# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.feature "Quantity Promotions" do given(:action) do Spree::Promotion::Actions::CreateQuantityAdjustments.create( calculator: calculator, preferred_group_size: 2 ) end given(:promotion) { FactoryBot.create(:promotion, code: "PROMO") } given(:calculator) { FactoryBot.create(:calculator, preferred_amount: 5) } background do create(:store) FactoryBot.create(:product, name: "DL-44") FactoryBot.create(:product, name: "E-11") promotion.actions << action visit spree.root_path click_link "DL-44" click_button "Add To Cart" end scenario "adding and removing items from the cart" do # Attempt to use the code with too few items. fill_in "Coupon code", with: "PROMO" click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content("This coupon code could not be applied to the cart at this time") # Add another item to our cart. visit spree.root_path click_link "DL-44" click_button "Add To Cart" # Using the code should now succeed. fill_in "Coupon code", with: "PROMO" click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content("The coupon code was successfully applied to your order") within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$10.00") end # Reduce quantity by 1, making promotion not apply. fill_in "order_line_items_attributes_0_quantity", with: 1 click_button "Update" expect(page).to_not have_content("#cart_adjustments") # Bump quantity to 3, making promotion apply "once." fill_in "order_line_items_attributes_0_quantity", with: 3 click_button "Update" within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$10.00") end # Bump quantity to 4, making promotion apply "twice." fill_in "order_line_items_attributes_0_quantity", with: 4 click_button "Update" within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$20.00") end end # Catches an earlier issue with quantity calculation. scenario "adding odd numbers of items to the cart" do # Bump quantity to 3 fill_in "order_line_items_attributes_0_quantity", with: 3 click_button "Update" # Apply the promo code and see a $10 discount (for 2 of the 3 items) fill_in "Coupon code", with: "PROMO" click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content("The coupon code was successfully applied to your order") within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$10.00") end # Add a different product to our cart with quantity of 2. visit spree.root_path click_link "E-11" fill_in "quantity", with: "2" click_button "Add To Cart" # We now have 5 items total, so discount should increase. within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$20.00") end end context "with a group size of 3" do given(:action) do Spree::Promotion::Actions::CreateQuantityAdjustments.create( calculator: calculator, preferred_group_size: 3 ) end background { FactoryBot.create(:product, name: "DC-15A") } scenario "odd number of changes to quantities" do fill_in "order_line_items_attributes_0_quantity", with: 3 click_button "Update" # Apply the promo code and see a $15 discount fill_in "Coupon code", with: "PROMO" click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content("The coupon code was successfully applied to your order") within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$15.00") end # Add two different products to our cart visit spree.root_path click_link "E-11" click_button "Add To Cart" within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$15.00") end # Reduce quantity of first item to 2 fill_in "order_line_items_attributes_0_quantity", with: 2 click_button "Update" within("#cart_adjustments") do expect(page).to have_content("-$15.00") end end end end