# encoding: utf-8 =begin gettext/textdomain_manager - GetText::TextDomainManager class Copyright (C) 2009 Masao Mutoh You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby or LGPL. =end require 'gettext/runtime/class_info' require 'gettext/runtime/textdomain' require 'gettext/runtime/textdomain_group' module GetText module TextDomainManager @@textdomain_pool = {} @@textdomain_group_pool = {} @@output_charset = nil @@gettext_classes = [] @@singular_message_cache = {} @@plural_message_cache = {} @@cached = ! $DEBUG extend self # Find textdomain by name def textdomain_pool(domainname) @@textdomain_pool[domainname] end # Set the value whether cache messages or not. # true to cache messages, otherwise false. # # Default is true. If $DEBUG is false, messages are not checked even if # this value is true. def cached=(val) @@cached = val TextDomain.cached = val end # Return the cached value. def cached? TextDomain.cached? end # Gets the output charset. def output_charset @@output_charset end # Sets the output charset.The program can have a output charset. def output_charset=(charset) @@output_charset = charset @@textdomain_pool.each do |key, textdomain| textdomain.output_charset = charset end end # bind textdomain to the class. def bind_to(klass, domainname, options = {}) warn "Bind the domain '#{domainname}' to '#{klass}'. " if $DEBUG charset = options[:output_charset] || self.output_charset textdomain = create_or_find_textdomain(domainname,options[:path],charset) target_klass = ClassInfo.normalize_class(klass) create_or_find_textdomain_group(target_klass).add(textdomain) @@gettext_classes << target_klass unless @@gettext_classes.include? target_klass textdomain end def each_textdomains(klass) #:nodoc: lang = Locale.candidates[0] ClassInfo.related_classes(klass, @@gettext_classes).each do |target| msg = nil if group = @@textdomain_group_pool[target] group.textdomains.each do |textdomain| yield textdomain, lang end end end end # Translates msgid, but if there are no localized text, # it returns a last part of msgid separeted "div" or whole of the msgid with no "div". # # * msgid: the message id. # * div: separator or nil. # * Returns: the localized text by msgid. If there are no localized text, # it returns a last part of msgid separeted "div". def translate_singluar_message(klass, msgid, div = nil) klass = ClassInfo.normalize_class(klass) key = [Locale.current, klass, msgid, div].hash msg = @@singular_message_cache[key] return msg if msg and @@cached # Find messages from related classes. each_textdomains(klass) do |textdomain, lang| msg = textdomain.translate_singluar_message(lang, msgid) break if msg end # If not found, return msgid. msg ||= msgid if div and msg == msgid if index = msg.rindex(div) msg = msg[(index + 1)..-1] end end @@singular_message_cache[key] = msg end # This function is similar to the get_singluar_message function # as it finds the message catalogs in the same way. # But it takes two extra arguments for plural form. # The msgid parameter must contain the singular form of the string to be converted. # It is also used as the key for the search in the catalog. # The msgid_plural parameter is the plural form. # The parameter n is used to determine the plural form. # If no message catalog is found msgid1 is returned if n == 1, otherwise msgid2. # And if msgid includes "div", it returns a last part of msgid separeted "div". # # * msgid: the singular form with "div". (e.g. "Special|An apple", "An apple") # * msgid_plural: the plural form. (e.g. "%{num} Apples") # * n: a number used to determine the plural form. # * div: the separator. Default is "|". # * Returns: the localized text which key is msgid_plural if n is plural(follow plural-rule) or msgid. # "plural-rule" is defined in po-file. # # or # # * [msgid, msgid_plural] : msgid and msgid_plural an Array # * n: a number used to determine the plural form. # * div: the separator. Default is "|". def translate_plural_message(klass, arg1, arg2, arg3 = "|", arg4 = "|") klass = ClassInfo.normalize_class(klass) # parse arguments if arg1.kind_of?(Array) msgid = arg1[0] msgid_plural = arg1[1] n = arg2 if arg3 and arg3.kind_of? Numeric raise ArgumentError, _("ngettext: 3rd parmeter is wrong: value = %{number}") % {:number => arg3} end div = arg3 else msgid = arg1 msgid_plural = arg2 raise ArgumentError, _("ngettext: 3rd parameter should be a number, not nil.") unless arg3 n = arg3 div = arg4 end key = [Locale.current, klass, msgid, msgid_plural, div].hash msgs = @@plural_message_cache[key] unless (msgs and @@cached) # Find messages from related classes. msgs = nil each_textdomains(klass) do |textdomain, lang| msgs = textdomain.translate_plural_message(lang, msgid, msgid_plural) break if msgs end msgs = [[msgid, msgid_plural], TextDomain::DEFAULT_PLURAL_CALC] unless msgs msgstrs = msgs[0] if div and msgstrs[0] == msgid and index = msgstrs[0].rindex(div) msgstrs[0] = msgstrs[0][(index + 1)..-1] end @@plural_message_cache[key] = msgs end # Return the singular or plural message. msgstrs = msgs[0] plural = msgs[1].call(n) return msgstrs[plural] if plural.kind_of?(Numeric) return plural ? msgstrs[1] : msgstrs[0] end # for testing. def clear_all_textdomains @@textdomain_pool = {} @@textdomain_group_pool = {} @@gettext_classes = [] clear_caches end # for testing. def clear_caches @@singular_message_cache = {} @@plural_message_cache = {} end def create_or_find_textdomain_group(klass) #:nodoc: group = @@textdomain_group_pool[klass] return group if group @@textdomain_group_pool[klass] = TextDomainGroup.new end def create_or_find_textdomain(name, path, charset)#:nodoc: textdomain = @@textdomain_pool[name] return textdomain if textdomain @@textdomain_pool[name] = TextDomain.new(name, path, charset) end end end