module Katello module Concerns module OrganizationExtensions extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do audited :only => [:manifest_refreshed_at] ALLOWED_DEFAULT_INFO_TYPES = %w(system distributor).freeze include ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionSubject prepend ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionTriggering include Glue::Candlepin::Owner include Glue include Katello::Authorization::Organization include Ext::LabelFromName has_many :activation_keys, :class_name => "Katello::ActivationKey", :dependent => :destroy has_many :providers, :class_name => "Katello::Provider", :dependent => :destroy has_many :products, :class_name => "Katello::Product", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization # has_many :environments is already defined in Foreman taxonomy.rb has_many :kt_environments, :class_name => "Katello::KTEnvironment", :dependent => :restrict_with_exception, :inverse_of => :organization has_one :library, lambda { where(:library => true) }, :class_name => "Katello::KTEnvironment", :dependent => :destroy has_many :gpg_keys, :class_name => "Katello::ContentCredential", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :sync_plans, :class_name => "Katello::SyncPlan", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :host_collections, :class_name => "Katello::HostCollection", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :contents, :class_name => "Katello::Content", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :content_views, :class_name => "Katello::ContentView", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :content_view_environments, :through => :content_views has_many :task_statuses, :class_name => "Katello::TaskStatus", :dependent => :destroy, :as => :task_owner has_many :subscriptions, :class_name => "Katello::Subscription", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :pools, :class_name => "Katello::Pool", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization has_many :product_contents, :through => :products has_many :repositories, :through => :products has_one :cdn_configuration, :class_name => "Katello::CdnConfiguration", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :organization #older association has_many :org_tasks, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "Katello::TaskStatus", :inverse_of => :organization attr_accessor :statistics scope :with_upstream_pools, -> { joins(:pools).merge(Katello::Pool.upstream).distinct } scope :having_name_or_label, ->(name_or_label) { where("name = :id or label = :id", :id => name_or_label) } scope :created_in_katello, -> { where(created_in_katello: true) } scope :not_created_in_katello, -> { where.not(created_in_katello: true) } scoped_search :on => :label, :complete_value => :true after_create :associate_default_capsule after_create :associate_default_http_proxy validates_with Validators::KatelloLabelFormatValidator, :attributes => :label validates :label, :uniqueness => true # intentionally placed this callback here after all associations # so that it will execute after :dependent => :destroy before_destroy :destroy_taxable_taxonomies def self.non_audited_columns super | [:created_in_katello] end def default_content_view ContentView.default.where(:organization_id => end def default_content_view_version default_content_view.versions.first end def promotion_paths #I'm sure there's a better way to do this self.kt_environments.joins(:priors).where("prior_id = #{}").order(:name).collect do |env| env.path end end def redhat_provider self.providers.redhat.first end def redhat_account_number pools.upstream.pluck(:account_number).first end def active_pools_count self.pools.where.not(:unmapped_guest => true).count end def anonymous_provider self.providers.anonymous.first end def manifest_imported? owner_details['upstreamConsumer'].present? end def manifest_expired? manifest_expiry = owner_details.dig(:upstreamConsumer, :idCert, :serial, :expiration) if manifest_expiry DateTime.parse(manifest_expiry) < else false end end def manifest_history { |i| } end def repo_discovery_task self.task_statuses.where(:task_type => :repo_discovery).order('created_at DESC').first end def associate_default_capsule smart_proxy = SmartProxy.pulp_primary smart_proxy.organizations << self if smart_proxy end def associate_default_http_proxy if (default_proxy = ::HttpProxy.default_global_content_proxy) default_proxy.organizations << self end end def validate_destroy(current_org) def_error = _("Could not delete organization '%s'.") % [] if (current_org == self) [def_error, _("The current organization cannot be deleted. Please switch to a different organization before deleting.")] elsif (Organization.count == 1) [def_error, _("At least one organization must exist.")] end end def clear_manifest_expired_notifications NotificationBlueprint.find_by(name: 'manifest_expired_warning').notifications.where(:subject => self).destroy_all end def redhat_repository_url cdn_configuration.url end def being_deleted? ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask.for_action(::Actions::Katello::Organization::Destroy). for_resource(self).active.any? end def destroy! unless destroy fail self.errors.full_messages.join('; ') end end def self.check_informable_type!(informable_type, options = {}) defaults = { :message => _("Informable Type must be one of the following [ %{list} ]") % { :list => ALLOWED_DEFAULT_INFO_TYPES.join(", ") }, :error => RuntimeError } options = defaults.merge(options) unless ALLOWED_DEFAULT_INFO_TYPES.include?(informable_type) fail options[:error], options[:message] end end def syncable_content? products.any?(&:syncable_content?) end def enabled_product_content_for(roots) Katello::ProductContent.joins(:content).where(:product_id => self.products.enabled, "#{::Katello::Content.table_name}.cp_content_id" => end def enabled_product_content Katello::ProductContent.where(:product_id => self.products.enabled.redhat) end def filtered_product_content filtered_content = [] products.each do |product| filtered_content << { |pc| !block_given? || yield(pc) } end filtered_content.flatten.sort_by { |pc| } end # overwrite methods generated by ancestry gem for organization.rb def parent=(_parent) fail ::Foreman::Exception, N_("You cannot set an organization's parent. This feature is disabled.") end def parent_id=(_parent_id) fail ::Foreman::Exception, N_("You cannot set an organization's parent_id. This feature is disabled.") end def latest_repo_discovery ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask.for_action(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Discover) .where(user: ::User.current).order("started_at").last end def cancel_repo_discovery discovery = latest_repo_discovery if discovery discovery.execution_plan.steps.each_pair do |_num, step| if step.cancellable? && step.is_a?(Dynflow::ExecutionPlan::Steps::RunStep),, Dynflow::Action::Cancellable::Cancel) end end end discovery end def regenerate_ueber_cert ::Katello::Resources::Candlepin::Owner.generate_ueber_cert(self.label) end def expiring_subscriptions end def notification_recipients_ids users = User.unscoped.all.find_all do |user| user.can?(:import_manifest) && user.can?(:view_organizations, self) end users.pluck(:id) end def audit_manifest_action(message) self.manifest_refreshed_at = self.audit_comment = message # we skip validating here because the complex taxonomy relationships can cause a lot of unexpected issues. # This should be a simple transaction that happens on an important action in the user's workflow. # It would be hard to create any new invalid relationships at this step, so the validation # doesn't provide much benefit for the frustration it creates. false) end def upstream_consumer end end end end end class ::Organization::Jail < ::Safemode::Jail allow :label end