class Function attr_accessor :instructions, :source def initialize(param) if param.is_a?(String) @source = param @instructions = compile(param) else @instructions = param end end def inspect(instruction=nil) instruction ||= self.instructions name = instruction.shift parameters = instruction.collect do |parameter| if parameter.is_a?(Array) inspect(parameter) else parameter end end "#{name}(#{parameters.join(', ')})" end # ---------------------------------------- # Compilation # ---------------------------------------- CALL_TOKEN = '.' START_PARAMS_TOKEN = '(' END_PARAMS_TOKEN = ')' START_HASH_TOKEN = '{' END_HASH_TOKEN = '}' PARAM_DELIM_TOKEN = ',' HASH_DELIM_TOKEN = ':' ENTRY_FLAG = '!' DOUBLE_QUOTE_TOKEN = '"' SINGLE_QUOTE_TOKEN = "'" def compile(source) tokens = source.scan(/[\w\-\+]+|\.|\(|\)|\{|\}|:|,|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'/) parse(tokens) end def parse(tokens) params = false chain = false hash = false instructions = [] until tokens.empty? token = tokens.shift case token[0] when CALL_TOKEN chain = true when START_PARAMS_TOKEN params = true instructions += parse(tokens) when END_PARAMS_TOKEN tokens.unshift(END_PARAMS_TOKEN) unless params break when ENTRY_FLAG hash = true instructions << ['entry'] + parse(tokens) when START_HASH_TOKEN tokens.unshift(ENTRY_FLAG) instructions << ['hash'] + parse(tokens) when END_HASH_TOKEN tokens.unshift(END_HASH_TOKEN) if hash break when HASH_DELIM_TOKEN instructions += parse(tokens) when PARAM_DELIM_TOKEN if params || hash tokens.unshift(ENTRY_FLAG) if hash instructions += parse(tokens) else tokens.unshift(PARAM_DELIM_TOKEN) break end when DOUBLE_QUOTE_TOKEN, SINGLE_QUOTE_TOKEN instructions << ['string', token[1...-1]] else if tokens.first == START_PARAMS_TOKEN instructions << [token] + parse(tokens) elsif token.to_i.to_s == token instructions << ['int', token] else instructions << ['field', token] end end end if chain [['chain'] + instructions] else instructions end end # ---------------------------------------- # Execution # ---------------------------------------- def execute(context, instruction=nil, parent_context=nil) instruction ||= self.instructions.first name, *params = instruction parent_context ||= context case name when 'chain' chain(context, parent_context, params) when 'field' get_field(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'find' find_record(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'changed' changed(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'previous_value' previous_value(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'collect' collect(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'majority' majority(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'count' count(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'invert' invert(context) when 'unique' unique(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'average' average(context, parent_context, params) when 'as_a_percentage_of' as_a_percentage_of(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'present' present(context) when 'blank' blank(context) when 'sum' sum(context, parent_context, params) when 'subtract' subtract(context, parent_context, params) when 'multiply' multiply(context, parent_context, params) when 'round' round(context) when 'if' binary_if(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1], params[2]) when 'greater_than' greater_than(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'greater_than_or_equal_to' greater_than_or_equal_to(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'less_than' less_than(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'less_than_or_equal_to' less_than_or_equal_to(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'not_equal' not_equal(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'and' binary_and(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'or' binary_or(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'include' set_include(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'strip' strip(context) when 'format' format(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'set' set_field(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'update' update_field(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'min' min(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'max' max(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'increment' increment(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'complement' complement(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'each' each(context, parent_context, params.first) when 'deliver' deliver_email(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) when 'call_api' call_api(context, parent_context, params[0], params[1]) # literals when 'string' params.first when 'int' params.first.to_i when 'hash' Hash[params.collect {|entry| execute(context, entry, parent_context)}] when 'entry' [execute(context, params.first, parent_context), execute(context, params.last, parent_context)] end end protected def chain(context, parent_context, methods) #parent_context = context methods.each do |method| context = execute(context, method, parent_context) end context end def get_field(context, parent_context, name) case name when 'self' context when 'root' parent_context # TODO: these should be caught as booleans instead of being treated as field names when 'true' true when 'false' false else context.get(name) end rescue nil end def find_record(context, parent_context, model_name, key) raise "Parent context of find_record must respond to site" unless parent_context.respond_to?(:site) model_name = execute(context, model_name, parent_context) key = execute(context, key, parent_context) model = if key == 'id' value = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(context) else value = context end model.where(key => value).first end def previous_value(context, parent_context, name) context.field_was(execute(context, name, parent_context)) end # TODO: change format from changed('name') to name.changed def changed(context, parent_context, name) context.changed?(execute(context, name, parent_context)) end def set_field(context, parent_context, field, value) field = execute(parent_context, field, parent_context) value = execute(parent_context, value, parent_context) context.set(field, value) end def update_field(context, parent_context, field, value) set_field(context, parent_context, field, value) end def increment(context, parent_context, field, value) field = execute(context, field, parent_context) value = execute(context, value, parent_context) context.increment!(field, value) end def collect(context, parent_context, field) raise "Context to collect must respond to collect" unless context.respond_to?(:collect) context.collect {|item| execute(item, field, parent_context)} end def each(context, parent_context, statement) raise "Context to each must respond to each" unless context.respond_to?(:each) context.each {|item| execute(item, statement, parent_context)} end def majority(context, parent_context, field) unless context.respond_to?(:size) && context.respond_to?(:count) raise "Majority context must be enumerable" end valid = context.count {|item| execute(item, field, parent_context)} valid >= (context.size - valid) end def count(context, parent_context, field) unless context.respond_to?(:size) && context.respond_to?(:count) raise "Count context must be enumerable" end if field.nil? context.size else context.count {|item| execute(item, field, parent_context)} end end def invert(context) !context end def unique(context, parent_context, field) collect(context, parent_context, field).uniq end def average(context, parent_context, params) if context.respond_to?(:collect) && context.respond_to?(:size) && params.size == 1 count = context.size else count = params.size end return 0.0 if count == 0 sum(context, parent_context, params).to_f / count.to_f end def as_a_percentage_of(context, parent_context, count) count = execute(context, count, parent_context) context = context.to_f count = count.to_f if context == 0 || count == 0 return 0 else (context / count) * 100 end end def present(context) context.present? end def blank(context) context.blank? end def sum(context, parent_context, params) if context.respond_to?(:collect) && params.size == 1 collect(context, parent_context, params.first).compact.inject(&:+) else params.collect {|method| execute(context, method, parent_context)}.compact.inject(&:+) end end def subtract(context, parent_context, params) if context.respond_to?(:collect) && params.size == 1 collect(context, parent_context, params.first).compact.inject(&:-) else params.collect {|method| execute(context, method, parent_context)}.compact.inject(&:-) end end def multiply(context, parent_context, params) if context.respond_to?(:collect) && params.size == 1 collect(context, parent_context, params.first).compact.inject(&:*) else params.collect {|method| execute(context, method, parent_context)}.compact.inject(&:*) end end def complement(context, parent_context, set1, set2) set1 = execute(context, set1, parent_context) set2 = execute(context, set2, parent_context) raise "Sets must be iterable" unless set1.respond_to?(:to_a) && set2.respond_to?(:to_a) set2.to_a - set1.to_a end def set_include(context, parent_context, item) item = execute(context, item, parent_context) raise "Context must respond to include?" unless context.respond_to?(:include?) context.include?(item) end def round(context) context.to_f.round end def binary_if(context, parent_context, condition, true_exp, false_exp) if execute(context, condition, parent_context) execute(context, true_exp, parent_context) if true_exp else execute(context, false_exp, parent_context) if false_exp end end def greater_than(context, parent_context, value) value = execute(parent_context, value, parent_context) context > value end def less_than(context, parent_context, value) value = execute(parent_context, value, parent_context) context < value end def greater_than_or_equal_to(context, parent_context, value) value = execute(parent_context, value, parent_context) context >= value end def less_than_or_equal_to(context, parent_context, value) value = execute(parent_context, value, parent_context) context <= value end def not_equal(context, parent_context, value) value = execute(parent_context, value, parent_context) context != value end def binary_and(context, parent_context, operand1, operand2) operand1 = execute(context, operand1, parent_context) if operand2 operand2 = execute(context, operand2, parent_context) operand1 && operand2 else context && operand1 end end def binary_or(context, parent_context, operand1, operand2) operand1 = execute(context, operand1, parent_context) if operand2 operand2 = execute(context, operand2, parent_context) operand1 || operand2 else context || operand1 end end def strip(context) context.to_s.strip end def deliver_email(context, parent_context, name, hash) raise "Context of deliver_email must respond to site" unless context.respond_to?(:site) email =[execute(context, name, parent_context)] email.deliver(execute(context, hash, parent_context)) end def call_api(context, parent_context, name, hash) raise "Context of call_api must respond to site" unless context.respond_to?(:site) api =[execute(context, name, parent_context)], hash, parent_context)) end def format(context, parent_context, str) str = execute(context, str, parent_context) str.gsub(/{{\s*([\w\.]+)\s*}}/) do |field| fn =$1) fn.execute(context, nil, parent_context) end end # TODO: add call styles to min and max: # items.min(index) # items.collect(index).min # min(one, two) def min(context, parent_context, one, two) [execute(context, one, parent_context), execute(context, two, parent_context)].min end def max(context, parent_context, one, two) [execute(context, one, parent_context), execute(context, two, parent_context)].max end end