if defined?(Mongoid) module Hancock # Helps to override find method in an embedded document. # Usage : # - add to your model "include Hancock::EmbeddedFindable" # - override find method with: # def self.find(id) # find_through(Book, 'chapter', id) # end module EmbeddedFindable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Search an embedded document by id. # # Document is stored within embedding_class collection, and can be accessed through provided relation. # Also supports chained relationships (if the searched document is nested in several embedded documents) # # Example, with a chapter embedded in a book, the book being embedded in a library. # use find_through(Library, "books", book_id) in Book class # and find_through(Library, "books.chapters", chapter_id) in Chapter class def self.find_through(embedding_class, relation, id = nil) return nil if id.nil? || id.blank? id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(id) if id.is_a?(String) relation = relation.to_s unless relation.is_a?(String) relation_parts = relation.split('.') parent = embedding_class.send(:all) while relation_parts.length > 0 item = if parent.is_a?(Mongoid::Criteria) || parent.is_a?(Array) parent.where("#{relation_parts.join('.')}._id" => id).first else parent end return nil if item.nil? parent = item.send(relation_parts.shift) end if parent.is_a?(Mongoid::Criteria) || parent.is_a?(Array) parent.where('_id' => id).first else parent end end end end end end