# shell_helpers * [Homepage](https://github.com/DamienRobert/shell_helpers#readme) * [Issues](https://github.com/DamienRobert/shell_helpers/issues) * [Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/gems/shell_helpers) * [Email](mailto:Damien.Olivier.Robert+gems@gmail.com) [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/shell_helpers.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/shell_helpers) [![Ruby test result](https://github.com/DamienRobert/shell_helpers/workflows/Ruby/badge.svg)](https://github.com/DamienRobert/shell_helpers/actions?query=workflow%3ARuby) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/DamienRobert/shell_helpers.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/DamienRobert/shell_helpers) ## Description This gem contains a collection of libraries to ease working with the shell with ruby. A lot of the ideas here are inspired by the utilities in [methadone](https://github.com/davetron5000/methadone). In particular `logger.rb` and `sh.rb` which were based on `cli_logger.rb`, `cli_logging.rb`, `error.rb`, `exit_now.rb`, `process_status.rb`, `run.rb` from methadone. The reason to incorporate them in this gem is that I wanted to be able to add some functionalities (such as `log_and_do` for `logger.rb`, and on succes and on error callbacks for `sh.rb`), and also to be able to use this functionality from other command parsers than methadone (like [gli](https://github.com/davetron5000/gli)). ## Features One of the main feature is an extension of the class `Pathname` with a lots of methods to help in shell related task. ## Examples ~~~ ruby require 'shell_helpers' SH::Pathname.new("foo").cp("bar") #calls FileUtils.cp("foo","bar") SH::Pathname.new("foo/").on_cp("bar","baz") #copy 'bar' and 'baz' to 'foo/' SH::Pathname.new("foo").on_rm(mode: :dangling_symlink) #remove 'foo' only if it is a dangling symlink SH::Pathname.new("foo").squel("bar/baz", action: :on_ln_s) #create a symlink foo/bar/baz -> ../../bar/baz #Symlink all files in a directory into another, while preserving the structure SH::Pathname.new("foo").squel_dir("bar',action: :on_ln_s) #Remove these symlinks SH::Pathname.new("foo").squel_dir("bar") {|o,t| o.on_rm(mode: :symlink)} ~~~ ## Warning For now the API is experimental and some parts are not ready to use! ## Install $ gem install shell_helpers ## Copyright Copyright © 2015–2020 Damien Robert MIT License. See [`LICENSE.txt`](LICENSE.txt) for details. See above for the copyright: for the files `logger.rb` and `sh.rb` the copyright applies only to the diff from the original import from methadone.