require 'rubygems' require 'bacon' #Bacon.summary_on_exit F = ::File D = ::Dir ROOT = F.dirname(__FILE__)+'/..' $:.unshift(ROOT+'/lib') require 'sequel' ::Sequel::Model.plugin :crushyform DB = ::Sequel.sqlite class Haiku < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :title, :crushyform=>{:type=>:custom, :name=>'Nice Title'} text :body Boolean :published foreign_key :author_id, :authors foreign_key :season_id, :crushyform=>{:type=>:string} end create_table unless table_exists? many_to_one :author many_to_one :season one_to_many :reviews def validate errors[:title] << "is not good" errors[:title] << "smells like shit" end end class Author < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :name String :surname end create_table unless table_exists? one_to_many :haikus end Author.create(:name=>'Ray',:surname=>'Bradbury') Author.create(:name=>'Jorge Luis',:surname=>'Borges') DB.create_table :reviews do primary_key :id String :title text :body Integer :rate foreign_key :haiku_id, :haikus end class Review < ::Sequel::Model many_to_one :haiku end class Season < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :name end create_table unless table_exists? one_to_many :haikus end class TestDateTime < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id Date :birth time :meeting DateTime :when DateTime :created_at DateTime :updated_at end create_table unless table_exists? end class ShippingAddress < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id text :address_body String :postcode String :city end create_table unless table_exists? end ShippingAddress.create(:address_body=>"3 Mulholland Drive\n\rFlat C", :postcode=>'90210', :city=>'Richville') class Profile < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :fave_lang, :crushyform=>{:type=>:select,:select_options=>['ruby', 'forth', 'asm']} String :fave_os, :crushyform=>{:type=>:select,:select_options=>[['GNU/Linux','sucker'], ['FreeBSD','saner'], ['Mac OSX','wanker'], ['Windows','loser']]} String :fave_editor, :crushyform=>{:type=>:select,:select_options=>:editor_list} String :fave_error, :crushyform=>{:type=>:select,:select_options=>:error_list} Fixnum :fave_number, :crushyform=>{:type=>:select,:select_options=>[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]} end create_table unless table_exists? def editor_list; ['emacs','vi','ed','sam']; end end Profile.create(:fave_lang=>'forth', :fave_os=>'saner', :fave_editor=>'ed', :fave_number=>3) require 'stash_magic' class Attached < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :filename, :crushyform=>{:type=>:attachment} String :filesize, :crushyform=>{:type=>:none} String :filetype, :crushyform=>{:type=>:none} String :map, :crushyform=>{:type=>:attachment} end create_table unless table_exists? ::StashMagic.with_public_root ROOT+'/test' end class Pic < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :name String :image, :crushyform=>{:type=>:attachment} end create_table unless table_exists? end class WithAccronymYMCAName < ::Sequel::Model; end DB.create_table :mismatches do primary_key :id String :title text :body end class Mismatch < ::Sequel::Model plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id String :title end end # ======== # = Test = # ======== describe 'Crushyform when schema plugin is not used' do should 'have a correct default crushyform_schema' do Review.default_crushyform_schema.should=={ :id => {:type=>:integer}, :title => {:type=>:string}, :body => {:type=>:text}, :rate => {:type=>:integer}, :haiku_id => {:type=>:parent} } end should 'build the default crushyform_schema on the first query' do Review.respond_to?(:schema).should==false Review.crushyform_schema.should==Review.default_crushyform_schema end should 'have an updatable crushyform_schema' do Review.crushyform_schema[:body][:type] = :custom Review.crushyform_schema.should.not==Review.default_crushyform_schema Review.crushyform_schema[:body][:type] = :text end end describe 'Crushyform when schema plugin is used' do should 'use schema declaration for building the default crushyform_schema' do Haiku.default_crushyform_schema.should=={ :id => {:type=>:integer}, :title => {:type=>:custom,:name=>'Nice Title'}, :body => {:type=>:text}, :published => {:type=>:boolean}, :author_id => {:type=>:parent}, :season_id => {:type=>:string} } end should 'not raise when there is a database column that is not in @schema' do Mismatch.default_crushyform_schema.should=={ :title=>{:type=>:string}, :id=>{:type=>:integer}, :body=>{:type=>:text} } end end describe 'Crushyform miscellaneous helpers' do should 'know its crushyform version' do Haiku.crushyform_version.size.should==3 end should 'have a human readable name' do WithAccronymYMCAName.human_name.should=='With Accronym YMCA Name' end should 'have a correct default crushyid' do'new-ShippingAddress-address_body' ShippingAddress.first.crushyid_for(:address_body).should=='1-ShippingAddress-address_body' end should 'not mark texts as type :string, but :text' do Haiku.db_schema[:body][:type].should==:string Haiku.crushyform_schema[:body][:type].should==:text end should 'guess label columns using a list of common column names' do Haiku.label_column.should==:title Author.label_column.should==:surname # Respect order of search end should 'set Model::label_column' do TestDateTime.label_column.should==nil TestDateTime.label_column = :birth TestDateTime.label_column.should==:birth TestDateTime.label_column = nil end should 'have a shortcut for dataset only with columns relevant for building a dropdown' do a = Author.label_dataset.first a.surname.should=='Bradbury' end should 'have a label based on Model::label_column' do Author.first.to_label.should=='Bradbury''New Author' end should 'Have a fallback label when label_column is nil' do ShippingAddress.first.to_label.should=="Shipping Address 1""New Shipping Address" end should 'avoid line breaks if label column is a multiline field' do ShippingAddress.label_column = :address_body ShippingAddress.first.to_label.should=="3 Mulholland Drive Flat C" end should 'build correct dropdowns' do options = Author.to_dropdown(1) options.lines.count.should==3 options.should.match(/]+value='1'[^>]+selected>Bradbury<\/option>/) options = Author.to_dropdown options.should.not.match(/selected/) end should 'have custom wording for nil value for parent dropdowns' do options = Author.to_dropdown(1,"Pick an Author") options.should.match(/^