// .revealjs-background-color // Demonstration of background color features of both reveal.js and what can be done with CSS. // :include: //div[@class="slides"] // :header_footer: = Colorful Presentation :backend: revealjs :customcss: background-color.css :topic: state=title :icons: font // classic [background-color="yellow"] == Hello // New: with roles backed by CSS (see background-color.css) [.red.background] == Here Red [.green] == We Green NOTE: Green background color shouldn't be applied to the whole slide [.blue.canvas] == Go Blue // role that alter style but not slide color [.topic] == Default color but fancy font // style role *and* color role (using shorthand markup) // could also be written in long form like this: // [role="topic red background"] [.topic.red.background] == fancy font and color!