nuking your account's enterprise, all your in-house apps will stop working!") if type == "enterprise" end UI.error("---") print_safe_remove_certs_hint UI.user_error!("Enterprise account nuke cancelled") unless UI.confirm("Do you really want to nuke your Enterprise account?") end end # Collect all the certs/profiles def prepare_list UI.message("Fetching certificates and profiles...") cert_type = Match.cert_type_sym(type) cert_types = [cert_type] prov_types = [] prov_types = [:development] if cert_type == :development prov_types = [:appstore, :adhoc, :developer_id] if cert_type == :distribution prov_types = [:enterprise] if cert_type == :enterprise # Get all iOS and macOS profile self.profiles = [] prov_types.each do |prov_type| types = Match.profile_types(prov_type) self.profiles += Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Profile.all(filter: { profileType: types.join(",") }, includes: "certificates") end # Gets the main and additional cert types cert_types += (params[:additional_cert_types] || []).map do |ct| Match.cert_type_sym(ct) end # Gets all the certs form the cert types self.certs = [] self.certs += do |ct| certificate_type(ct).flat_map do |cert| Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate.all(filter: { certificateType: cert }) end end.flatten # Finds all the .cer and .p12 files in the file storage certs = [] keys = [] cert_types.each do |ct| certs += ct.to_s, file_ext: "cer") keys += ct.to_s, file_ext: "p12") end # Finds all the iOS and macOS profiles in the file storage profiles = [] prov_types.each do |prov_type| profiles += prov_type.to_s, file_ext: "mobileprovision") profiles += prov_type.to_s, file_ext: "provisionprofile") end self.files = certs + keys + profiles end def filter_by_cert # Force will continue to revoke and delete all certificates and profiles return if self.params[:force] || !UI.interactive? return if self.certs.count < 2 # Print table showing certificates that can be revoked puts("") rows = self.certs.each_with_index.collect do |cert, i| cert_expiration = cert.expiration_date.nil? ? "Unknown" : Time.parse(cert.expiration_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") [i + 1,,, cert.class.to_s.split("::").last, cert_expiration] end puts({ title: "Certificates that can be #{removed_or_revoked_message}".green, headings: ["Option", "Name", "ID", "Type", "Expires"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) })) puts("") UI.important("By default, all listed certificates and profiles will be nuked") if UI.confirm("Do you want to only nuke specific certificates and their associated profiles?") input_indexes = UI.input("Enter the \"Option\" number(s) from the table above? (comma-separated)").split(',') # Get certificates from option indexes self.certs = do |index| self.certs[index.to_i - 1] end.compact if self.certs.empty? UI.user_error!("No certificates were selected based on option number(s) entered") end # Do profile selection logic cert_ids = self.profiles = do |profile| profile_cert_ids = (cert_ids & profile_cert_ids).any? end # Do file selection logic self.files = do |f| found = false ext = File.extname(f) filename = File.basename(f, ".*") # Attempt to find cert based on filename if ext == ".cer" || ext == ".p12" found ||= self.certs.any? do |cert| filename == end end # Attempt to find profile matched on UUIDs in profile if ext == ".mobileprovision" || ext == ".provisionprofile" storage_uuid = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.uuid(f) found ||= self.profiles.any? do |profile| tmp_file = tmp_file.write(Base64.decode64(profile.profile_content)) tmp_file.close # Compare profile uuid in storage to profile uuid on developer portal portal_uuid = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.uuid(tmp_file.path) storage_uuid == portal_uuid end end found end end end # Print tables to ask the user def print_tables puts("") if self.certs.count > 0 rows = self.certs.collect do |cert| cert_expiration = cert.expiration_date.nil? ? "Unknown" : Time.parse(cert.expiration_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") [,, cert.class.to_s.split("::").last, cert_expiration] end puts({ title: "Certificates that are going to be #{removed_or_revoked_message}".green, headings: ["Name", "ID", "Type", "Expires"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) })) puts("") end if self.profiles.count > 0 rows = self.profiles.collect do |p| status = p.valid? ? : # Expires is sometimes nil expires = p.expiration_date ? Time.parse(p.expiration_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : nil [,, status, p.profile_type, expires] end puts({ title: "Provisioning Profiles that are going to be revoked".green, headings: ["Name", "ID", "Status", "Type", "Expires"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) })) puts("") end if self.files.count > 0 rows = self.files.collect do |f| components = f.split(File::SEPARATOR)[-3..-1] # from "...1o7xtmh/certs/distribution/8K38XUY3AY.cer" to "distribution cert" file_type = components[0..1].reverse.join(" ")[0..-2] [file_type, components[2]] end puts({ title: "Files that are going to be deleted".green + "\n" +, headings: ["Type", "File Name"], rows: rows })) puts("") end end def nuke_it_now! UI.header("Deleting #{self.profiles.count} provisioning profiles...") unless self.profiles.count == 0 self.profiles.each do |profile| UI.message("Deleting profile '#{}' (#{})...") begin profile.delete! rescue => ex UI.message(ex.to_s) end UI.success("Successfully deleted profile") end removing_or_revoking_message = self.safe_remove_certs ? "Removing" : "Revoking" UI.header("#{removing_or_revoking_message} #{self.certs.count} certificates...") unless self.certs.count == 0 self.certs.each do |cert| if self.safe_remove_certs UI.message("Certificate '#{}' (#{}) will be removed from repository without revoking it") next end UI.message("Revoking certificate '#{}' (#{})...") begin cert.delete! rescue => ex UI.message(ex.to_s) end UI.success("Successfully deleted certificate") end files_to_delete = delete_files! if self.files.count > 0 files_to_delete ||= [] self.encryption.encrypt_files if self.encryption if files_to_delete.count > 0 # Now we need to save all this to the storage too, if needed message = ["[fastlane]", "Nuked", "files", "for", type.to_s].join(" ")!(files_to_commit: [], files_to_delete: files_to_delete, custom_message: message) else UI.message("Your storage had no files to be deleted. This happens when you run `nuke` with an empty storage. Nothing to be worried about!") end end private def delete_files! UI.header("Deleting #{self.files.count} files from the storage...") return self.files.collect do |file| UI.message("Deleting file '#{File.basename(file)}'...") # Check if the profile is installed on the local machine if file.end_with?("mobileprovision") parsed = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.parse(file) uuid = parsed["UUID"] path = Dir[File.join(FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.profiles_path, "#{uuid}.mobileprovision")].last File.delete(path) if path end File.delete(file) UI.success("Successfully deleted file") file end end # The kind of certificate we're interested in def certificate_type(type) case type.to_sym when :mac_installer_distribution return [ Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::MAC_INSTALLER_DISTRIBUTION ] when :distribution return [ Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::MAC_APP_DISTRIBUTION, Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::IOS_DISTRIBUTION, Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::DISTRIBUTION ] when :development return [ Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::MAC_APP_DEVELOPMENT, Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::IOS_DEVELOPMENT, Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::DEVELOPMENT ] when :enterprise return [ Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::IOS_DISTRIBUTION ] else raise "Unknown type '#{type}'" end end # Helpers for `safe_remove_certs` def print_safe_remove_certs_hint return if self.safe_remove_certs UI.important("Hint: You can use --safe_remove_certs option to remove certificates") UI.important("from repository without revoking them.") end def removed_or_revoked_message self.safe_remove_certs ? "removed" : "revoked" end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength end