class CharacterSet module RubyFallback module CharacterSetMethods module ClassMethods def from_ranges(*ranges) new(Array(ranges).flat_map(&:to_a)) end def of_string(str) raise ArgumentError, 'pass a String' unless str.respond_to?(:codepoints) str.encode('utf-8').each_codepoint.with_object(new) { |cp, set| set << cp } end end def inversion(include_surrogates: false, upto: 0x10FFFF) new_set = 0.upto(upto) do |cp| next unless include_surrogates || cp > 0xDFFF || cp < 0xD800 new_set << cp unless include?(cp) end new_set end def case_insensitive new_set = dup each do |cp| swapped_cps = cp.chr('utf-8').swapcase.codepoints swapped_cps.size == 1 && new_set << swapped_cps[0] end new_set end def ranges CharacterSet.require_optional_dependency('range_compressor', __method__) RangeCompressor.compress(self) end def sample(count = nil) count.nil? ? to_a(true).sample : to_a(true).sample(count) end def count_in(string) utf8_str!(string).each_codepoint.count { |cp| include?(cp) } end def cover?(string) utf8_str!(string).each_codepoint { |cp| return false unless include?(cp) } true end def delete_in(string) utf8_str!(string).each_codepoint.with_object('') do |cp, new_str| include?(cp) || (new_str << cp) end.encode(string.encoding) end def delete_in!(string) result = delete_in(string) result.size == string.size ? nil : string.replace(result) end def keep_in(string) utf8_str!(string).each_codepoint.with_object('') do |cp, new_str| include?(cp) && (new_str << cp) end.encode(string.encoding) end def keep_in!(string) result = keep_in(string) result.size == string.size ? nil : string.replace(result) end def scan(string) utf8_str!(string).each_codepoint.with_object([]) do |cp, arr| arr.push(cp.chr('utf-8')) if include?(cp) end end def used_by?(string) utf8_str!(string).each_codepoint { |cp| return true if include?(cp) } false end def section(from:, upto: 0x10FFFF) dup.keep_if { |cp| cp >= from && cp <= upto } end def count_in_section(from:, upto: 0x10FFFF) count { |cp| cp >= from && cp <= upto } end def section?(from:, upto: 0x10FFFF) any? { |cp| cp >= from && cp <= upto } end def section_ratio(from:, upto: 0x10FFFF) section(from: from, upto: upto).count / count.to_f end def planes plane_size = 0x10000.to_f inject({}) { |hash, cp| hash.merge((cp / plane_size).floor => 1) }.keys end def plane(num) validate_plane_number(num) section(from: (num * 0x10000), upto: ((num + 1) * 0x10000) - 1) end def member_in_plane?(num) validate_plane_number(num) ((num * 0x10000)...((num + 1) * 0x10000)).any? { |cp| include?(cp) } end private def validate_plane_number(num) num >= 0 && num <= 16 or raise ArgumentError, 'plane must be between 0 and 16' end def utf8_str!(obj) raise ArgumentError, 'pass a String' unless obj.respond_to?(:codepoints) obj.encode('utf-8') end end end end