// // Standardized abstract color objects. NOT to be used as classes appended to a block in the HTML. // Preferred uses include @extend %class; or repurpose the mixin within the class. // $alpha_primary: #5a2e2e !default; // red $bravo_primary: #3e4147 !default; // green $charlie_primary: #fffedf !default; // yellow $delta_primary: #2a2c31 !default; // blue $echo_primary: #dfba69 !default; // accent $alpha_gray: #333 !default; //black @import "color_math"; @import "grayscale_math"; /////// Toadstool's semantic combinations //////// // Semantic variables should always be matched up with abstract values, never semantic to semantic // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // abstract 'white' value to easily applied to semantic class objects $white: #fff !default; // default shadow colors $shadow_color: fade-out($alpha_gray, 0.5) !default; // primary header font color $primary_header_color: $alpha_gray !default; // primary font color for the app $primary_text: $bravo_gray !default; // default link color $href_color: $alpha_color_delta !default; $href_color_alt: $delta_color_bravo !default; // used with the tag // http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_ins.asp $ins_color: $charlie_color !default; // used with the tag // http://www.w3schools.com/html5/tag_mark.asp $mark_color: $charlie_color !default; // webkit tap highlight color $webkit_tap_hightlight: $delta_color_bravo !default; // overrides the default content selection color in the browser $selection_color: $charlie_color !default; $selection_text_color: $primary_text !default; // default border color $border_color: $charlie_gray !default; // Config defaults for buttons // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $primary_button_border_color: $bravo_color !default; $secondary_button_border_color: $bravo_gray !default; $button_text: $white !default;