# frozen_string_literal: true module AppMap module Util class << self # scenario_filename builds a suitable file name from a scenario name. # Special characters are removed, and the file name is truncated to fit within # shell limitations. def scenario_filename(name, max_length: 255, separator: '_', extension: '.appmap.json') # Cribbed from v5 version of ActiveSupport:Inflector#parameterize: # https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/v5.2.4/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/transliterate.rb#L92 # Replace accented chars with their ASCII equivalents. fname = name.encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '_') # Turn unwanted chars into the separator. fname.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\-_]+/i, separator) re_sep = Regexp.escape(separator) re_duplicate_separator = /#{re_sep}{2,}/ re_leading_trailing_separator = /^#{re_sep}|#{re_sep}$/i # No more than one of the separator in a row. fname.gsub!(re_duplicate_separator, separator) # Finally, Remove leading/trailing separator. fname.gsub!(re_leading_trailing_separator, '') if (fname.length + extension.length) > max_length require 'base64' require 'digest' fname_digest = Base64.urlsafe_encode64 Digest::MD5.digest(fname), padding: false fname[max_length - fname_digest.length - extension.length - 1..-1] = [ '-', fname_digest ].join end [ fname, extension ].join end # sanitize_paths removes ephemeral values from objects with # embedded paths (e.g. an event or a classmap), making events # easier to compare across runs. def sanitize_paths(h) require 'hashie' h.extend(Hashie::Extensions::DeepLocate) keys = %i(path location) entries = h.deep_locate ->(k,v,o) { next unless keys.include?(k) fix = ->(v) {v.gsub(%r{#{Gem.dir}/gems/.*(?=lib)}, '')} keys.each {|k| o[k] = fix.(o[k]) if o[k] } } h end # sanitize_event removes ephemeral values from an event, making # events easier to compare across runs. def sanitize_event(event, &block) event.delete(:thread_id) event.delete(:elapsed) delete_object_id = ->(obj) { (obj || {}).delete(:object_id) } delete_object_id.call(event[:receiver]) delete_object_id.call(event[:return_value]) (event[:parameters] || []).each(&delete_object_id) (event[:exceptions] || []).each(&delete_object_id) case event[:event] when :call sanitize_paths(event) end event end end end end