require 'logger' module OData class Service attr_reader :classes # Creates a new instance of the Service class # # ==== Required Attributes # - service_uri: The root URI of the OData service # ==== Options in options hash # - username: username for http basic auth # - password: password for http basic auth # - verify_ssl: false if no verification, otherwise mode (OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER is default) def initialize(service_uri, options = {}) @uri = service_uri.gsub!(/\/?$/, '') @options = options @rest_options = { :verify_ssl => get_verify_mode, :user => @options[:username], :password => @options[:password] } @collections = [] @save_operations = [] build_collections_and_classes end # Handles the dynamic AddTo methods as well as the collections on the service def method_missing(name, *args) # Queries if @collections.include?(name.to_s) root = "/#{name.to_s.camelize}" root << "(#{args.join(',')})" unless args.empty? @query = return @query # Adds elsif name.to_s =~ /^AddTo(.*)/ type = $1 if @collections.include?(type) @save_operations <<"Add", $1, args[0]) else super end else super end end # Queues an object for deletion. To actually remove it from the server, you must call save_changes as well. # # ==== Required Attributes # - obj: The object to mark for deletion # # Note: This method will throw an exception if the +obj+ isn't a tracked entity def delete_object(obj) type = obj.class.to_s if obj.respond_to?(:__metadata) && !obj.send(:__metadata).nil? @save_operations <<"Delete", type, obj) else raise "You cannot delete a non-tracked entity" end end # Queues an object for update. To actually update it on the server, you must call save_changes as well. # # ==== Required Attributes # - obj: The object to queue for update # # Note: This method will throw an exception if the +obj+ isn't a tracked entity def update_object(obj) type = obj.class.to_s if obj.respond_to?(:__metadata) && !obj.send(:__metadata).nil? @save_operations <<"Update", type, obj) else raise "You cannot update a non-tracked entity" end end # Performs save operations (Create/Update/Delete) against the server def save_changes return nil if @save_operations.empty? result = nil if @save_operations.length == 1 result = single_save(@save_operations[0]) else result = batch_save(@save_operations) end # TODO: We should probably perform a check here # to make sure everything worked before clearing it out @save_operations.clear return result end # Performs query operations (Read) against the server def execute result =, @rest_options).get build_classes_from_result(result) end # Overridden to identify methods handled by method_missing def respond_to?(method) if @collections.include?(method.to_s) return true # Adds elsif method.to_s =~ /^AddTo(.*)/ type = $1 if @collections.include?(type) return true else super end else super end end private # Gets ssl certificate verification mode, or defaults to verify_peer def get_verify_mode if @options[:verify_ssl].nil? return OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER else return @options[:verify_ssl] end end # Build the classes required by the metadata def build_collections_and_classes @classes = doc = Nokogiri::XML("#{@uri}/$metadata", @rest_options).get) # Get the edm namespace edm_ns = doc.xpath("edmx:Edmx/edmx:DataServices/*", "edmx" => "").first.namespaces['xmlns'].to_s # Fill in the collections instance variable collections = doc.xpath("//edm:EntityContainer/edm:EntitySet", "edm" => edm_ns) @collections = collections.collect { |c| c["Name"] } # Build complex types first, these will be used for entities complex_types = doc.xpath("//edm:ComplexType", "edm" => edm_ns) || [] complex_types.each do |c| name = c['Name'] props = c.xpath(".//edm:Property", "edm" => edm_ns) methods = props.collect { |p| p['Name'] } # Standard Properties @classes[name] =, methods, []).build unless @classes.keys.include?(name) end entity_types = doc.xpath("//edm:EntityType", "edm" => edm_ns) entity_types.each do |e| name = e['Name'] props = e.xpath(".//edm:Property", "edm" => edm_ns) methods = props.collect { |p| p['Name'] } # Standard Properties nprops = e.xpath(".//edm:NavigationProperty", "edm" => edm_ns) nav_props = nprops.collect { |p| p['Name'] } # Standard Properties @classes[name] =, methods, nav_props).build unless @classes.keys.include?(name) end end # Helper to loop through a result and create an instance for each entity in the results def build_classes_from_result(result) doc = Nokogiri::XML(result) entries = doc.xpath("//atom:entry[not(ancestor::atom:entry)]", "atom" => "") return entry_to_class(entries[0]) if entries.length == 1 results = [] entries.each do |entry| results << entry_to_class(entry) end return results end # Converts an XML Entry into a class def entry_to_class(entry) # Retrieve the class name from the fully qualified name (the last string after the last dot) klass_name = entry.xpath("./atom:category/@term", "atom" => "").to_s.split('.')[-1] return nil if klass_name.empty? properties = entry.xpath(".//m:properties/*", { "m" => "" }) klass = @classes[klass_name].new # Fill metadata meta_id = entry.xpath("./atom:id", "atom" => "")[0].content klass.send :__metadata=, { :uri => meta_id } # Fill properties for prop in properties prop_name = klass.send "#{prop_name}=", parse_value(prop) end inline_links = entry.xpath("./atom:link[m:inline]", { "m" => "", "atom" => "" }) for link in inline_links inline_entries = link.xpath(".//atom:entry", "atom" => "") if inline_entries.length == 1 property_name = link.attributes['title'].to_s build_inline_class(klass, inline_entries[0], property_name) else # TODO: Test handling multiple children for inline_entry in inline_entries property_name = link.xpath("atom:link[@rel='edit']/@title", "atom" => "") # Build the class inline_klass = entry_to_class(inline_entry) # Add the property klass.send "#{property_name}=", inline_klass end end end return klass end def build_query_uri "#{@uri}#{@query.query}" end def build_inline_class(klass, entry, property_name) # Build the class inline_klass = entry_to_class(entry) # Add the property klass.send "#{property_name}=", inline_klass end def single_save(operation) if operation.kind == "Add" save_uri = "#{@uri}/#{operation.klass_name}" json_klass = operation.klass.to_json(:type => :add) post_result =, @rest_options).post json_klass, {:content_type => :json} return build_classes_from_result(post_result) elsif operation.kind == "Update" update_uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri] json_klass = operation.klass.to_json update_result =, @rest_options).put json_klass, {:content_type => :json} return (update_result.code == 204) elsif operation.kind == "Delete" delete_uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri] delete_result =, @rest_options).delete return (delete_result.code == 204) end end # Batch Saves def generate_guid rand(36**12).to_s(36).insert(4, "-").insert(9, "-") end def batch_save(operations) batch_num = generate_guid changeset_num = generate_guid batch_uri = "#{@uri}/$batch" body = build_batch_body(operations, batch_num, changeset_num) result = batch_uri, @rest_options).post body, {:content_type => "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_#{batch_num}"} # TODO: More result validation needs to be done. # The result returns HTTP 202 even if there is an error in the batch return (result.code == 202) end def build_batch_body(operations, batch_num, changeset_num) # Header body = "--batch_#{batch_num}\n" body << "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=changeset_#{changeset_num}\n\n" # Operations operations.each do |operation| body << build_batch_operation(operation, changeset_num) body << "\n" end # Footer body << "\n\n--changeset_#{changeset_num}--\n" body << "--batch_#{batch_num}--" return body end def build_batch_operation(operation, changeset_num) accept_headers = "Accept-Charset: utf-8\n" accept_headers << "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8\n" unless operation.kind == "Delete" accept_headers << "\n" content = "--changeset_#{changeset_num}\n" content << "Content-Type: application/http\n" content << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n\n" if operation.kind == "Add" save_uri = "#{@uri}/#{operation.klass_name}" json_klass = operation.klass.to_json(:type => :add) content << "POST #{save_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers content << json_klass elsif operation.kind == "Update" update_uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri] json_klass = operation.klass.to_json content << "PUT #{update_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers content << json_klass elsif operation.kind == "Delete" delete_uri = operation.klass.send(:__metadata)[:uri] content << "DELETE #{delete_uri} HTTP/1.1\n" content << accept_headers end return content end # Complex Types def complex_type_to_class(complex_type_xml) klass_name = complex_type_xml.attr('type').split('.')[-1] klass = @classes[klass_name].new # Fill in the properties properties = complex_type_xml.xpath(".//*") properties.each do |prop| klass.send "#{}=", parse_value(prop) end return klass end # Field Converters def parse_value(property_xml) property_type = property_xml.attr('type') property_null = property_xml.attr('null') # Handle a nil property type, this is a string return property_xml.content if property_type.nil? # Handle anything marked as null return nil if !property_null.nil? && property_null == "true" # Handle complex types return complex_type_to_class(property_xml) if !property_type.match(/^Edm/) # Handle integers return property_xml.content.to_i if property_type.match(/^Edm.Int/) # Handle decimals return property_xml.content.to_d if property_type.match(/Edm.Decimal/) # Handle DateTimes # return Time.parse(property_xml.content) if property_type.match(/Edm.DateTime/) if property_type.match(/Edm.DateTime/) sdate = property_xml.content # Assume this is UTC if no timezone is specified sdate = sdate + "Z" unless sdate.match(/Z|([+|-]\d{2}:\d{2})$/) return Time.parse(sdate) end # If we can't parse the value, just return the element's content property_xml.content end end end # module OData