module Grizzly module Enumerable include ::Enumerable %i[ max min minmax_by sort_by find_all filter_map reject reject! filter filter! select select! take_while reverse_each min_by max_by find_index drop_while chunk chunk_while each_slice each_cons each_entry each_with_index flat_map collect_concat find detect uniq collect map ].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| subgroup super(*args, &block) end end %i[minmax sort].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| subgroup super(*args, &block) end end %i[to_enum slice_when slice_before slice_after].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| new_enumerator super(*args, &block) end end def grep(*args) raise NotImplementedError, "#{__method__} can't be supported. See" end def grep_v(*args) raise NotImplementedError, "#{__method__} can't be supported. See" end def zip(*other_arrays) result = super return result unless result.is_a?(Array) type = :self other_arrays.each do |array| case array when self.class when Grizzly::Collection type = :group else type = :array break end end case type when :self then { |a| new_collection(a) } when :group then { |a| } else result end end def partition(*args) result = super return new_enumerator(result) if result.is_a?(::Enumerator) return result unless result.is_a?(Array) [new_collection(result[0]), new_collection(result[1])] end def group_by(*args) result = super return new_enumerator(result) if result.is_a?(::Enumerator) return result unless result.is_a?(Hash) result.each do |key, value| result[key] = new_collection(value) end end def first(*args) result = super return result if args == [] subgroup(result) end # Lazy related methods def lazy new_lazy_enumerator(super) end private def subgroup(result) return result if is_self?(result) return new_enumerator(result) if result.is_a?(::Enumerator) return result unless result.is_a?(Array) new_collection(result) end def instantiating_class self.class end def new_collection(array) end def new_enumerator(enum), instantiating_class: instantiating_class) end def new_lazy_enumerator(lazy), instantiating_class: instantiating_class) end def is_self?(obj) obj.object_id.eql? object_id end end end