module Spaceship class Base class << self attr_accessor :client def client @client || Spaceship.client end #set client and return self for chaining def set_client(client) self.client = client self end ## # bang method since it changes the parameter in-place def remap_keys!(attrs) return if attr_mapping.nil? attr_mapping.each do |from, to| attrs[to] = attrs.delete(from) end end def attr_mapping(attr_map = nil) if attr_map @attr_mapping = attr_map else @attr_mapping ||= ancestors[1].attr_mapping rescue nil end end ## # Call a method to return a subclass constant. # # If `method_sym` is an underscored name of a class, # return the class with the current client passed into it. # If the method does not match, NoMethodError is raised. # # Example: # # Certificate.production_push # #=> Certificate::ProductionPush # # ProvisioningProfile.ad_hoc # #=> ProvisioningProfile::AdHoc # # ProvisioningProfile.some_other_method # #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `some_other_method' for ProvisioningProfile def method_missing(method_sym, *args, &block) module_name = method_sym.to_s module_name.sub!(/^[a-z\d]/) { $&.upcase } module_name.gsub!(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d])/) { $2.upcase } const_name = "#{}::#{module_name}" # if const_defined?(const_name) klass = const_get(const_name) klass.set_client(@client) # else # super # end end end def initialize(attrs = {}) self.class.remap_keys!(attrs) attrs.each do |key, val| self.send("#{key}=", val) if respond_to?("#{key}=") end @client = self.class.client end def client @client end def inspect inspectables = instance_variables - [:@client] inspect_vars = do |ivar| val = instance_variable_get(ivar) "#{ivar}=#{val.inspect}" end "\n#<#{}\n\t#{inspect_vars.join("\n\t")}>" end end end