# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :rolling do desc 'Setup servers to be used for (rolling) deployment' task :setup do config.autoscale_groups.each do |group| if group.rolling? logger.info "Auto Scaling Group: **#{group.name}**, rolling deployment strategy." # If we've already launched an instance with this image, then skip it. next unless config.instances.with_image(group.launch_template.image_id).empty? instance = Capistrano::ASG::Rolling::Instance.run(autoscaling_group: group, overrides: config.instance_overrides) logger.info "Launched Instance: **#{instance.id}**" config.instances << instance logger.verbose "Adding server: **#{instance.ip_address}**" # Add server to the Capistrano server list. server(instance.ip_address, group.properties) else logger.info "Auto Scaling Group: **#{group.name}**, standard deployment strategy." group.instances.each_with_index do |instance, index| if index.zero? && group.properties.key?(:primary_roles) server_properties = group.properties.dup server_properties[:roles] = server_properties.delete(:primary_roles) else server_properties = group.properties end logger.verbose "Adding server: **#{instance.ip_address}**" # Add server to the Capistrano server list. server(instance.ip_address, server_properties) end end end unless config.instances.empty? logger.info 'Waiting for SSH to be available...' config.instances.wait_for_ssh end end desc 'Update Auto Scaling Groups: create AMIs, update Launch Templates and start Instance Refresh' task :update do if config.rolling_update? && !config.instances.empty? logger.info 'Stopping instance(s)...' config.instances.stop logger.info 'Creating AMI(s)...' amis = config.instances.create_ami(description: revision_log_message) logger.info 'Updating Launch Template(s) with the new AMI(s)...' launch_templates = config.autoscale_groups.launch_templates updated_templates = launch_templates.update(amis: amis, description: revision_log_message) logger.info 'Triggering Instance Refresh on Auto Scaling Group(s)...' updated_templates.each do |launch_template| config.autoscale_groups.with_launch_template(launch_template).each do |group| group.start_instance_refresh(launch_template) logger.verbose "Successfully started Instance Refresh on Auto Scaling Group **#{group.name}**." rescue Capistrano::ASG::Rolling::InstanceRefreshFailed => e logger.info "Failed to start Instance Refresh on Auto Scaling Group **#{group.name}**: #{e.message}" end end config.launch_templates.merge(updated_templates) end end desc 'Clean up old Launch Template versions and AMIs and terminate instances' task :cleanup do unless config.launch_templates.empty? # Keep track of deleted AMIs, so we can clean up Launch Templates that use the same AMI. deleted_amis = [] logger.info 'Cleaning up old Launch Template version(s) and AMI(s)...' config.launch_templates.each do |launch_template| launch_template.previous_versions.reject(&:default_version?).drop(config.keep_versions).each do |version| # Need to retrieve AMI before deleting the Launch Template version. ami = version.ami exists = ami.exists? deleted = deleted_amis.include?(ami) if !exists && !deleted logger.warning("AMI **#{ami.id}** does not exist for Launch Template **#{version.name}** version **#{version.version}**.") next end # Only clean up when AMI was tagged by us. next if exists && !ami.tag?('capistrano-asg-rolling:version') logger.verbose "Deleting Launch Template **#{version.name}** version **#{version.version}**..." version.delete next if deleted logger.verbose "Deleting AMI **#{ami.id}** and snapshots..." ami.delete deleted_amis << ami end end end instances = config.instances.auto_terminate if instances.any? logger.info 'Terminating instance(s)...' begin instances.terminate rescue Capistrano::ASG::Rolling::InstanceTerminateFailed => e logger.warning "Failed to terminate Instance **#{e.instance.id}**: #{e.message}" end end end desc 'Launch Instances by marking instances to not automatically terminate' task :launch_instances do if config.instances.any? config.instances.each do |instance| instance.auto_terminate = false end else logger.error 'No instances have been launched. Are you using a configuration with rolling deployments?' exit 1 end end desc 'Do a test deployment: run the deploy task but do not trigger the update ASG task and do not automatically terminate instances' task :deploy_test do config.rolling_update = false if config.instances.any? config.instances.each do |instance| instance.auto_terminate = false end else logger.error 'No instances have been launched. Are you using a configuration with rolling deployments?' exit 1 end invoke 'deploy' end desc 'Create an AMI from an Instance in the Auto Scaling Groups' task :create_ami do config.autoscale_groups.each do |group| logger.info 'Selecting instance to create AMI from...' # Pick a random instance, put it in standby and create an AMI. instance = group.instances.sample if instance logger.info "Instance **#{instance.id}** entering standby state..." group.enter_standby(instance) logger.info 'Creating AMI...' ami = instance.create_ami(description: revision_log_message) logger.info "Instance **#{instance.id}** exiting standby state..." group.exit_standby(instance) logger.info 'Updating Launch Template with the new AMI...' launch_template = group.launch_template launch_template.create_version(image_id: ami.id, description: revision_log_message) config.launch_templates << launch_template else logger.error 'Unable to create AMI. No instance with a valid state was found in the Auto Scaling Group.' end end end desc 'Get status of instance refresh' task :instance_refresh_status do if config.wait_for_instance_refresh? groups = config.autoscale_groups.to_h { |group| [group.name, group] } while groups.any? groups.each do |name, group| refresh = group.latest_instance_refresh if refresh.nil? || refresh.completed? logger.info "Auto Scaling Group: **#{name}**, completed with status '#{refresh.status}'." if refresh.completed? groups.delete(name) elsif !refresh.percentage_complete.nil? logger.info "Auto Scaling Group: **#{name}**, #{refresh.percentage_complete}% completed, status '#{refresh.status}'." else logger.info "Auto Scaling Group: **#{name}**, status '#{refresh.status}'." end end next if groups.empty? wait_for = config.instance_refresh_polling_interval logger.info "Instance refresh(es) not completed, waiting #{wait_for} seconds..." sleep wait_for end end end end