<% title "#{@container.name.titleize} - #{@container.in_fog.name}" %> <%= stylesheet 'foreman_docker/terminal' %> <%= container_title_actions(@container) %>
<% Taxonomy.enabled_taxonomies.each do |taxonomy| %> <% end %>
<%= _('Properties') %>
<%= _('Name') %> <%= @container.in_fog.name %>
<%= _('Image Repository') %> <%= @container.repository_name %>
<%= _('Image Tag') %> <%= @container.tag %>
<%= _('IP Address') %> <%= @container.in_fog.ipaddress %>
<%= _('CPU shares') %> <%= @container.in_fog.cpu_shares %>
<%= _('CPU set') %> <%= @container.cpu_set %>
<%= _('UUID') %> <%= trunc_with_tooltip @container.in_fog.identity %>
<%= _('Memory') %> <%= number_to_human_size @container.in_fog.memory %>
<%= _('Command') %> <%= @container.in_fog.command %>
<%= _('Exposed ports') %> <% (@container.in_fog.exposed_ports || []).each do |exposed_port| %> <% pair = exposed_port.first.split("/") %> <% end %>
<%= pair.first %> <%= pair.second %>
<%= _('DNS') %> <% (@container.in_fog.attributes['host_config_dns'] || []).each do |dns| %> <%= dns %>
<% end %>
<%= _('Environment Variables') %> <% (@container.in_fog.environment_variables || []).each do |environment_variable| %> <% pair = environment_variable.split("=") %> <% end %>
<%= pair.first %> <%= pair.second %>
<%= _(taxonomy.humanize) %> <%= link_to_taxonomies(@container.send(:"#{taxonomy}")).html_safe %>
<%= _('Running on') %> <%= link_to @container.compute_resource, compute_resource_path(@container.compute_resource) %>
<% if @container.in_fog.ready? %>
<% processes(@container).each do |process| %>
-index' class='collapse accordion-body'>
<%= JSON.pretty_generate(process) %>
<% end %>

          <%= logs(@container, :stdout => true, :tail => 100) %>
<% else %>

<%= _("Notice") %>

<%= _("Your container is stopped.") %>

<%= _("Please turn on your container to see processes running, logs, and more.") %>

<% end %>