require 'rubyneat' module DSLSetup include DSL # The number of inputs to the xor function XOR_INPUTS=2 # Basic xor function we shall evolve a net for. Only goes true # on one and only one true input, false otherwise. def xor(*inp) p = 0 inp.each {|i| p += 1 if i} return p == 1 end # This defines the controller define "Default Setup" do # Define the IO neurons inputs { cinv = Hash[(1..XOR_INPUTS).map{|i| [("i%s" % i).to_sym, InputNeuron]}] cinv[:bias] = BiasNeuron cinv } outputs out: SigmoidNeuron # Hidden neuron specification is optional. # The name given here is largely meaningless, but may be useful as some sort # of unique flag. hidden sig: SigmoidNeuron # Settings hash_on_fitness = false start_population_size 10 population_size 100 max_generations 50 start_sequence_at 0 end_sequence_at 10 end evolve do query { |seq| puts "Query called with seq %s" % seq } fitness { |vin, vout, seq| puts "Fitness called with vin=%s, vout=%s, seq=%s" % [vin, vout, seq] return 0.0 } end report do end # The block here is called upon the completion of each generation run_engine do |c| { "Run of generation %s completed, history count %d" % [c.generation_num, c.population_history.size] } end end class GraphTest include NEAT::Graph def initialize(i) @i = i end def to_s "node[%s]" % @i end end def pgraph(a, mess) puts "\n\n" + mess a.each{|g| puts " %s ->" % g g.inputs.each{|h| puts " %s" % h } } end def create_nodes(n) nodes = (1..n).map{ |i| i } n.times {|i| nodes[i].clear_graph i.times {|j| nodes[i] << nodes[j] }} nodes end describe NEAT do describe "::random_name_generator" do it "returns a random string" do s = NEAT::random_name_generator s.size.should > 0 end end describe "::Graph::DependencyResolver" do nodes_ff = create_nodes 5 pgraph nodes_ff, "Feed Forward" it "resolves depedencies" do depres =[nodes_ff.last]) dr, cl = depres.resolve log.debug { "\n**** dr=%s\n**** cl=%s" % [dr, cl] } dr.size.should == 5 cl.nil?.should == true end # we add a circular dependency between the first and last. nodes_c = create_nodes 5 nodes_c.first << nodes_c.last pgraph nodes_c, "Circluar Dependency" it "detects circular dependencies" do depres =[nodes_c.last]) dr, cl = depres.resolve log.debug { "\nxxxx dr=%s\nxxxx cl=%s" % [dr, cl] } dr.size.should == 5 cl.nil?.should_not == true end end end