module ActsPermissive module PermissiveObject def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def is_used_permissively *args options = args.extract_options! options.assert_valid_keys(:active_resource) include ActsPermissive::PermissiveObject::InstanceMethods if options[:active_resource] include ActsPermissive::PermissiveObject::ActiveResourceSafeMethods else has_many :circlings, :as => :circleable, :class_name => "ActsPermissive::Circling", :dependent => :destroy has_many :circles, :through => :circlings, :class_name => "ActsPermissive::Circle" send :include, ActsPermissive::PermissiveObject::ActiveRecordSafeMethods end end end module InstanceMethods def is_used_permissively? true end #TODO: Refactor this shit! # One way to do this. Figure out a list of permission masks that would pass, # then use that to do a straight SQL query using "perm.mask IN [list]" def all_who_can *args # Get a list of users who can do whatever symbol based permissions are # listed. For instance # authors = @thing.all_who_can(:read, :write) warn "\nPermissiveObject::all_who_can works, yeah, but it's a time suck. Use Carefully!" if args.include?(:see) raise PermissiveError, "Can only use :see as an option by itself" if args.count > 1 return ActsPermissive::Grouping.who_can_see(self) end users = [] # Go through each user, go though each permission that user has for this object # (i.e. in all the objects circles), and if there's a permission that matches, # add the user to the list of users. ActsPermissive::Grouping.who_can_see(self).each do |user| user.permissions_for(self).each do |perm| #add up the bits and do a bitwise and to check permissions bits ={|o| o.class == Symbol}.map{|s| Permission.bit_for s}.inject(0){|sum, p| sum + p} users << user if perm.mask & bits == bits end end # we lazily add users in a loop, instead of using SQL, so we have to return only the unique set users.uniq end end module ActiveRecordSafeMethods def add_to *args args.each{|c| self.circles << c} save! end def remove_from *args args.each{|c| self.circles.delete c} save! end end module ActiveResourceSafeMethods def circlings ActsPermissive::Circling.all :conditions => {:circleable_id =>, :circleable_type =>} end def circles ActsPermissive::Circle.find{|i| i.circle_id} end def add_to *args args.each do |arg| ActsPermissive::Circling.create! :circleable_id =>, :circleable_type =>, :circle_id => end end def remove_from *args args.each do |arg| raise "Must be a circle" if arg.class != Circle circles = ActsPermissive::Circling.first(:conditions => { :circle_id =>, :circleable_id =>, :circleable_type =>}).destroy end end end end end