require 'pp' require 'mkmf' if ENV['MAINTAINER_MODE'] $stderr.puts "Maintainer mode enabled." $CFLAGS << ' -Wall' << ' -ggdb' << ' -DDEBUG' << ' -pedantic' end if pgdir = with_config( 'pg' ) ENV['PATH'] = "#{pgdir}/bin" + File::PATH_SEPARATOR + ENV['PATH'] end if ENV['CROSS_COMPILING'] $LDFLAGS << " -L#{CONFIG['libdir']}" # Link against all required libraries for static build, if they are available have_library( 'gdi32', 'CreateDC' ) && append_library( $libs, 'gdi32' ) have_library( 'secur32' ) && append_library( $libs, 'secur32' ) have_library( 'ws2_32', 'WSASocket') && append_library( $libs, 'ws2_32' ) have_library( 'crypto', 'BIO_new' ) && append_library( $libs, 'crypto' ) have_library( 'ssl', 'SSL_new' ) && append_library( $libs, 'ssl' ) end dir_config 'pg' if pgconfig = ( with_config('pg-config') || with_config('pg_config') || find_executable('pg_config') ) $stderr.puts "Using config values from %s" % [ pgconfig ] $CPPFLAGS << " -I%s" % [ `"#{pgconfig}" --includedir`.chomp ] $LDFLAGS << " -L%s" % [ `"#{pgconfig}" --libdir`.chomp ] else $stderr.puts "No pg_config... trying anyway. If building fails, please try again with", " --with-pg-config=/path/to/pg_config" end find_header( 'libpq-fe.h' ) or abort "Can't find the 'libpq-fe.h header" find_header( 'libpq/libpq-fs.h' ) or abort "Can't find the 'libpq/libpq-fs.h header" find_header( 'pg_config_manual.h' ) or abort "Can't find the 'pg_config_manual.h' header" abort "Can't find the PostgreSQL client library (libpq)" unless have_library( 'pq', 'PQconnectdb', ['libpq-fe.h'] ) || have_library( 'libpq', 'PQconnectdb', ['libpq-fe.h'] ) || have_library( 'ms/libpq', 'PQconnectdb', ['libpq-fe.h'] ) # optional headers/functions have_func 'PQconnectionUsedPassword' have_func 'PQisthreadsafe' have_func 'PQprepare' have_func 'PQexecParams' have_func 'PQescapeString' have_func 'PQescapeStringConn' have_func 'PQgetCancel' have_func 'lo_create' have_func 'pg_encoding_to_char' have_func 'pg_char_to_encoding' have_func 'PQsetClientEncoding' have_func 'rb_encdb_alias' have_func 'rb_enc_alias' $defs.push( "-DHAVE_ST_NOTIFY_EXTRA" ) if have_struct_member 'struct pgNotify', 'extra', 'libpq-fe.h' # unistd.h confilicts with ruby/win32.h when cross compiling for win32 and ruby 1.9.1 have_header 'unistd.h' have_header 'ruby/st.h' or have_header 'st.h' or abort "pg currently requires the ruby/st.h header" create_header() create_makefile( "pg_ext" )